‘Right in your backyard’


Here’s a video of a speech by Paul Hellyer, former Canadian minister of defense. He has gone from Canadian politics to exo-politics. He’s a strong proponent of governments releasing UFO documents and revealing their involvement in UFO/alien matters.

The synchronicity for us comes at the 5:56 minute mark when Hellyer inadvertently gives our book a plug…and the crowd cheers. We laughed when he heard it and had to play it again.

But a better plug –and a real one–comes to us from Whitley Strieber. Here’s what he had to say:

Trish and Rob MacGregor have written a sobering, engaging and important book about the mysterious subject of alien abduction. When I read it, I was reminded how little we know about this incredible, complex and enigmatic subject, and just how much light this insightful book sheds on it.

If we are going to understand this phenomenon, books such as this are essential. Read it and wonder: what have we missed about our world? Perhaps the most important thing that has ever happened.

Aliens in the Backyard is a treasure.

Whitley Strieber


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36 Responses to ‘Right in your backyard’

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes, MomWithWings, I do get unexplained bruises. They appear of the pulse points of each of my wrists, and in their center, there is always a puncture mark as if a needle has been inserted. These bruises fade within a few hours, as opposed to “normal” bruises which go through a series of color changes over a period of time, usually of a few days, before completely disappearing. I’ve had these appear after black helicopters hover our home, and once in a great while after an encounter. My sense of this is that they are either taking something from my body, or putting something into my body. This has gone on for years, and continues.

  2. Momwithwings says:

    Wow, this has been an interesting discussion to read.

    On a personal note, as someone who is psychic and has had contact, I have had a negative “feeling” about a speaker where others have not. I cannot always explain it but will “agree to disagree” with the others. We all have different experiences and are at different points in our lives and this can also lead to very different reactions.

    As always, these discussions lead me again to explore and form my own opinions.

    I’m sorry, but is it me? I don’t understand Whoot at all.

    R&T: I found it eye opening to find out that it was Randi hacking the old site. He was so negative and so “unopen” to even listen to different ideas! I feel sorry for people like that because it tells me that they are so full of fear.

    I do not believe that “greys” are robots. I think “they” put that image out.

    Lastly, I found out that one of my daughters has gotten the same bruises on her ankles that I have, she also has many of the same medical ailments that I have such as endometriosis. Anyone else have strange bruises?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Not Randi per se, but one of his skeptical followers. Interesting about the possibility that grays project an image of themselves as robots. Math gets strange bruises…

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Thank you, Darren.
    I’ve watched the move “SIGNS” a couple of times. Pretty scary. Love Mel Gibson. One of my favorite such movies, (I can’t recall the title but you’ll know immediately which one it is), is the one with the boy who retrieves a page of numbers from a time capsule at his school, and the numbers are all giving accurate predictions of future events. THAT one really gives me goosebumps.
    There’s a lot of ‘stuff’ in my history that I’m just not comfortable sharing publicly, which is why I didn’t directly respond to your question about Greer. I appreciate your understanding.
    And Whoot…Yep, I do spend time on the computer. It’s where my current work is situated. “Debate” in general, if I interpret it correctly, means to toss an idea back and forth between opposing sides of an issue, without dissension. “Arguments”, contrarily, again if I’m interpreting it correctly, usually involves heated and often harsh differences of opinion.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    I feel ‘NAMASTE’ is the order of the day, and I am bowing to that universal Yoga symbol of Peace and Love and Acceptance.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    My comment that the Grays are “bad” HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN! Darren, and I have no clue where you got that idea. I am the farthest thing from being a racist on this planet. Calling them “GRAYS” and/or “GREYS” is the universally accepted name for those entities. Second, I continue to not think this forum, or blog, is the proper place (for me) to air such diverse differences of opinion although I was invited to do so by the MacGregors. I prefer to end this here and now by simply responding in this manner: There was a time when I was able to attend book signings, book fairs, workshops, lectures, seminars, etc etc etc as you do continuously. I am no longer able to do those activities. But when I did, I learned a great deal. I am still able to read voraciously, and I do. I didn’t and don’t always agree with the presentations, but I respect them. An individual who involves himself or herself in academic studies and research in a particular specific field forms opinions and perspectives on the results of that research and study which are based on objective, learned OBSERVATION, and are valid to that person and to many others. Some agree, some disagree, with the researcher’s conclusions, perspectives, and opinions. An individual who is directly involved in a particular specific field forms opinions and perspectives that are based on subjective, learned EXPERIENCED PARTICIPATION . I repeat, I have deep respect and admiration for a host of researchers in the field of UFO encounters and its many aspects. Mack, Jacobs, Hopkins, the MacGregors, Stearn, Steiger, Strieber, Dolores Cannon, Sagan, Clelland, on and on. There is a tremendous number of researchers in this wide field and the researchers present varying schools of thought, varying contentions, varying points of view, various conclusions. I told you in my previous comment that I respect your opinions and your right to have them. I honor your opinions. I don’t share all of them. I am not responsible to voice WHY I do not agree with SOME of Greer’s ideas., although I DID comment that my experiences with the Grays have been anything but “good”. I also stated in my previous comments that I agree with some of Greer’s ideas, and disagree with other of his ideas. I have already stated my “take”, if you will, on his personality and his method of presentation, and I did state WHY his personality and presentations aren’t my cup of tea. Humility and open-mindedness are positive characteristics in anyone, and I don’t see those in Greer. That is my right, just as you have the right to your “take” on this. I would be deeply appreciative of that same consideration without unjust criticism. The opinions are mine, and I noted that with sincere respect for yours. It was my feeling that you and I had agreed to disagree and leave it there. I am leaving it there. There’s a huge chasm between debate and argument, and this teeters on the edge of argument. With utmost respect for all the folks who are here, including you, Darren, and especially Rob and Trish, it is my decision to refrain from a debate that has come precariously close to being argumentative. I intend absolutely no offense to ANYONE.

