The Tall Whites

The link for our interviews with Anne and Whitley Strieber, on April 16,  are now up. Hope you take a listen! The radio interviews we’ve done for the book are listed in the pages at the top of the blog, under News etc.


The other day, I received an e-mail from our Aussie friend, Natalie Thomas, asking if I had heard of Charles Hall or the Tall Whites.Whenever I get questions like this from Natalie, I pay attention. She has a new blog, but we don’t have the URL yet.

At one time, she had a terrific blog about her developing mediumistic abilities and its impact on her personal life and used to be a frequent commenter on our blog. But raising five kids and working full-time took its toll and she withdrew from blogging world. We still keep in touch on Facebook. So I asked her for more info about these Tall Whites and she sent me the video.

What I found most interesting about this video is that the hosts of the Australian radio show don’t ridicule this man. They don’t demean him.  He comes across as a regular guy, but it turns out he’s a nuclear physicist. The comments beneath the video are, for the most part, scathing. But rather than assuming the man is crazy, shouldn’t we be asking, Suppose what he’s saying is true? And if it’s true, what does it tell us about the nature of reality?

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18 Responses to The Tall Whites

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Thank you, Mom and Debra. The two who appeared in our bedroom on two consecutive nights, or it may have been just one, coming twice, apparently intended me no harm at all, but I didn’t realize that and when I initially saw it, I screamed bloody murder and it disappeared. The next night when it re-appeared with some kind of long “instrument”, standing inside our BD room at the top of the stairs pointing the long thing at me like a rifle or something, I screamed again, and it seened to be really, really upset that I was afraid of it, and it managed to convey to me that “It’s not a weapon! It’s a scanner! It’s a scanner!” and then it was gone.
    It was at least 8 feet tall, with white white hair down to its shoulders, and wore a one-piece shimmery something, like a jumpsuit. Even in my state of fear, I was able to see these things clearly. I had no impression of its gender. The next day I was able to rationlize that my fear came from the experience ar WR AFB with the assault weapon pointed at me, although there were many encounters and abductions that had happened in the interim.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Did the entities MomWithWings saw have the long hair like the ones in my master bedroom, or the “crew-cut-appearing” hair like this one in the picture? My curiosity and interest comes from my desperate need to know how many different species there are around us, or more importantly, how often do they shape-shift to change their true appearances? I have the powerful sense that they definitely have the ablities to shape-shift their craft, appearing as black helicopters instead of typical spacecraft, and also the MIB, as well as appearing as a famous person, an animal, or even an ordinary human such as the one who infiltrated my own life and stayed for several years. Darn it, every question raises even more questions about these creatures and their purposes and their identities and everything else about them! It’s enigma on top of enigma on top of enigma, probably to keep us in a state of confusion. They’re pretty successful at doing that!!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I don’t know, Math. Hopefully mom with wings will elaborate!

      • Momwithwings says:

        The beings I saw were white white.
        I was very young but I’ve never forgotten them.
        They wore old clothing like top hat and tails that didn’t fit, and I do remember wondering why they wore such old clothing.
        They were also very thin, almost skeletal yet their skin was white and smooth, no hair on arms.
        They did not have long hair, I don’t recall them having any hair but again, they were wearing hats.
        I got the sense that now was male and one female.
        They were very gentle and loving and I never feared them.

        • Debra Page says:

          The tall white ones that I’ve seen –bright white– were very tall and willowy. Their limbs were very long. They were gentle and seemed delicate somehow. They told me they were like “Mothers” and they were tending humanity like we tend a garden. They literally showed me scenes of gardening.

  3. I read about Charles Hall:

    “Twenty years after his discharge from the Air Force, Hall began writing down his experiences, and after another twenty years, published them – at first presenting his books as works of fiction”.

    And now he’s on a promotional tour …

    That doesn’t, of course, say his story isn’t true … who knows for sure.

  4. Jane Clifford says:

    Yesterday I read an incredible book with a lousy title,Transylvanian sunrise,nothing to do with vampires.It concerns an American satellite spotting underground chambers and passages in a Rumanian mountain,where there is also a sphinx. The Americans sent military personnel and a special plasma drill to gain access through the top of the mountain.They could not gain access to a huge gallery/room inside due to a protective energy field,3 soldiers died trying & any objects thrown at it just crumbled into white dust. A particularly psychic and specially trained Rumanian guy gained access,he said it was as if this energy field read your intentions.

