The Tsunami Dolphin


We  hadn’t  heard  much about how animals fared during the Japanese tsunami on March 11. But today, I was talking to Vivian Ortiz, a friend I met because of dolphins, who recently moved to Hawaii. “Hey, did you hear about the tsunami dolphin?” she asked.

A Vivian dolphin story, I thought. This has to be good. And it was a synchro that it came from Vivian.  “No, I haven’t heard about it.”

“Google it.”

So I did. Weeks after the March 11 tsunami in Japan, a pet shop owner, Ryo Taira, and a group of volunteers have been searching for and rescuing abandoned animals.  Taira got a call from another man who said he’d found what he believed was a stranded dolphin in the rice fields about a mile from the coast.

What Taira thought was a dolphin turned out to be a baby porpoise. Although the animal was weak, it had managed to stay alive.  The volunteers tried to catch the porpoise with a net, but couldn’t do it, so Taira waded into the water and lifted it out of the water.

Due to the extensive damage in Japan, there wasn’t an aquarium where they could take the baby porpoise. So they wrapped it in wet towels and drove it to the  to the ocean and set it free.

“I don’t know if it will live, but it’s certainly a lot better than dying in a rice paddy,” Taira told the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.

The original story is here.

After all the tragic news from Japan, this story seems imbued with hope.

UPDATE: As I was writing up this post, I noticed that the dot was glowing red. Sure enough, CNN is now reporting a 6.5 quake in Japan, near the 9.0, and there’s a new tsunami warning.

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17 Responses to The Tsunami Dolphin

  1. Jen says:

    I read this story about the porpoise. I thought it was ironic considering Japan’s notoriety for over-fishing and dolphin-killing, but my mom pointed out the symbolism in the story and I like her take much better than mine! I do hope the baby dolphin is ok!!

  2. Nancy says:

    I’m praying for that baby porpoise. It was good of the people to save him. I think Japan is having a huge paradigm shift. It is going to be interesting to see the Japan after the quake as opposed to before.

  3. Vicki, today is Monday, 3-28-2011. California is experiencing the worst mudslides and flooding in its history of those events, so your sensitivities are not surprising. I should have every reason in the world to be feeling upbeat and happy, but on the contrary, all I am wanting to do is simply wander around the house and sob, and I truly don’t know why. Hubby and I always go out and about together on Sundays. It’s our “play-day” to just hang out and browse in flea markets and junk stores and do whatever we enjoy. Yesterday I wasn’t able to do ANYTHING, altho I pulled myself together sufficiently to go out to dinner in a town south of our town. On the way home the radio news in our SUV reported the new quake in Japan and the potential for another tsunami, which of course didn’t happen. This past week has been simply “lost days” for me. I’ve accomplished zero. Am ashamed that I’ve not even tackled the laundry or cooked a single meal. Normally depression isn’t my gig, and this feels “different” from depression. It’s sadness that had no discernible root cause, added to physical symptoms of ear-aches, ear noises, dizziness, an intense need for sleep but inability to sleep, and when I sleep, am having nightmares. We must drive across many bridges here to get anywhere, and these last several weeks every time we approach one of the bridges I experience absolute terror, having unsought visions in my mind of the bridge “collapsing” and cars falling into the ocean or intracoastal waterway. My dreams are filled with hordes of people stumbling around apparently helpless, seeming to be blind, not knowing where they are going, and there is no sun. This “no sun” is something new for me. The sun has disappeared, in my dreams, and has been replaced by smoke and foggy air. I’ve not yet connected with Gypsy but am certain she is having identical sensations. She and I are family, and continue to be astonished at our parallels even though we live many many miles apart. I would love to come on the blog and bring great tidings. But I am knowing, KNOWING, something massive and unprecedented is brewing and has been brewing now for a little while. Yesterday morning Japan geophysicists reported radiation from one of the reactors was several millions times the safe level, then retracted the report altho they stated the actual number was 100,000 times acceptable, which is still unthinkable I sense their initial statement was correct. It is several million x normal and above safe levels. Much much worse then Chernobyl, and they are attempting to hide it to prevent utter panic all over the entire planet because such levels of radiation cannot be contained to a locale. This empathy we have could be a gift if we were able to prevent these incidents, or at least in some cases help folks prepare. As it is…….

    • Vicki D. says:

      I too had Issues with getting little done last week, and Saturday was a total loss.Last night I went to bed feeling very out of sorts and tried to figure out what was causing that feeling.
      I ve had a lot of bad dreams also, in some I’m trying to warn someone and they don’t believe me.
      I sometimes feel like I don’t own my own body anymore. I get these symptoms and there is not much that I can do. Before the Japan earthquake I remember saying to my family that I felt as if I was trying to walk while on a ship. It was different from my vertigo issues, I remembered looking down and the floor looked like it was moving.
      I also have been feeling very tired.
      I hope you feel better and please keep me updated, it seems for me that you, dpage, Gypsy and I are connected.

  4. Vicki D. says:

    Yesterday and today I have had the feeling like I couldn’t breathe and last night for some reason I remembered when I had drowned when I was 16.

    Today my ears have been ringing and it has gotten progressively louder as the day has gone on.

    With Japan having moved closer to California after last earthquake could this make a tsunami hit CA?

    Years ago I was “shown” the USA from above and water was now over parts of CA, The South and where the major fault on the east coast is it was just split open, east of Miss. River.

    I don’t feel good about this.

  5. Yep, Cousin, told hubby as we were driving back from Palm Coast that my head felt as if it was rocking back and forth. Then when the car radio news came on, it gave the report about the “aftershock”, which the geophysicist said was almost in exactly the same place as the original 9.0 Also was astonished to see this morning that the radiation from #3 reactor was a million…you read that correctly….times higher than is safe. Then they retracted the statement and said they were “wrong”, it wasn’t that high, but three badly radioactive burned workers had to be rushed to hospital. Am so glad to read about the baby porpoise. Hopefully a mother will adopt it out in the ocean.

  6. friend of nica says:

    before coming here, i’d no idea there had been any event at all today – have been having a little family get together all day – however, this morning, about 9:00am central time, i began having what felt like vertigo – severe – plus both ears were pulsating wildly – by noon, i had begun asking everyone what was wrong – didn’t they feel “it” – whatever “it” was – to me it felt like the entire house moving back and forth – as if on a ship – in any event, it had lessened by late afternoon – anyone else???

    now, off to figure out the whole time difference thing –

    beautiful little critter story – and you’re right – it does speak of hope – of goodness in the face of chaos – a beautiful thing! thanks so much for sharing –

  7. karena says:

    The time for the latest 6.5 quake was 7:23am…2223 GMT there’s that 23 again. Glad they saved the porpoise….hopefully it has a good chance to survive.

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