    • whoot says:

      just in genral there mathaddict,, reading your last to comments,,”yes lenghty”,, “clear” and “communitave” or “communicative towards Darren” yet you must have a certain amount in common with a few of many who spend time on the internet,,,, one point though,, I thought that Debate WAS Argument.. Now to goes sleep off the other half of my alco.. intox… before another shift of minum.. graveyard work do to a connection with the n a t i v e american buddy….. synchy….

    • Darren B says:

      I wasn’t calling you a racist ,I’m sure you are not.
      I was just trying to show that judging any race/life-form
      as bad is too big a blanket statement to make.
      I don’t say Greer is right in all that he says,either.
      And I definitely don’t have any real answers
      to the UFO enigma.
      But he does strike me as sincere in his quest
      and I wish him luck.
      But I will play loud country music (Mars Attacks) and leave
      plenty of glasses of water around the house (Signs)
      just in case .-)

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Darren, I don’t think this blog is the place to air our differences of opinion on a subject, or a person. I could write you a lengthy response that is, again, based on years of reading and hearing material presented by Greer which isn’t supported by my personal experiences. It won’t change your mind, and I’m not going to become embroiled in a debate here or defend my opinion. I’ve already stated that my lifetime of experiences with encounters and abductions deny, FOR ME, some of Greer’s material. I think it is sufficient to say that you and I take away differing views from the vast litany of material presented by this fellow over a very long period of time. As you yourself said, you really have had no interest in the subject and no experiences or encounters. That imposes parameters on one’s ability to truly comprehend the extent of the issues that are involved, except from an intellectual, cerebral aspect, and even that is time limited. So, I shall respectfully recuse myself from responding to your question. Absolutely no offense intended or implied.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Actually, Math this IS the place to spell it out. Other than the fact that Greer – like Mack – falls into the positive belief about grays (jacobs’ term, indicating that Grays have a higher, spiritual purpose despite their violation of human rights!) – how is he wrong? I’m curious. Greer impresses me as a dedicated researcher, a guy who honestly presents what he believes, who pursues those interests, who reports on them. It’s interesting to me that Daz, who says he has never seen a UFO, but is interested enough in the topic and in the paranormal to comment on it, sees Greer is such a radically different light than you do. So, please explain.

    • Darren B says:

      Connie you brought it up with this comment on Greer –

      “I disagree with most of it, actually, and having heard him speak in person, (via TV/radio, etc), he comes across to me as being antagonistic , argumentative, and condescending. “My way or no way” type of personality. He’s New-Agey, and that turned me off at the get-go years ago.”

      and while I haven’t had contact with entities from UFOs I have had experiences with something that is not of this dimension and an OBE,
      so while these experiences may not be of an extraterrestrial contact I can see where Steven’s interest in “new-agey” stuff was coming from when he had his NDE.
      I have read a lot of Strieber’s work on the other hand and I like his middle of the road approach to the alien phenomena,he seems not to know if they are good or bad and his experiences do not sound too pleasant on the contact side of things.
      I don’t know whether the Grays are good or bad,but it would seem to me that it is a rather racist viewpoint to say that a Gray being must be bad just because of skin colour and race.
      You would think by now that we would have learned that there are good and bad in every race on the planet,so why not off the planet as well?