    Heres the synchro,inside the chamber were huge high stone tables,so the beings who made all this 5,000 years ago were very tall.Their were glyphs and signs on th etables and a scientist putting his hand over them was holographically shown the history of the earth,including the crucifixion and the great flood,he says our history as taught is all lies! Basically these beings from thousands of years ago were so scientifically advanced,way beyond our current science.

    Rumania wanted to share this find with the world and bring in the best scientists,America did not and the Vatican did not either,but the vatican shared ancient texts which validated this find.The illuminati and Bilderberg group also knew of this place and wanted something in there really badly! It was all top secret,American military were involved in guarding this place. Apparently there is a similar place in Tibet,In Mongolia and in Egypt. I did read somewhere that something in Egypt had also been protected by an incredible force field & only one man could gain entrance there too.

    Sure,it read like fiction and in this precis even more so,but there was so much other info in this book,especially regarding the illuminatis social engineering and final agendas. Brainwashing by media,deliberately keeping us lethargic and asleep with frequencies,mind control frequencies,getting us addicted to both pharmaceutical and street drugs,coffee (coffee shops on every corner),mobiles,computers & so on. A few million deaths every day means nothing to them! We are literally hypnotised! Their greatest defence is no one would actually believe how we are really ruled,what really goes on & whats planned for the planet. Presidents have no real power,they serve the banks and the illuminati,we have no real choice,political systems are just puppet shows to keep us occupied.
    So this book,confirmed previous existence of tall beings & social engineering! There is much more in it to fascinate too,the life story of the guy that could gain access through this strange,protective energy field that had existed for thousands of years! He had special abilities since birth and was taken and trained and used by the Rumanian secret service from age 10.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    OK. Here comes one detail that I wonder if anyone else picked up that this man said?
    He initially stated he was “the only person” allowed to interact or see these entities, then in a few moments, he contradicted that when he said “anyone who saw them in the desert was terrified”. Such contradictions raise a smidgen of doubt in my mind, because that was a BIG contradiction in his story. He was “the only person allowed to see them in the area where they were required to stay”, but they were allowed “out into the desert” and were seen by others, whom they terrified? If he was the only person allowed to see them, how did other people see them out in the desert? Red flag for me. Just sayin’. I do have a pertinent question: Has any of the abductees on the blog ever seen entities matching this description? Or are they described in the hundreds of texts by credible researchers that so many of us have read, searching for truth and support? Not inferring they don’t exist, by any means. Just wondering if anyone has seen them in encounters? I’ve had a few…very, very few….encounters that were not abductions…..with extremely tall, about 8 or more feet, entities, with long white hair,, wearing silvery jumpsuit-looking things, etc. But they didn’t look like these entities. Again, it doesn’t mean they aren’t here just because I haven’t seen them. I’m just a bit concerned about the contradiction in this man’s story in spite of his credentials. Maybe he was just nervous being on TV?”

  6. Momwithwings says:

    I could not believe what I saw posted this morning!

    Yesterday I was at lunch with a good friend who is really opening up psychically. In the course of discussion she asked what I thought about Aliens. I told her my first experience was when I was a little girl and these 2, very tall, white aliens would come and visit me. As a child they looked almost skeletal to me. I was never afraid and I found them extremely loving and gentle.

    To then come here and see this post is almost beyond coincidence. I almost feel as if they are reaching out to me, partly because as I told my very good friend yesterday, I was surprised I was telling her. Only those closest to me know about them. It was one of those times, as I drove home, that I thought “hmmm that was interesting”. They are and were not greys. I remember them telling me that they had to leave me and I was very upset.

  7. gypsy says:

    interesting…a nuclear physicist…area 51 proximity…this map at… …. lays out the area about which hall speaks – when his name is “googled” a number of sites pop up –

    would like to hear his comments regarding whether or not he reported all this to military personnel during this time [did i miss it in the video?] – whether or not the military openly/actively discussed these “others” with him – whether or not he was required to sign a non-disclosure for a certain amount of time, etc –

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