Neda – The Divine Calling

Most of us have seen the demonstrations and the violence in the last few days in Iran as the masses rebel against the government, the status quo, and the highly questionable election results.

Yesterday, I mentioned to Trish that we should watch for synchronicities related to this mass event. Such high drama involving millions and attracting world attention also attracts synchronicity. While watching the news Sunday evening, we found it.

One young woman’s death on the street during a demonstration has been highlighted and become a symbol of the movement. The graphic video is being shown on cable news over and over and it’s being spread through the Internet’s social networks.

The synchronicity here is her name: Neda in Farsi means The Divine Calling. Her death is seen as a sacrifice to a greater cause.

P.S. Anyone who uses Twitter should change the time zone to that of Iran, which will make it harder for the government to locate the Iranians who are Twittering to the outside world.

More news on Neda from Huffington Post

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7 Responses to Neda – The Divine Calling

  1. gypsywoman says:

    just today i saw another photo of her – you're right, absolutely penetrating eyes – so ALIVE! beautiful!

  2. terripatrick says:

    Neda- The Divine Calling – a beautiful gift being spread world-wide. The divine is calling, pick up the phone.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Did you see the photo of her? One of the channels showed the photo this evening and I was just stunned.She was just beautiful, penetrating eyes.

  4. gypsywoman says:

    how incredibly poignant! – and i am so glad you all are tracking it – since it began, i have thought how intriguing to do just that – am so so thrilled that you are!

  5. May says:

    Neda in Farsi…The Divine Calling, a terrible price… so sad

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's astonishing. As soon as Rob and I heard it tonight on CNN, we just looked at each other.

  7. Lover of Life says:

    The meaning of her name…wow.

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