
In researching cluster synchronicities involving the numbers 11, 111, and 11:11, I came across some intriguing information. First, if you Google 11:11, more than 203 million hits come up. Yeah, that’s 203 million. That number falls between the populations of Indonesia at 237,512,352 and of Brazil, at 196,342,592. A whole bunch of websites, in other words.

The phenomenon of 11:11 appears to be huge, but there are so many theories – and some of them are so far out there – that it’s anyone’s guess what any of it means. But here are some of the best examples of 11, 111, or 11:11:

The WWI armistice was signed at 11:11 AM on 11/11/18.

World War II ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

The Berlin Wall fell on 11/11/89.

Yasser Arafat died on 11/11/04.

JFK was assassinated on 11/22.

Supposedly the Mayan calendar end year 2012 is timed at 11:11 Universal time.

The U.S. Navy lists the 2012 solstice for 12/21/12 at 11:11 Universal time.

Israeli psychic Uri Geller has an entire section on his website devoted to 11:11.

And that’s just for starters.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Any synchronicities involving these numbers that you would like to share?

– Trish

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28 Responses to 11:11

  1. WARYR1 says:

    WARYR1: At around age 11-12 I started seeing 11:11 everywhere i looked on clocks plates signs tv dreams ect ect didn't tell my mom 4 yrs later till I ask'd her could I order a book from her magizine she said which one? i replied this one "11:11 people time travelers or other?" she looked at me as if in shock I said been seeing that for yrs don't know why? A smile came over her face followed by a big hug then she said come here lets go over Nans house (grandma) we went we all sat at the table my ma told my grandma bout the bookl my grandma smiled you don't need that book we are 11:11 people! huh I said she said were not 100% sure of all it means juz know all females in our family see it!! then my ma said basicallically it means God is w/u u r on the right track! my grandma added also means there is going to be a change real soon if it happens constantly but not 2 worry cuz God is w/u! so basically thats it :>) but i'm 49 now grandmas deceased but would be 90 + and 11:11 was happening b4 any of this 2012 stuff was even thought of :>)

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This afternoon, our daughter and I went shopping for college clothes. The bill? $111 and loose change. I thought, Uh-oh. Then tonight, Rob and I have been casting around for sequels to this book and your comment shows up. 11:11 seems to be some sort of phenomenon on which people have dif takes. Maybe that's the sequel. I don't know. I can see why you freaked with those lottery numbers.

  3. Eddie says:

    Yes, that was me. When I posted that earlier comment the 9/11 references were tapering off to just anything ending in 11. The last few days though 911 is back with a vengance. When I saw the lottery drawing tonight I yelled out "you've got to be kidding me!" Luckily I live alone.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We get alerts when someone posts! Were you the anonymous person who posted that fantastic story earlier? So what's going on that you're being stalked by these numbers again now?

  5. Eddie says:

    I doubt anyone will see this but I had to share…I commented previously on being stalked by 9:11. The last couple of days the frequency picked up again. Tonight while watching the news, the state lottery pick 3 drawing came on. The winning #'s we 1,1,9.
    If only I'd thought to play them.
    I'm sure there is a message in this for me somewhere.

  6. Natalie says:

    Interesting stuff here. Yes you may.xx♥

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey Ray, maybe you're onto something!

  8. Ray says:

    Jung's archtypes & your psyche. I guess that is sort of like buying a new car and noticing how many of the same model are on the road.


  9. gypsywoman says:

    ok – i am just now reading the last couple of comments above – and gasped when i read ray's comment about awakening at 3:33 yesterday morning – cause i did too – i've been bombarded with triple digit numbers for months now – as my posts show – great discussion!!!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I decided to put these remarks all in one comment. Jeff – yikes is right! I've never run across a triple 11:11:11. Blayne, have you? Ray, Rob just explained to me what a Cargo Cult is. One thing we've found in researching numbers is that Jung believed numbers are archetypes. When that archetype becomes activated in your psyche, then you're bombarded with those particular numbers.

