Second-hand healing

Here’s a peculiar story from Jane Clifford, a healer in Wales, who encountered another healer in a strange location.


I was in a town across the mountains that I visit often with a dear friend & we had 20 minutes to spare after lunch before her dental appointment. So` I mentioned a second hand furniture place very near where we were parked that is fun to poke around in and where I have been before. Its a real shack, grubby and chaotic, but in amongst the tat there are real finds, the profits support a local church.

Outside it was a blackboard and in wobbly writing it said, ‘Prophecy and healing.’ I had a chat with a man serving in there about furniture and asked him about the healing and prophecy and where it happened, to which he replied, “Here!”

He explained that a guy called Richard did it, so I asked about the prophecy. He said, “If Richard gets a message from the Lord for you whilst he is doing the healing, he passes it on.”

I said I would like to try it, so he called Richard from the back of the shop and to my astonishment it was going to take place right where I was standing in the shop.I asked my companion if she would like to try it but  she was too shy. But she told me to go ahead and sat down nearby.

Richard was a big tall South African guy. He stood facing me and took both of my hands in his. “You are a healer, ” he said immediately. “And the Lord wants to use you as an instrument of his healing.” I confirmed that I am a healer. He continued: “You don’t attend a church, but you have the Lord in your heart.”

I agreed.

He asked what I wanted to heal and I replied lately that my arthritis has been very painful. So he asked if I know that bitterness, anger and the need to forgive are a component of arthritis. I replied that I did know that. (We have also just had the coldest winter for 60 years, which is another component).

So he asked if I had any forgiveness issues and I said that I do, because my sister has stolen hundreds of thousands from my elderly mother without her knowledge and I had been working on the forgiveness for some time and reached compassion for my sister. But then she stole more money, and I am back to zero again. So I understand I have more forgiving to do. I said I also have severe back problem with collapsed discs.

Then he started  talking to the Lord to assist me in forgiveness and to re-align my  spine and ease my pain. I would not have been surprised to hear a few praise the Lords and all that happy-clappy stuff. But I could tell he is a medium and clairaudient, a genuine one.

Then he asked if I minded if the other guy ( who runs the second-hand store) placed his hand over my lower back, and I agreed. As Richard is praying for my spine I definitely felt something going on there. Then it was done! He said the forgiveness issue will be worked on overnight.

The arthritis has eased considerably. My back is more comfortable and I actually fully expect to be in a better place with the sister stuff  by morning.

Well, the Lord sure does work in mysterious ways! Its the last place one would expect to find healing or prophecy, but there it was!


We wonder how many people go to that second-hand furniture store for healings and prophecy. Not only was the sign amazing, but the healer was actually there…as if waiting for Jane.

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11 Responses to Second-hand healing

  1. Jane Clifford says:

    Thanks for the comments folks! I acknowledged,recognised and released a lt of anger the day after the healing (I tend to implode rather than explode,so I knew the anger coming out was connected to the healing.I was so unusually ANGRY hardly knew what to do with it & then rememebred to observe it,si I said “OH here you are Anger,here we go!” Since i released the anger,the athritis has almost gone altogether & I think it was a stage I had to go through to reach forgiveness!
    I have been to that thrift store many times and never seen the sign outside or the healer Richard,but it is said when we are ready to heal the healer appears!
    Healing and prophecy do seem to go hand in hand,I was a practising clairvoyant for over thirty years and when I retired from that the healing gift just showed up after a while.NO website,no business cards,just those that need assistance show up and find me,including dogs and horses.
    I was stunned that Richard knew I was a healer the instant he touched my hand!

    I just love this blog for the stuff we get to share,so grateful to Rob and Trish for connecting us all.

  2. Great story and shows that God/Universe or whatever does work in mysterious ways – sometimes we don’t see for looking.

  3. lauren raine says:

    What a wonderful story………the timing is great too!

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    What a great experience for you, Sharon! Sometimes, psychics who work for many, many years simply become really tired, and recognize that they simply no longer have the energy needed to do the work. And, once in a while, a psychic may have some type of extremely negative experience and decides to not open that door anymore, under any circumstances. Whatever this wonderful healer’s reason for retiring as a psychic, I’m sure it is valid, although the many folks he helped certainly miss him! It could be, too, that he decided to put all his energy into the Reiki. I have a close friend who is a born healer, and a born psychic, and she decided to go to massage therapy school to get a license that would legally allow her to “touch” folks once she reached the Master Reiki level. She very often receives messages from discarnates as she is working on a person during a Reiki healing session, and afterwards, she’ll write down what she rec’d, then asked the person if he or she had any impressions. Invariably, without looking at what my friend has written, the client will have rec’d the same impressions! Such a gift! Such a treasure! Thank you for sharing your story!

  5. sharon catley says:

    It is so magical when one finds a true psychic. Although I have visited many selling suc h services I myself have only experienced one who actually knew personal things out me. Things such as the fact my maternal grandmother was first nations (most people guess that I am Irish) and her husband, my grandfather was from German heritage yet fought for Canada during the first world war and that he showed his love for me by cooking for me. He told me I lived two different places which I did at the time. This gentleman is also a Reiki healer and it seems that these two gifts (psychic gift and healing gift) are often linked together. Unfortuneatly this gentleman no longer does readings just the healing and cannot be persuaded to do so for love or money. Perhaps there is some physical or mental detriment occurs after many years of receiving information.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Like Gypsy, I just love to go to the little hole-in-the-wall shops, some of which seem grungy but actually aren’t…they just have other folks’ trash that becomes other folks’ treasures! The Good-Will and Salvation Army stores here are large and really busy, and I enjoy sleuthing around in those. As a matter of fact, our downstairs bedroom is completely furnished, in terms of its furniture, from the Good Will store, but no one believes me when I tell them that! 😉 This is such a wondrous story of healing, Guys!

    The Source of All That Is seems to be available wherever and whenever we need it, often in the most unlikely places! I don’t go often to psychics, but a few years ago was in desperate need for guidance beyond my own contaminated channelings, and happened to find a copy of Dr. Hans Holzer’s final text. In the back of it, there is a directory of psychics around the world that in his life, he had found to be the most authentic. Lo and behold, one of those lived less than twenty miles south of here, right on the beach! I made an appt and went.

    This lady….WOW. She and her hubby had re-located from New York, and she was definitely a New Yorker, an older woman, wearing a perfectly ordinary flowery beach shift that we see here everywhere. She escorted me upstairs to her kitchen table, which was strewn with various household knick-knacks, told me not to say a word, and proceeded to give me the most spot-on reading I’ve ever had…..right there in her kitchen, with a sink holding yet-unwashed dishes and with no metaphysical items in sight. No candles, no anything. Just that wonderful elderly lady who happened to be suffering from an acute attack of bronchitis, yet her reading for me was so absolutely on-spot that I felt she was inside my head! So spiritual gifts do come wrapped in strange little packages sometimes, and I’m delighted for our friend in Wales, that she rec’d the unexpected healing! What a joyful experience! Tahnk you for sharing it with us!

  7. gypsy says:

    while i love shopping little “holes in the wall” kinds of shops, and do frequently, i’ve never come across one with an on-site healer! but how fitting, when you think about it – i mean, furniture that is there to be given new life with new owners – and a healer to give new life to people – great story!

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