Another Page

Recently I picked up a book called A World of Luck and turned to the index. My eye caught a name listed under the letter P. It read: Page D, 116. Since D Page frequently comments here and has provided some great synchros, I decided to turn to page 116 to see what this story was about. It turns out to be a peculiar little story about two strangers whose lives were entangled by their names and numbers.


D Page, in this case, is a British soldier who was married in 1940 and immediately re-joined his army unit. Some time later, he received a package with his wedding pictures, but he noticed that someone had opened the package. That was the first hint that someone else was getting his mail, and he began receiving mail that was intended for a soldier with the last name of Pape. It turned out their 7-digit military IDs were one number apart, (1509322 and 1509321) adding to the confusion which continued until Page was re-assigned.

But it wasn’t over. After the war Page, a driver with London Transport, noticed that his paycheck was smaller than usual one day. It turned out that his records had been confused with those of another driver, who had just been transferred to the garage in southwest London. The reason for the confusion was immediately apparent. The other driver was Pape, and his license number was 29223. Page’s was 29222.


There may be a trickster element in this. In fact, D page who comments on this blog may consider this a huge trickster synchro!



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21 Responses to Another Page

  1. simon says:

    now ya’s get it!!

  2. simon says:

    the synch with your blog was Ariz…. but as for 255,,, welll……

  3. Natalie says:

    Love these ones. 🙂
    I think I will need a ‘special red drink’ to follow the commentary thread however. 😀

    • simon says:

      to Natalie,,,, if??? she might be refering (commetary thread) to the vagueness of someones reponses,, like with some certain ball players,,, BOZO here (to my family),, most his synKeee’s are not the type with which he is comfortable typing across this “fogging ether”,, just like Rob + Trish where not comfortable making “point” of thier “Bit” of synchro with there blog, I think it was a couple of months ago,, type of stuff people it seems might be only comfortable with talking over a nice dinner table,, least that’s the way BOZO feels….. hey MR. Mrs. R+T question do we know what’s so meaningful about the number “255”,, thinking computors…..

  4. Simon says “oxymoron”. Simon is hiding his astute vocabulary from us, sly boy!! 😉 Keep those sneakers dry out there, SS! And don’t stand under any mudslides!

  5. Good question about doppelgangers! Hhhmmmmm. OK, Simon. Will watch for email.

  6. simon says:

    hello CJ,, typed something long out and then inadvertently erased,, kind of glad,, mad at myslef for needing the attention,, will shorten,, C the thing is your story “the circumstances, the particulars” is about as “far out” as anything I’ve read on these sites,,, maybe even more so then “plum pudding” Understand CJ,, me I can’t get Anybody to comment on that story (“sets of facts” e-quacke) that’s google able , and I’m not talking print..,, as for mud slides,, no,, wet sneakers worst for me,, won’t go into sychro with the rain of late though,,, it’s was dry for 6-7 weeks and now wet since 2/14-15,, back to dry,, won’t go into synchro with Japan,, but it was witnessed by 3 law enforcemnet types,, will tell you I do have hurricane coincidences from “04”… but got ta go,, little swing shift day labor work (is that an oxymoron) gym first for cardio and shower,, C ya’s CJ,, I’ll e-mail on my mathaddict coincidence…

  7. D Page says:

    That’s a intriguing story!
    I have always thought of the name “d page” (the page) as a another way of saying the word “messenger”.
    Having the name D Page has been interesting, but the biggest joke of all for my husband (L Page) came after his father’s death in 2009. When we were looking through the family documents we discovered that our real /given name is Massenburg. Larry’s father joined the Navy when he was a minor in the early 1950’s. The Navy took custody of him and renamed him “Page”. (He was African American) It’s not even the family name!

    Trickster is a big joker!

  8. P.S. Simon, are you in the middle of all those unprecedented mudslides and flooding out there, or have you escaped being in harm’s way?

  9. Now, Simon, shame on you! You should know me better than that!! Nope, no fudging here. This is all absolute truth and verifiable, not that anyone would care to verify. Her hubby was a deputy for the county sheriff for years and they live in the country outside town. We live on the island on a beach. Just never have gotten around to phoning her, but am sure she has the same eerie feeling I have about our “twin-ness”! The first question I plan to ask her, if I do get around to contacting her, is what her birthday is. While our name is uncommon, our vehicles at the time of her accident were relatively common, but still, to be the very same make, model, color, and year….that’s just astonishing. As is the fact that both of us are nurses and are both the same age. I kept the article about the accident and have it here somewhere in my files. Would love to see what she looks like, too. Wouldn’t it be beyond belief if we resemble each other? Actually I already know we don’t, because I’ve met folks who know her and we don’t look alike. But the rest…..whew!!

  10. What a great story, they were both linked in some way. Pity they never met.

  11. simon says:

    you wouldn’t be pulling my leg now would you there CJ,, same name (first last), same age,,, same place of “employeement” same make and model year and color of car,, and ya never have met… pulling my leg on this day CJ??? sorry to B that way,, Johnny “Bench” NL rookie of the year catcher (my favorite ball player when I was a kid),, Buster (SF giants), NL rookie of the year catcher the name of the nephews doggie for 11 years and then there’s the last name but since you’ve worked in hospitals sure you seen a few Posey’s,, on the side of “benches” or actually be.. but if it’s a fact it’s a fact,,, actually a string of them,,, name age place of empl…. like bonds and B.ruth

  12. I love this post! There is a very similar situation in my life. We moved here from GA almost three decades ago. Not long afterwards, I opened a bank account in my name, separate from hubby’s. Began to have some problems with it, and discovered there was a woman with my same name who had an account there, too. And our name is not a common name. So, I decided to start using my middle initial in my name. The woman apparently has lived here all her life, and both our names are our married names. On the front page of the local newspaper one day a few years ago, there was an article about a bad auto accident. Turns out the woman who shares my name was in one of the cars. (She wasn’t hurt) I was stunned beyond belief. She is exactly my age, she is also an RN, she worked at the local hospital in a different department, (I was in home health so had no contact with in-house personnel), her automobile she was driving in the accident was EXACTLY the same make, model, color, and year of MY vehicle!! I received dozens of phone calls from friends thinking I was the one in the accident! I’ve never met her, but keep planning to try to do that, as this is a relatively small town and the likelihood of such a synchronicity is statistically small. The odds are almost astronomical. Over the years there have been mix-ups with our names in various capacities, even though I’ve been using my middle initial now for such a long time. I’ve gotten phone calls from out of state folks for her, and am sure she gets the same kinds of things for me. Earlier this week I rec’d a call from someone in N. Carolina thinking I was her. It’s just eerie that we have the same name, are the same age, have the same occupation, and the business with the cars takes the cake!

    • friend of nica says:

      fantastic story, cj!

      and you know, my mother had a “twin” who shared the name, date of birth and they looked enough alike to be biological twins! i have photos of the two of them and even i would not be able to tell them apart if i had not been told by which was which – they met in early childhood and were best friends till their deaths –

    • rob and trish says:

      This is some very weird story! Not just a doppelganger element, but the kinds of parallels you find among separated twins.

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