
Since Esperanza was published in September, there has been sporadic movie/TV interest, but so far, nothing has solidified. Our daughter calls these kinds of things driftwood,” a term that comes from Abraham/Hicks and suggests that your desire is starting to manifest.  I’m beginning to think there may be something to it.

Two days ago, I “spoke” to my former editor, Kate Duffy, who died in September 2010.  Our conversation went something like this, all in my own head, of course:

“Okay, Kate, if you’ve got any clout over there, how about helping out here? You know, get something going with the TV/movie stuff.”

“Right, Trish, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Can you, uh, get things moving really quickly?”

I could almost see her roll her eyes. “You know what they say about patience, Trish. It’s a virtue and all that.”

“Well, I’m sorely lacking in that department.”

“All right, all right. I’m on it.”

Good, I thought. Turn it over to the ghosties and see what happens.

This morning, I received an email from my agent. An independent producer who used to be with TBS has expressed interest in two time travel novels that I wrote, Kill Time and Running Time. I thought it was sort of weird, since these two books have been out of print for a year. Then I remembered my imaginary conversation with Kate and burst out laughing. These two novels were the last ones I did with Kate.

It is so like her to overlook Esperanza, my newest novel, and focus on the last two she and I did together. It’s as if she was saying, You asked, I heard, I’m on it for real. Spirit communication, synchro, whatever. I’m grateful, Kate, I’m grateful.




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32 Responses to Driftwood

  1. Nancy says:

    Thank you, Trish, for Black Water!!!! I have to agree with everyone – I feel your time has come – for both of you. You have put a lot of energy into good things for this world. You’ve been a blessing in my life, that’s for sure. I had so many questions when I met you, and you’ve always pointed me in the right direction. It is time for it to pay off.

    I have also felt a great surge since the beginning of the year in terms of energy. It is flowing!! It is so important to be centered during this time, know what it is you want and what you don’t want, because this energy will bring lots of driftwood, otherwise. I have been walking around talking to myself and the Universe, because I know – all we have to do is ask!

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    UH-OH. Rob’s site went to the wrong Rob MacGregor!! Sorry about that! When you go to Trish’s site to get her list, Karena, click onto ‘bibliography’, and it will list them all. Rob, where’d your site go?? I lost ya!

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Karena, the best place to get a full list of Trish’s books, both fiction and non-fiction, is on her website: http://www.tjmacgregor.com. then go to the left and click onto them. The picture that will come up on the site is of a sunset (or sunrise) on Tango Key! If you can get copies of the Tango Key series, whose central protagonist is Mira, psychic owner of a small eclectic magickal shop, these books are wonderful suspense thrillers with a psychic twist. I got so attached to the characters and feel as if I was left hanging, waiting for a finish….the way I WANTED it to finish!! 😉 There’s a glimpse of Mira in ESPERANZA. You can get titles of Rob’s books on his website http://www.robmacgregor.com. His non-fiction text THE FOG is really really insightful!

  4. Darren B says:

    I have a feeling this may just be the trickle before a flood of offers come in for your other titles,Trish.I’ve got a copy of Esperanza unread sitting on my bookshelf,but I will get to it soon,I promise.Something tells me that’s the title that will get the till ringing.It just has that feel of success when I pick it up and hold it in my hands.
    If I was a Hollywood Producer this is the sort of story I would be after (and I’m just talking synopsis…I’m yet to read it). I have a feeling that there is more gold in this series than you see on the cover of the first book.-)

  5. Natalie says:

    Trish ~ there is no other word for you than, WINNER. It will all unfold. I am glad your friend Kate got straight on the job. ♥

  6. I’ve never heard the term “driftwood” being used before in this way. What does it mean? Can anyone give concrete examples of what driftwood is? From what I gather online, it seems like its stuff that you manifest that’s not exactly 100% what you wanted. Close but not a complete match. From what I read, my current job could be classified as “driftwood.” I love it for the most part, but there’s still two aspects that are not ideal for me (the pay and the commute). I saw a job recently that I applied for that is much closer to what I want…so how do I make my spirit guide know that I really want this other job? How do I get my spirit guide to give me more than driftwood? I feel like time is wasting away, here. I want to increase my synchronistic flow. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.

