Category Archives: lost objects

Lost and Found and Synchronicity

We’ve all experienced socks getting lost in that big black hole in the clothes dryer.   They rarely find their way home.  And by now, most of us have heard some of the classic stories about personal objects that were lost … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, synchronicity | 11 Comments

Lost Wallet Blues

We’ve all done it – misplaced or lost something practical or valuable and then we tear through our homes and cars and lives, looking for whatever it is we’ve lost. Losing a wallet, for instance, can make you feel like … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, visualization, wallets | 23 Comments

The White Rabbit and the Lost Earring

 The ways in which lost objects return to their owners usually involves nearly impossible odds and synchronicity. Last yeaer, we posted one such story. Now we’ve got another one, from T. Clear.+++  About ten years ago I’d lost an earring … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, white rabbit | 18 Comments

Lost and Found

Astronomical odds are often evident in synchronicities that involve the ways in which lost or stolen objects return to their owners. Jung related one such story that came to him through writer Wilhelm von Stultz, about a mother who took … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, photos, wallets, windsurfing | 11 Comments

The Odds, Again

We found this next story on another blog and wrote to Tim Wallender, who had posted it, asking if we could use it. He said sure. Tim now lives in Memphis, but says this story took place in Wisconsin, around … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, the odds, trains, travel | 1 Comment

Synchronicity in Paris

Here’s another one from Mysteries of the Unknown. It involves a lost object, a writer, and Paris. A winning combination! Novelist Anne Parrish was born in 1888 and died in 1957. She spent her childhood in Colorado Springs and apparently … Continue reading

Posted in books, lost objects, writers | 2 Comments

Lost Keys

Our daughter, Megan, is active in an Abraham Hicks forum, and included our blog URL in one of her posts. The story came to our attention as a result of Megan’s post. Leah Southey, a writer and editor, gave us … Continue reading

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A taxing synchronicity

Today I started putting together all of our tax documents. Since we pay such things as foreign taxes on books sold overseas, it’s complicated and I just organize it and hand it all to our accountant. But this morning, there … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, taxes, yoga | Leave a comment