The Nigerian Connection

JFK’s counterpart

When we first started our blog four years ago, we used to get occasional peculiar synchro stories from a Nigerian man living in London. The theme of his synchros have always been the same, comparing Nigerian political figures with American ones. He searches backgrounds to find commonalities linking the cross-Atlantic figures. We were never certain what these connections were supposed to mean, or infer, but we posted several of them.

A couple of years passed and we had not heard from Augustine and just a day or two ago, he came to mind and I wondered what had happened to him. So this morning (2-23), I was surprised – well, maybe not so surprised – to find an e-mail from Augustine with more of the same. This time he takes three American presidents and finds Nigerian counterparts, or at least connections between the American and Nigerian figures.

We’ll post it, more or less, as it was received.
> Between the U.S. and Nigeria by Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth, London, England. <

There are interesting developments betwen the United states and Nigeria in respect of
John F.Kennedy (JFK) and John Kayode Fayemi (JKF), Barack Obama and Abiola Ajimobi, and Bill Clinton and Olusegun Obasanjo

JFK and JKF are both Catholics
JFK and JKF both attened three different universities
JFK Harvard, Princeton and London School of Economics
JKF, University of Lagos, University of Ife, and Kings college London
JFK fought in the second world War
JKF is a PHd in War studies
JFK was into Civil rights and JKF into Human rights.
JKF assummed office on October 15 2010 the the 48th anniversary of the most important event in the JFK administration.-The Cuban Missile crisis when the world stood on the precipice of a Nuclear War. Over 100 million would have been killed
JFK was President of the U.S. and JKF Governor of Ekiti State

>Barack Obama and Abiola Ajimobi <
Obama and Ajimobi were bot fathered by Muslims
Obama and Ajimobi were both senators.
Obama from Chicago, capital of mid west America, home of the  world”s  first skyscraperthird largest city in the U.S., founded in the 19th century
Ajimobi from Ibadan, political capital of south west Nigeria, home of the  first Nigerian skyscraper,third largest city in Nigeria also founded in the 19th century.
Obama and Ajimobi are both associated with a citizenship controversy.
Obama, president of the U.S. and Ajimobi, Governor of Oyo State.

> OF Bill Clinton and Olusegun Obasanjo (Not my original  by an anonymous writerl) <
Clinton and Obasanjo are both Baptist and both served as Presidents  of the U.s. and Nigeria for eight years
Clinton and Obasanjo were both born on a Tuesday
Clinton has the name, seven letters, starting with w and ending with M, William
Obasanjo has the name , seven letters, starting with M and ending with W, Matthew

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9 Responses to The Nigerian Connection

  1. shadow says:

    what???? how is this possible???

  2. I think these sort of synchros come under the ‘fun’ category, always interesting though.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Similar to Clinton, according to his biographers, JFK really enjoyed cheeseburgers and french-fries from junk-food restaurants!!!

  4. DJan says:

    Interesting guy, and an interesting set of synchros. I don’t know if you listen to NPR, but last week they had the most intriguing program about coincidences. You can still listen to the podcast if you want. I sure enjoyed it, and of course you came to mind every other minute. Download “This American Life” to listen to it. 🙂

  5. Darren B says:

    I wouldn’t be one bit surprised to find out that
    JFK and JKF both liked KFC either .-)

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