      I don’t want to argue with you as I know your mind is set,
      so I’ll just hit the highway.-)
      I don’t have a set opinion on the UFO phenomena either way,by the way,but I believe Greer is right about the oil and free energy technology and I think he has a lot of guts taking on this subject.I’m only going by my gut feeling of Greer and it feels right to me.
      I just want to hear why people think Greer is wrong instead of saying how they can’t stand his personality.
      I just wondered what points you disagreed with Greer on,since you brought it up.
      I’m not looking for an argument on who would be right or wrong on the subject.Just curious as to why people don’t like Greer’s viewpoint,that’s all.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Darren I doubt that Greer is right when he says Grays are a human creation, a bio-technology. That of course would mean that UFOs – the Gray’s crafts – are also our own creation since the Grays are clearly associated with these vehicles. Greer goes on to say that the human conspirators behind the Grays also have great knowledge of energy that could free us immediately from our dependence on oil. Meanwhile, the real aliens are benevolent beings waiting to help us. All that is fine as speculation. However, unless I’m misinterpreting him, he seems to say all this as if it is fact. Okay, then let’s see the supportive evidence if that’s the case. That part is what bothers me the most. As I told Trish after one of our radio shows, “As soon as that guy who called in said he had all the answer to the UFO enigma, I figured right away that he didn’t have any answers – just more speculation like everyone else.”

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Post-script: The frequency of UFOs/ETs/ALIENS and all things connected to those, is 15/6. Not the single digit, or root frequency, 6. 6 can be the sum of 4+2, of 5+1; of 3+3; etc, all of which total 6. But the frequency as it relates to the subject in discussion is 15/6. There really IS a difference, as we must consider all the numbers, individually, in a combination of numbers when we are working with them. Each number 0 through 9 stands alone, and its influence is dependent upon the combination of numbers which creates the sum, that makes the difference. Just as an example, and not intending to be long-winded here, 33 = 6. But 33 is a quintessential Master Frequency representing the Universal Teacher, among its other influences, and 33/6 has very different influences and implications than does 15/6. Just a brief note……….

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Well, Darren, each person has a right to his or her own opinion. But considering that I’ve been following this man’s work and material for many years, (because he’s been in the mainstream of UFOlogy for decades), and you are basing your opinion of him on a three-hour dissertation, I hold my opinion. I WIll say this: Greer can be charismatic when he wishes to be charismatic. But charisma doesn’t sell me on his convictions. I don’t consider him to be completely wrong in all his contentions, but I consider him to be in error on many. So, we agree to disagree on this one. I will repeat yet again: I’ve had encounters with very negative entities, and encounters with some that are intensely loving and caring. But the Grays? Good? That hasn’t been my experience with them, and upon those negative experiences of a lifetime I must base my conclusions.

  9. Darren B says:

    Nice “backyard” sync by the way,and a great recommendation from Whitley on your book.

  10. Darren B says:

    “I disagree with most of it, actually, and having heard him speak in person, (via TV/radio, etc), he comes across to me as being antagonistic , argumentative, and condescending. “My way or no way” type of personality. He’s New-Agey, and that turned me off at the get-go years ago.”

    I have to disagree on this statement,not ever having read his books and hearing statements on Greer like the one above put me off ever listening to Greer seriously (pardon the pun),not that I was ever really big into the whole UFO scene anyway apart from being fascinated by shows like “Chariots of the Gods” and the like when I was a child.
    Not ever having had a UFO sighting myself ,that I know of,the subject of UFOs never appealed to me as much as the paranormal did.
    Having said that I watched Greer talk for 3 hours yesterday on a Joe Rogen interview about his upcoming film “SIRIUS” ,and I couldn’t fault hardly anything he said in that interview,and while he may not wear a smile on his face at all times
    (and why should you?) he seems very sincere to me.
    And like Reg Presley stated in his book,it is believed that there are about at least 15 different alien races visiting the earth.
    So maybe the aliens Greer is talking about are the friendlier ones ?
    On a gut feeling level to me Greer is the real deal.
    Not everything he says may be right,but I believe that he is on the right track.

    6 x one =6,is the maths code for this comment too .
    Doesn’t 6 relate to the UFO phenomena ?-)

    Oh,and I had a few syncs yesterday that left me scratching my head while listening to Greer
    …maybe it was just the Trickster at work ?-)

  11. whoot says:

    Ashtar message from 1977

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    OK. After the story about the vibrating toothbrush, now I don’t feel quite as stooooopid!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 Considering that we do have inexplicable events with some frequency in our home, I try to not jump to instant “spooky”conclusions. Occasioanlly, though, it’s inevitable. Usually a logical explanation can be found; problem solved; like the lady’s electric toothbrush and the clock screeching. Still, I’d dearly love to know what set off the alarm on an itsy-bitsy clock that has never alarmed in the past! Forgot to mention that the video here in the post is powerful. This fellow isn’t afraid to challenge the establishment and/or the “shadow government”.

