Leaf Snap

This strange little synchro comes from Gabe Carlson of Minneapolis. Back when we had first started our blog, he had left a comment about a mind-blowing synchro he experienced involving a teapot.  We used it in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. It still remains one of the best synchros I’ve ever heard about. Gabe, like Daz and others who visit our blog, seems to be a synchro magnet, for lack of a better term.

I ran across his story on Facebook’s synchronicity group and asked Gabe if we could repost it.


Yesterday, I had to stop at the bank inside a grocery store, and on a whim decided to buy a plant for the house to help counterbalance the late season snow we’re getting up here.  They had a type of plant I’ve often seen and liked, so we picked it up. In the car afterward, my girlfriend asked what kind of plant it was- there was no label, and I didn’t know.

So she pulled out her smart phone, with the intention if using an application I’d downloaded for her. The app allow you to take a photo of a plant’s leaves to get an ID. When she  entered her unlock password, I heard her exclaim violently   and thought she’d just gotten some kind of crazy news. But nope – her phone had opened up the Leaf Snap app, and it was ready to go.

She’d never used it, it had never opened itself up before, and she wasn’t even sure it was on her phone. Afterward, we tried to see if somehow the phone could have opened the app automatically, based on overhearing a phrase like, “What is this plant?” But nope, nothing would make it open. It was just coincidentally open right when she went to use it.


Perhaps there’s a category for synchronicities that could be called, Tech Synchs! I admit to being somewhat curious about Leaf Snap’s ID of the plant. And now that I know about this app, I think it’s one I’ll download!


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8 Responses to Leaf Snap

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    OOPS. Lots of typos in my previous comment! Please overlook. I meant to say I’m still not sure that some of the stuff on the worldwide web doesn’t come constitute The Beast. And of course, Ying and Yang! Sorry from my fumbling fingers! 🙂

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Lauren, I definitely remember Findhorn, and have few books about it and also several books about “The Psychic Power Of Plants”. Remarkable material. Regarding the computer/internet, I used to have the thought that they were/are “the Beast” decribed in Revelation in the Bible. I’m still not certain that parts of those contribute to that allegorical entitiy, The Beast, considering how much horrific stuff happens via the worldwide web. Contrarily, there is much incredibly wonderful stuff happening on the worldwide web. So, as with all things, ting and yang, plus and minus., good and bad. Balance would seem to be the key word concerning this invention and its aps.

  3. Darren B says:

    Interesting post,especially since my latest post
    is about Bee Lee’s new album about his experiences of drinking the leaf of the Ayahuasca plant in a tea form.
    There is also a link to a post about John Lennon,his gold egg and his alien experiences.
    As Gabe says “teapots happen”.-)

  4. lauren raine says:

    Interesting (and most helpful) synchronicity!

    Math……..remember Findhorn? Or even one of Americas most famous plant mystics, Luthor Burbank. Plants definately respond to love, environment, the “great conversation”.

    I get lots of synchronicities from the internet, which I sometimes think demonstrates that we’re basically telepathic and connected all the time. But wonder also if the internet is such a good thing sometimes………

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    I think our escalating technology is a two-sided sword. This morning I watched a very interesting progran on H2 about Ancient Aliens and the connection to mythology and mythological gods, etc, with a connection to the possibility that the gods of mytholo9gy aren’t myths at all, but were Alien visitors that our ancestors couldn’t comprehend. as anything but gods. The suggestion was that our increasing technology may be leading to our abilities to have a much more meaningful and profound communication with those entities…..which can be either postitive, or negative or both. I love this leaf snap post. Research has proven that plants actually DO have feelings, and they have energy auras. There are several well-written texts on this, demonstrating the reactions of plants when they are attached to conductors which reflect actual emotional responses to being cut or threatened. Maybe Gabe’s little plant in his car activated the ap! Stranger things have happened. I no longer think anything is impossible!

  6. Another interesting synchro – could well be lots more tech synchs as technology and the Internet take over our lives – wonder if that’s a good thing though.

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