Portland Synchronicity

Several weeks ago, a blog called Life in the Second Half came up in a Google alert for synchronicity. I lurked on the blog for a couple of days, enjoyed what I read, and really liked that the author called herself Lover of Life. So I left a comment on Nancy Atkinson’s blog.

We subsequently began an email exchange. Three or four days before Rob, Megan and I were going to leave for a vacation in Hood River, Oregon, Nancy mentioned that she and her husband were going to Portland for her daughter’s graduation. We discovered that our times in Oregon were going to overlap. Bingo! A Google alert for synchronicity ultimately leads to a synchronicity in timing. So on June 12, we met Nancy and her husband for lunch at a beautiful spot midway between Portland and Hood River. The lunch was great, the company fantastic. Synchronicity works magic.

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5 Responses to Portland Synchronicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    What?? Anne Rice?? Not up close!

  2. whipwarrior says:

    Wow, Trish- you look just like Anne Rice! 🙂

  3. Butternut Squash says:

    Cool Connections! It makes me think of a story. I'm really low energy right now, but I will try to post it for you soon. Peace.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We're now signed up on your blog. Great stuff there!

  5. Deboshree says:

    Yeah..I read about that in Lover of life's blog. That is where I came to know about you guys and I'm glad she did post about it.
    Glad to read your blog!


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