  11. Jeff D'Antonio says:

    I read this post yesterday morning. Later I was out running some errands, listening to the radio in the car. A song called "Domino"
    came on the radio – "Domino" is a song by Genesis from the 1980s. It's a song about nuclear war (the domino effect – the first domino falls, setting off an unstoppable chain of events – think cold war, mutual assured destruction, all those concepts we heard so much about back in the 80s).

    Anyway, when the song came on, I happened to look at my watch. It was 11:11:11

    All those ones look a lot like dominos lined up, waiting for the first one to fall, don't they?

    And then last night I was watching the news on television. They did a story about North Korea and their nuclear weapons program, and how an attack on the US is not out of the question, considering that their leader is a madman.

    It was 11:11 PM.


  12. Ray says:

    When I read the 11:11 blog I zeroed in on Natalie's comment about 3:33. I remembered an episode of CSI NY in which Lt Taylor wakes up at 3:33 every morning. Then yesterday morning I woke up at 3:33 AM. Yesterday started another synchronicity that ended (for the time being) today. I was having a discussion in which I explained a point as a Cargo Cult. Just before I posted this today I opened a blog about marketing books only to see portions described as a Cargo Cult with a link to an explanation of the term.


  13. blayner says:

    My life is a series of synchronicity, one moment to the next, defined and clarified by the 1111 and all other forms of "numerical phenomena" I experience multiple times daily, in every aspect of my life.

    Its about Law of Attraction, it's about Present Moment Awareness, its about the unfolding of space/time, its about 2012, its about the enlightenment of humanity to it's true essence, and so much more.

    You know my story Trish.

    I think alot of us 1111ers have many things in common. Thats why we are being reconnected.



  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've never really paid much attention to the 11:11 phenomena. Maybe because my logical mind said that ones natually occur more than any other numbers. Then there was another reason.

    About 11 years ago (just guessing there, but it's possible) I found myself in a situation where I had to talk my sister's kid down from a hallucinogenic drug experience. The kid, who was actually an adult, just repeated the same thing over and over again…one…one…one. He shouted it at me, as if to say 'don't you get it. One…one…one.' Earlier, he had taken his utility bills and other papers and tore them up in front of his house, then painted a huge 1 on the front of his house.

    So maybe I've got some bias against the number. All that said, after reading all the posts here today, I went out to pick up my nine-year-old Mazda from a garage where the alternator had been replaced for the second time this month. (I wrote about the scenario in Oregon Tale, June 12. Since it was an electrical problem, I figured all my presets on the radio would be out, along with the clock. To my surprise, the stations were still in place, but the clock was several hours off.

    Instead of reading 3:14, it read: 11:11. I stared at it, shaking my head, wondering if it was stuck on 11:11. About ten, maybe eleven seconds passed. Then it flipped to 11:12.

  15. gypsywoman says:

    these particular comments are in and of themselves a rare "book" – a wordpicture of possibilities – i've read them several times now and each time i find another tidbit i missed with the last reading – in any event, while i do not have a great number of 11:11 experiences, interestingly enough, just today, as my grandson and i were cruising about, all of a sudden, he gasped as he looked at his cell phone and said "oh, nanny, look, it's exactly 11:11 – i have to make a wish!" – i asked him what he meant [to see his perception of the significance of the number] and he responded, "nanny, don't you know?!!! that's a magical number!"

    well, out of the mouths of babes….

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Do keep us posted, Adele. May, Interestingly enough, at the gym today I read this section in Pinchbeck's book: "On the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, the sun will rise within the dark rift at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, an event that occurs once every 25,800 years. As John Mayor Jenkins describes in Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, this alignment represents the 'union of the Cosmic Mother (Milky Way) with the First Father (the December solstice sun)." Jenskins theorizes that this astronomical event, in which the meridian crosses over the Galactic equator, might induce a "a field effect reversal," just as magnetic forces operate in reverse from above and below earth's equator. In other words, the pole shift that Cayce talked about years ago.

