A taxing synchronicity

Today I started putting together all of our tax documents. Since we pay such things as foreign taxes on books sold overseas, it’s complicated and I just organize it and hand it all to our accountant.

But this morning, there was one document missing: a W2 form from a gym where I teach yoga classes a couple of times a week. Trish remembers my talking about it when it arrived, noting that they didn’t take any taxes out all year. Getting a duplicate from that place would be next to impossible. It’s very disorganized there on a normal basis, but now the place is under renovation and the office area is torn apart, everything is in a chaotic state. When I went to teach my class this morning, there was even a guy rolling glue across the counter!

So I started telling myself over and over that I was going to find that tax form one way or another. I’d already gone through my records twice with no luck. But I just kept repeating it over and over like a mantra, telling myself that before the day was over, one way or another, I would have the form in hand.

After class, walking through the chaotic office area, I managed to find my paycheck in the usual drawer, even though it was partially disassembled. On the way home, I kept repeating my tax form mantra. Trish asked how much my check came to this time, since for no particular reason the amount varies wildly from check to check. I never bother trying to figure it out. The ‘job’ is really a hobby.

So I opened the envelope with the check and discovered no check, but astonishingly my tax form! The only thing I can figure is that the first one, a W2 form, was a mistake. This one is a 1099 form, the appropriate one when taxes aren’t taken out. Whatever the reason, it was a great synchronicity.

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