Alien Agenda: Why They Came, Why They Stayed

Steve Peek is a writer who contacted us after he had read Aliens in the Backyard. He sent us four of his ebooks on Kindle, and the one I started with was Alien Agenda: Why They Came, Why They Stayed. 

I initially thought the book was nonfiction, perhaps a kind of  memoir, but it’s actually fiction, cleverly and unconventionally written, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Rob is reading Steve’s book, Coyote Dreaming,  (nonfiction) and loves it.

So I got curious about this guy and asked about his background, if he’d ever had an encounter, and what he thinks about the role that synchronicity plays in  the encounter scenario.

It turns out that Steve spent 40 years in the gaming industry, designing science fiction and fantasy games, and retired last year. He has “always been writing,” but now has the time to indulge in writing full-time. He has an avid interest in ancient civilizations and the mysteries they left behind.  During his game business days, he took extra time to see many of the neolithic and other ancient monuments.

All of this, he says, soon led to including the possibility of aliens in the equation. “The aliens have been messing with us for at least 10,000 years.  They have some greater purpose that justifies their means.  Whatever it is, they have never told us so they just keep abducting, working toward their goal.”

Steve mentioned in one email that his father had worked in military intelligence. So my first question was: what did your dad do in the military? His response:

Short answer is I don’t know.  He never spoke about it much.  I guess he took his oath seriously.  I do know that he began in the Army Air Corp in World War II working with aerial photography.  When the Air Corp became the Air Force, he went with them and was the base intelligence officer wherever we were stationed for the next twelve years.  Often he would leave the country for 30 to 60 days.

I know he was a regional officer for Project Blue Book during the 1950’s. In 1957 the Russians put  Sputnik in orbit where it beeped death down upon us so we had to climb under our school desk twice a month instead of once.  The class got pretty good at it and had great confidence those plywood surfaces and steel tubing would block any kind of nuclear blast headed our way.  So the government decided the country would be better served if dad worked for NASA.  So we moved again, many times.  He was head of security for NASA until he retired in 1970.

How do you think  synchronicity plays into the encounter/abduction scenario?

You must think I am a lot smarter than I am.  I have experienced many synchronistic events, some with surprising results.  Maybe we live in a universe where synchronicity exists and allows order to come from chaos.  Maybe the aliens are here trying to control syncho events.

My encounter:

11:40 PM, October 9, 1974, driving home from my nightshift job with the Atlanta Gas Light company.  My son’s 3rd birthday present, a Marx Big Wheel, was in the trunk for his enjoyment the next day.  I was cruising west on the recently opened stretch of I-20.  It was a clear night. Clear, but dark outside of the city.  Off to my left I noticed a light that appeared to be two hundred yards away and about three hundred feet off the ground.  It seemed to be pacing me.  I assumed it was a police helicopter and slowed to the speed limit.  So did it.

I exited at Douglasville,  turned south, and drove south on the two lane highway through the woods.  The helicopter did not follow.  I quickly forgot about it and raced the last seven miles home. I pulled into the driveway, got out of the car and was unloading the Big Wheel when the light rose above the treeline about fifty yards behind my house.

I felt confused and stood for a few seconds watching it slowly move toward me.  Then, I realized, there was no noise, not even a whisper of a breeze.  The light moved toward me in dead silence.  Not a helicopter. I ran into the house before I peed myself.  When I looked out the window, the light was gone.

My son began having night terrors on the night before his next birthday.  He had them every year until he turned thirteen.  It was only when he was in his twenties that he asked me about the night the little man came in his room.


As soon as Rob is finished with Coyote Dreaming, I’m grabbing it!


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17 Responses to Alien Agenda: Why They Came, Why They Stayed

  1. Darren B says:

    Another good video about alien abuctee experience is this one –!
    from Ellis C Taylor’s site –

  2. Darren B says:

    There is a talk in a You Tube by Ellis C Taylor which could easily fit into your book “Aliens in the Backyard”.
    He has claimed for years to be an experiencer.
    I have read all of his books and find them all very interesting,not that I agree with everything he says though.
    He talks about his missing time experiences in this clip –!

  3. Nancy says:

    I think I have two more books for the stack next to my bed!

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    From time to time, here on the blog, I’ve mentioned my Egyptian Sanctuary. This is a room in our home that was designated as a “Florida Room”, but instead, it is my personal sacred space. Everything within the room, everything, is Egyptian, with the exception of the chair in which I sit, and the wall to wall carpet. Trish and Rob have photos taken from many perspectives in the room. There are Pyramids everywhere, and one in particular is my “working Pyramid”. I use it for all my magickal and healing workings, and it has the most magnificent, inexplicable energy. Brad Steiger wrote a really informative text on the Pyramid years ago. But in my opinion, the best text,of many thousands, is one whose manuscript was confiscated early by the governments of both Egypt and America. The title is THE MYSTERY OF THE GREAT PYRAMID, and its author is David Lewis. My original copy vanished, and I searched for another copy over the decades. I finally found it, and have a paper copy. (It’s out of print but available.) It’s also available to download from the computer, free. Anyone who is geuinely interested in Pyramids and their history and great power might want to take a look at this book. This is a good post, Trish and Rob, and opens the doors to other ancient secrets of the Universe(s)!

  5. steve peek says:

    Hi Lauren,

    I am going to check the link you posted. I have a life-long passion for ancient buildings and energy fields. My first book, Other world, looks at this subject and examples how early humans knew about, and worked with this energy.

    In any event, I have discovered that often the less impressive appearing megalithic sites have higher energy emissions.

    Thanks for the link to the Bosnian pyramids. I understand there are some fairly new finds in Turkey.

  6. lauren raine says:

    Sounds like a fascinating book. Interesting that his father was so high up in the world of security as well, and too bad that he didn’t communicate some of what he may have known to his son.

    I’m also utterly fascinated with ancient megaliths and earth mysteries, one of my current passions being the “Bosnian pyramids” – Dr. Sam Osmanagich, in his 3 part “Bosnian Pyramids December 2012 Update” ( shows films of geo-magnetic energy radiating from the pyramid/site, which unlike a regular mountain landscape or a simple town are vertical instead of horizontal. Why did people everywhere, so long ago, build pyramids? Did they understand something about utilizing geo-magnetic fields that we have lost? Were aliens connected to this?

    Must check out the book!

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