    Who knows?

  17. Adele Aldridge says:

    Thanks for posting this one. 11 and especially 11:11 has been my favorite number for a long time. I have nothing special to add here except that recently I received an email about a new magazine called 11:11. So now, according to the "things come in 3's" plan I should be receiving another 11:11 message in some form. I'll let you know if I do.

  18. terripatrick says:

    Cool. And I read your response at 12:02 which a slight twist could make those numbers 2012.
    I love numbers…

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's a new one for you, Terri, that you won't find among those millions. Your post here about the 11's was #11 and you posted it during the 11th hour at 11:49.

  20. terripatrick says:

    I have many stories about 11:11 spanning a few decades but I'm sure they would be covered somewhere in 203 million hits. 🙂

    My preferred interpretation of the 11:11 comes from magnetic master Kryon, channeled with Lee Carroll. The message of 11:11 is illumination and enlightenment. From what I've seen, anyone who pays attention to repetitive numbers usually begins a journey to determine meaning of these numbers. This leads people to numerology; or the I Ching; or they see the computer connection that the digital age is based in a binary language (it's all 1's and 0's); or people may discover numerical significance in many cultural or historical concepts or places.

    This is why I feel the basic message of 11:11 is illumination and enlightenment because that's the journey people begin and it takes them where they individually choose to go…

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    May, your Gemini mind is labyrinthine!

  22. Lover of Life says:

    I am stalked by 3:15. Every night I wake up and it is 3:15, so I'm no help.

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous – thanks for posting this. It's a terrific story.
    – Trish

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    WATR – really good point. But it doesn't explain why 11s do seem to stalk certain people, at certain times in their lives. Read the remark by anonymous that follows your remark. I can't claim any expertise in this area since I've never noticed 11s -but was "stalked" by 33 during a flight some years ago to California. I posted something on it in March. It's called #33, Retreat.
    – Trish

  25. Anonymous says:

    Late last year, I would glance at the clock at precisely 9:11 for a couple of months. Then 911 started popping up out of the blue everytime I turned on a tv or radio or even in conversations. I don't know precisely when it started but it became so overwhelmingly evident I had to notice it aout two months before my father passed away followed by a good friend a week later. It seemed to stop for a month or two following their deaths. In all the chaos that followed I forgot all about it until it started happening again. Then I realized for two months prior to the loss of two people close to my I was getting 911 calls from the universe. As I said though a month or two later it began again in full force. It started happening again so much that I could wake up at precisely 9:11 by bedroom clock, stroll into the kitchen and start coffee and glance at the clock on the stove which would read 9:11 and then head to the living room where the clock would then read 9:11. Originally, all of these clocks were set the same but got off somehow and 9:11 will chase me through the house. At the gym, I check my time on the treadmill and I almost always look down @ 9:11 – even when I consciously try to not look b/c I know it will be about that time. It spooked me for a long time when it crept back up (given the events it preceeded the first time). Lately I have noticed it is not just 9:11 or 9/11 that pops up but almost always something ending in 11. Its odd. I don't know what it means or if it means anything at all. I'm releived to see I'm not the only person being stalked by 11's. I feel slightly less crazy now.

  26. WATR (Atlantic Radio) says:

    I like to consider my confirmation bias when thinking about things like this. What about all the other times that we look at the clock and it's not 11:11? We probably don't remember those.

  27. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Okay, that's a good one! Thanks, Natalie. May I use this one?
    – Trish

  28. Natalie says:

    I am numerologically an 11/2. There were years when everytime I looked at the clock it was 11:11. If I looked at my clock and then went somewhere else , and their clock was wrong, I would catch theirs at 11:11 too. I regularly go to bed at 11:11, and wake at 2:22 and 3:33 a.m. This has been happening for 11 years now, since I first started meditating and studying spiritual principles.xx♥

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