    I did enjoy the nice synchros mentioned here about “Black Water” and the royalty check coming in for the audio version after not receiving anything in awhile. Awesome! Also enjoyed reading about how your former agent is still helping you from beyond the grave. I’d love some of that help in getting my career on track after years of delays and dead ends!

    • rob and trish says:

      Driftwood is a hicks term…according to our daughter. You have a desire. Then you get feedback on that desire or a hint that it may be headed your way. That’s the driftwood. For me, driftwood is usually connected to synchros.

  7. Nancy Pickard says:

    Aww, I love this story. ::waves at Kate:: Trish, that’s GREAT about the options!!!!!

  8. friend of nica says:

    OMGosh! and i missed coming by here first thing this morning!!! just now hearing the great news – and how many times do i say “all you have to do is ask” – i just said that here the other day, actually – but isn’t it so so right on!!! and then, for kate to be there, just waiting on you to ask! and on your books, lady trish, i can’t even venture a favorite – they all are – but i do have a very special fondness for esperanza – it’s where i came to know nica so well – where she and i met again – and where i think of her even now – that is, when she isn’t sitting here beside me, being my muse, sometimes patiently but most times impatiently – you know how she is! 😉 and i could not count the number of times i pulled over in a parking area just so i could read some more as i simply couldn’t wait to get home to read more – i always have at least one of your books in my car – oh, well, so how great is this story!!! fabulous!!! and get this, i’ve never seen our little global dot BLUE before – but the whole time i’ve been writing, it’s been a beautiful blue – the exact color of the blue sky in your image – i’m thinking a sign for smooth sailing, lady – smooth sailing all the way!!!

  9. Lauren Raine says:

    Wishing you every success!
    I wish sometimes I could “access” my guides as others seem able to do, but they only seem to make their presence felt with synchronicities.

  10. karena says:

    This is great news…congratulations. I had no idea you’ve written so many books….loved Esperanza, and most definitely look forward to a sequel. But for now I’m off to amazon to type in your name for a list of your books.
    Your daughter has great insight btw!

  11. According to what my Helpers on the OtherSide have told me for eons, they wait to be asked. If there’s an emergency “need”, they’ll act without the asking. Otherwise, they generally wait to be asked, then will go into action. Congrats on the 6 month option! Nancy, don’t start reading BLACK WATER until you have time to keep reading. It’s almost impossible to put down!

  12. Nancy says:

    Couldn’t get Black Water through Amazon, but did ask for it to be released on Kindle.

  13. Oh, I do so love it when a plan comes together! Congrats on the royalty check for BLACK WATER !!! I still have my copy. Some of my novels I keep because occasionally I will re-read one after a few years have gone by. So this one remains in my library! I loved CAT 5, too. Now maybe another royalty check will arrive for that one!

  14. D Page says:

    Congratulations, Trish! I can’t wait to see how this unfolds.

  15. Nancy says:

    How funny – it reminds me of the post I did about Hiring the Angels. I really, really liked those two books and I think they would make great movies. Now I’ll have to see if I can find Black Water. You have fans all over the place – including my brother’s neighbors, who impatiently wait for your next novel to come out. Their favorites – Kill Time and Running Time!

  16. OK, Trish-girl….my opinion: Of all your novels, and I’ve read them all, the one I personally would most like to see on the big screen is BLACK WATER!!!! Yep, it was a long time ago. But what a story! I stayed up until four in the morning turning the pages. Have thoroughly enjoyed all your books. Loved the Tango Key series and would surely be delighted to have more but guess those are done. Nonetheless, BLACK WATER would make a fantastic movie! Think I’ll send a little “message” Kate’s way about that, if you don’t object??

    • rob and trish says:

      Can’t read the rest of it from here in the dashboard! Have to leap out to read it.

    • rob and trish says:

      Here’s a little synchro. Connie mentions Black Water as her favorite T.J. MacGregor novel, then what happens? I pick up the mail and there is a royalty check for the audio version of….Black Water. How’s that for timing? It’s one of her older novels and we hadn’t seen anything on it for a long time. – R

  17. All we have to do is ask! Sometimes this sounds far too easy but your experience emphasises that it isn’t. How funny that the books were those at the time of your former editor. Guess we carry over our characteristics to the other side. Good luck with it all.

    • rob and trish says:

      What’s interesting about it is that it would be so like Kate to stir up something with the las 2 novels she and I did together rather than the new one!

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