
Twenty years ago, I was involved with The Four Winds Society, an organization that leads workshops in shamanism and sponsors tours to Peru and the Amazon, and also the American Southwest to Chaco Canyon and Canyon de Chelly. I wrote a couple of magazine articles and went on a four-day vision quest with a group to the canyons. It was a somewhat grueling trip, hiking all day and doing ceremonies late into the night. (Trish had decided that she would follow her quest in the comfort of home, and when she heard about the details she figured she’d made the right decision.)

Yet, living under such strenuous conditions, holding fire ceremonies and climbing rocks late at night for meditations puts one in a frame of mind where…things happen. I clearly recall a meditation in Canyon de Chelly on a chilly night in which I saw three Indians wearing bandanas and walking along a perilous trail along the side of a cliff.

Suddenly, the third one turned, stared right at me, then propelled himself across the canyon right at me. That’s when I snapped out of the meditation. Later, when I spoke about what happened as we were seated in the big tent, Alberto, our shamanic guide, shook his head. “That Indian was giving you a gift, an initiation into power, but you backed off.“ Hm, just like Indiana Jones, searching, but then backing away when he gets close to non-physical power.

A couple of years later, Alberto brought several Qero Indian shamans to South Florida for workshops and despacho ceremonies. Trish and I went to one in West Palm Beach at a Unity church. It was quite a scene with an audience of more than a hundred watching colorfully garbed Queros – the survivors of the Incas – sitting in a circle on stage preparing for the despacho ceremony and chewing coca leaves next to a 12-foot tall decorated Christmas tree. Then, one after another, audience members approached the lead shaman, who conducted transmissions of energy. Trish recalls feeling an energetic surge from the despacho. In the aftermath, I wrote Prophecy Rock, which I’ve always felt was somehow enhanced from that ceremony.

Over the years, I’ve included some shamanic meditations in the course I teach, but in the last month I’ve intensified my personal shamanic work meditating early in the morning for up to an hour and a half. Mostly, I use recordings made by shamanic practitioner Sandra Ingram.

This morning, I took a half-hour journey to the underworld, a place close to nature, an abode of nature spirits, a place to contact a power animal or guiding spirit, a place to seek healing. However, this time nothing happened. No visions, no voices, nothing that related to the healing quest I’ve pursuing related to a condition I’ve been dealing with since February.

After the meditation, I went into the kitchen and opened a newspaper. I turned a few pages and came upon an article about a Qero shaman who is holding workshops and despachos in South Florida over the coming days. I went to the web site of the sponsoring group and found out that Don Flores would be in Palm Beach County Saturday and Sunday. Later that morning we signed up for the despacho Saturday night and I made an appointment for a one-hour healing with Don Flores on Sunday.

So a meditation that seemed lacking abruptly transitioned into a synchronistic discovery in the morning newspaper. I mean, how often are there articles on shamanism in the daily paper? Almost never. Then, more specifically, I discovered a Qero shaman was coming here, as if in response to my meditations.

We’ll see where this leads and no doubt will report back.



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7 Responses to Shaman-speak

  1. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I was lucky to have one of Sandra’s proteges journey for me. Insightful. Now I watch for my power animals to appear. Plus I seem to sense their presence and their intermediaries regularly.

    I would think Rob and you would be familar with Brad Keeney’s Shaking Medicine work. What was strange for me in finding out about Sandra and Brad was that they were both in Santa Fe while I was living there. It was not till after I moved out that I discovered this. With that bit of trickster pranks ( which happens to me a lot ) was that there is a great bookstore right behind the area where Borders Santa Fe used to be. Carrying all sorts of non mainstream esoteric books, cds, art. Again, I never knew this till after I left. I walked by that bookstore dozens of times.

    Was lucky to inter act with a group of Huichol indians in Tucson, talk about visonary art. They or lets say shamanic types seem to always on the periphery of my existence.
    Which is probably why I watch “Altered States” at least once a year. Some type of core aspect of me is in resonance with this type of earth / greater earth healing modality.

    Which leads me to one more book folks here might be interested in reading.

    Robert Lawler’s book ” Voices of the First Day”

    Here he is in an unfinished Doc.

    Be well,


  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    DITTO on hearing all the details!

  3. D Page says:

    I can’t wait to hear how this unfolds!

  4. Nancy says:

    Fascinating. Can’t wait to hear more.

  5. gypsy says:

    …sometimes…when we least expect it…”it” happens…

    neat story, rob – and do keep us posted!

  6. Shamanic meditations. If I ever get to Florida I’d go to your classes willingly. It’s interesting how sometimes meditations, visualisation and the like don’t always bring about the expected results in a manner anticipated. It’s the working in ‘mysterious ways’ syndrome – but the answers still come, at the right time and in their own way.

    No doubt your healing will follow.

  7. Momwithwings says:

    These meditations sound fascinating, wish I could join you!
    Often when not much is happening, when I think about it, I realize the lesson was to relax and let go of expectation.
    For me it is quite often that they want me to just be so that I can open more.

    I love that you found that advertisement for the Shaman in the paper!!
    I cannot wait to read about that journey!

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