  13. Neat Back Yard synchro dor you. So much is hidden from us the public. I thought it a step forward when the UK and other countries did release files – but soon realised it was just part of the cover up. They release what they want to release, a smoke screen.

  14. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just to share a little humor and to poke fun at myself….yesterday evening, I was in process of writing an email to Trish and all of a sudden my computer began to make a sound just like our car alarms make: an intermittent, loud beeping sound. Now, just prior to that sound beginning, my security system had popped up a window alerting me that an intrusion had occurred and been cleared. I went to check, and discovered it was a several-second “peek” into my computer by Warner Robins AFB. They’ve been here several times; I don’t know why; and my security system had marked the intrusion severity as “moderate”, not severe but also not minor.

    I went back to my email, and that’s when the loud “beeping” started, It wasn’t coming from my speakers. (I was on my desk-top, not the laptop.) It was coming from down below and to my left, where the tower, modem, and router are located. The computer continued to function normally. I turned it off. The beeping continued. I turned the computer back on. The beeping continued. Then I went into a tiny panic because it had begun when WR AFB had paid me a visit, and I called Trish and Rob to listen to it and to see if they’d ever had such an experience with a computer. Meanwhile, hubby came home, and he got down on the floor and started searching for the source of the noisy, persistent beeping. Lo and behold, it was a very small clock that’s behind my tower!

    Something had triggered the alarm on that clock, and I was shocked by its loudness because the clock is so little. It’s never gone off before, not in all the years it’s been there. Nonetheless, I had to laugh at my paranoia and had a good hard chuckle at myself for my reaction to something that turned out to be totally benign! However, I justified my reaction a little bit by admitting it happened at almost the same moment that WR had peeked in! Still, it showed me that a little paranoia can become a big deal, and I’m still laughing at myself this morning! 😉
    (Be that as it may, I continue to wonder WHY the alarm was set off at that particular moment in time, when it has NEVER made a sound in the past! Kinda freaky.)

    • Reminded me of my scatty neighbour. There was a buzzing sound coming from what she thought was the water pipes in the kitchen. Thinking something was dramatically wrong she rang the plumber. To cut the story short, he discovered it was her electric toothbrush – in the bathroom – that had somehow fallen behind her sink, switched itself on and was vibrating the pipes. Could have been worse I suppose! But it cost her a plumbers £50 call out charge.

  15. gypsy says:

    very neat the back yard comment!…i’ve not heard him speak before – and of strieber’s comments about your book, one could not expect less…

  16. mathaddict2233 says:

    That comment by Hellyer must have been a “pre-synchornicity”! And the blurb from
    Whitley really, really is terrific. He has a lot of knowledge and experience in these subjects, and a lot of people who follow his work, so his remark will reach many folks. About Greer….yes, he’s been around a long time. However, I’ve tracked his stuff for years and am not impressed by it. I disagree with most of it, actually, and having heard him speak in person, (via TV/radio, etc), he comes across to me as being antagonistic , argumentative, and condescending. “My way or no way” type of personality. He’s New-Agey, and that turned me off at the get-go years ago. If he ever experienced a few of the horrors that thousands of abductees have experienced at the hands of these entities, I seriously doubt he’d be able to honestly refer to them as good or positive. Last nite on the SCI (Science) channel, they presented a several-hour program entitled ‘WE ARE NOT ALONE’. It was not a documentary. Instead, it was a hypothetical illustration that began after “contact” with Beings from Out There had reached us, and then went from month to month, week to week, day to day, hour to hour, then Arrival. When “they” got here, their vehicles left a very strange-looking Mother Ship unlike anything we may have seen in any science fiction film or story, and the countless satellite crafts descending from it surrounded planet earth in a perfectly formed “net”. The program demonstrated the several ways in which humans might react to such an event, as well as several ways the Visitors might behave and the potential aspects of their agenda(s), harmful and/or helpful, constructive and/or destructive. It was startling and eye-opening and a thought-filled program. I plan to watch it when they air it again next month. The insights the program presented into the general nature of the human species were significant.

  17. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Greer has been around a long time pushing public officials in Washington to release files. I give him credit for taking that onerous effort to get the issue out in the open. However, he seems somewhat dogmatic or just very convinced by his own contentions, such as the aliens are good guys and the dastardly Grays are a human-military creation.

  18. lauren raine says:

    Congratulations on your new book, and the great review by Streiber, and the universe, apparently, also giving you a little applause!

  19. Was that a syncro about “Aliens in the Back Yard” or was he deliberately pluggign your book? In any case – cool.

  20. I’m not sure what you think of Steven Greer but I tend to agree with his belief in why the US gov’t does not want the truth to get out.

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