Category Archives: connections

I Am Because We Are

A friend sent me this. It expresses everything, I think, about the emerging paradigm. It also seems a fitting image and story to celebrate the fact that the trickster planet, Mercury, retrograde since March 12, turned direct today at 6:11 … Continue reading

Posted in connections, synchronicity | 17 Comments


from deviant art These two synchros come from Carol Bowman, a past-life therapist and author of two books on children’s past lives.  We’ve used several of Carol’s synchronicities before – on the blog and in 7 Secrets. Here and here … Continue reading

Posted in Carol Bowman, connections | 9 Comments

6 Degrees of Separation

Most of us have heard the phrase 6 degrees of separation. But just to be sure I understood it, I looked it up on wikipedia. “6 degrees of separation (also referred to as the “Human Web”) refers to: if a … Continue reading

Posted in 6 degrees of separation, Bowman, connections, Ungar | 14 Comments

Portland Synchronicity

Several weeks ago, a blog called Life in the Second Half came up in a Google alert for synchronicity. I lurked on the blog for a couple of days, enjoyed what I read, and really liked that the author called … Continue reading

Posted in blogs, connections, creativity | 5 Comments