Vision of Boston Marathon tragedy


We recently opened a page above on our blog that called Planetary Empaths that deals with reports of physical symptoms that seem to foretell major catastrophes and disasters, both natural and man-made. Several people have already posted on the page. Connie Cannon and Debra Page both had e-mailed us days before the Boston Marathon bombings about their symptoms and they were certain something big was coming.

While it’s difficult to pinpoint the nature and location of such events, Nirissa Pillay, a South African woman recorded a dream very close to the time of the Boston tragedy that seems linked to it. She contacted Australian futurist Marcus Anthony with her story and he forwarded it to us after making a short video related to it. So this story has quickly gone around the world.

Here’s Nirissa’s dream.


“I dreamed, I was at an event, near a stadium, crowds of people were not in the stadium but outside. Then I heard a bomb go off, people started running and screaming, then I heard another bomb go off. I found myself in a hotel asking the person at the reception if he knew what number my room was because I could not recall. He said it’s no 141, repeatedly.

This morning I open my inbox and my husband has forwarded me an email about the Boston Marathon bombing, 2 bombs, 141 (or close) casualties, sporting event, people running into hotels, also one of the bombs went off across from a hotel.

“I am perplexed as to the accuracy of information regarding this event and my dream. I live in South Africa, we are 6 hours ahead of Boston. This event took place while I was asleep last night.

“I have always been skeptical of everything and suddenly the concept of universal intelligence has become a reality. I’m shaken. I felt I needed to reach out and ask someone with knowledge surrounding this for maybe, some guidance on this, please.”


The 141 figure is about 30 shy of the total number of casualties. But the similarities of her dream and the actual event are remarkable. Marcus’ video offers some interesting thoughts on such clairvoyant and precognitive dreams, and is definitely worth watching.

The bombing may actually have already happened when Nirissa was sleeping. I asked her if she might’ve picked up the information subconsciously, possibly from a TV playing in the background. Here’s what she said:

“We have not had our satellite fixed for over a month now. We chose not to fix it because it didn’t bother us much to not be able to watch TV. So it’s been mainly talking, books and board games for a while. So the answer to that question is, ‘no’- there was no other physical source of information available to me while I was sleeping.”

I also asked Nirissa if she had gone on-line before going to bed Tuesday. She responded that she couldn’t remember, then added this: “I am 100% certain, I didn’t have any knowledge about the actual event, until the email from my husband.”

So it’s more dream clairvoyance or remote viewing than precognition. Either way, it fits as a synchronicity.


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12 Responses to Vision of Boston Marathon tragedy

  1. Darren B says:

    On the subject of dreams and signs (in movies and pop culture) checkout this latest sync video by Jake Kotze
    It is mind blowing how sync hides in plan sight.
    You just have to look in the right places.

  2. Darren B says:

    If you look at the surveillance video related to Boston bombings released by the FBI you’ll see the numbers in the top left corner of the second camera are 14:14.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    For anyone who isn’t able to see or hear the on-going news…..the explosion at the fertilizer plant near Waco was felt 400, yes, FOUR HUNDRED, miles away as a 2.1 earthquake! The heat from the blast was so intense that a satellite high in space actually picked it up. CNN just showed the image from the satellite. Nitrous ammonia was one of the fertilizer components, and is extremely deadly and volatile. The casualites in this Texas disaster are MORE than the bombings in Boston, and far more widespread. Unimaginable back-to-back catastrophes. Just tragic.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    At last count, injured in Boston are 170+, and dead is 3. Her dream was spot on. I reported on the PE site yesterday that “It isn’t finsihed. My symptoms are building again. But now I have an acrid taste on my tongue that won’t go away. Eyes burning and watering like I’m in fire and smoke. House rocked under me. Lots of people hurt.” Well, on the 11 o’clock news last night, the first news story was about a “MASSIVE EXPLOSION” at a fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas that happened around 8pm. Many peeople injured, carried to several hospitals in other towms due to local hospital overload of victims., The explosion is considered natural, but it reached and destroyed buildings and homes for several miles around, including a school. (Thank God it didn’t occur in the daytime!) The “fertilizer” was the acrid taste on my tongue, which is a new symptom for me. I assumed there would be more bombings because my symptoms, except for the acrid taste, were so similar to the Boston symptoms. Although the result was almost exact, the cause in Waco apparently wasn’t a bomb. This is the fastest my PE symptoms have been followed by the manifestation of the event causing them. Re Nirissa’s dream, it doesn’t seem to matter where on the planet we may be when we experience an event in advance of it happening. In any and all situations, it’s not fun, and I don’t want it!

  5. Thanks for posting the story, Rob and Trish. Precognitions are always a bit tricky, as you have to rely on the person recalling the dream or vision accurately. But I have had plenty myself, so I have no problem with the idea that they are real. I was actually told in a dream several years ago that most precognitive dreams are in symbolic form. So they are often not as literal as Nirissa’s. If people actually spent a little time examining their dreams, and knew how to read them, they might be shocked by what they find! I kept a dream journal for years, and I still record profound dreams and messages I get while sleeping – just nowhere near as often as I used to.

    I put the video on Youtube. It got more hits than most of my videos – about 230 today. It will probably get a few thousand hits eventually, because it is topical. For some reason I actually feel a little apprehensive about putting videos out and having lots of people watching me, as opposed to writing – which is a lot more anonymous, even with my name attached!

  6. USA Today quoted there were 141 injuries. I also came across a new website Boston Squadron 141 – though this is in Boston, England and nothing to do with Marathon.

  7. Darren B says:

    There is a “Public Alleyway 441” that runs behind where the second bomb went off.

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