Carol Bowman, Past Lives, and Synchronicity


A note: we’ll be  here tonight live, from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern time.


I have been fortunate in my life to connect with people who make a difference in the world. Author and past-life researcher Carol Bowman is one of them.

 In the 1980s, when her son and daughter were very young, her son, Chase, developed a horrible fear of firecrackers. When questioned about his fear, he recounted a life as a Civil War soldier  in which he was wounded. He, a five-year old boy, accurately described a bayonet, the “firecracker-like noises” around him on a Civil War battlefield,  and Carol suddenly knew his phobia pointed at a deeper reality.  After he remembered his death on the battlefield, his fear of loud noises went away.

 She ended up on Oprah before she’d even written her book, Children’s Past Lives, and went on to write a second book, Return from Heaven.  In the years since, Carol has established a practice as a past-life therapist. She has been on innumerable TV and radio shows, was the first person to be contacted about the James Leininger case, which she discussed on ABC “Primetime” before that case even registered in popular culture, and has been approached by numerous producers and consultants who are looking for cases that prove reincarnation.

 Through her research,  Carol was not trying to prove whether these memories can be validated.  Her focus is on healing,  an aspect her mentor – Ian Stevenson, and his protégé, Jim Tucker – summarily dismissed.  Carol knows otherwise. And the universe  seems to be cooperating. Just today, she was going through her cases for  her next book, and ran across a regression she did in 1994, of a woman who had been plagued by the same nightmare for forty years.

In the nightmare, this women saw herself as a young boy, about 15, in tattered, dirty clothing.  She/he was with a group of children and was telling them to be quiet.  The boy sensed a dark shadow following them.  Then, she would wake up in a panic.

 In the regression, this woman saw herself as a teenage boy, about 15, who is trying to usher a group of Italian children to safety during WWII.  Everything goes wrong. The boy is found – and tortured – and he and the children are all killed.  As he was dying, the boy felt terrible guilt about what happened, and blamed himself for not saving the children.  He felt it was his responsibility, and he failed.  

 As he was “dying” in that life, he saw that he really had died a noble death by sacrificing himself  to try to save the children.  He was able to release the guilt he carried from that experience into this life, which came up through his dreams.   Today, almost 20 years after that regression, Carol heard from the woman, who gave her permission to use the story in her new book.

Since the woman’s regression,  she has never had the nightmares again. The regression provided closure when she saw that  as that boy she had done all that he could do to save the children in that situation.  This insight, or shift in perspective, healed her.  

 That’s what Carol’s work is about.  She is already convinced of the validity of past lives. Her focus now is simpler:  past-life therapy heals.



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19 Responses to Carol Bowman, Past Lives, and Synchronicity

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Children are fascinating. My youngest daughter was terrified of thunder, and once when she was about 2, while changing her she began yelling, stop the guns, make them stop the guns! She had her hands over her ears. I held her and kept telling her that it was just thunder from the sky. She looked at me and asked ” it isn’t the big guns?”.
    We don’t have guns, nor do we talk about them and so this took me by surprise although I guessed that she must be having a past life memory and so reminded her who she was NOW, what the year was etc.
    She also would freak out at the sight of blood, even if it was just a scratch. I always had band aids around because if we put one on her she would calm down. “Thus keeps the blood in?”
    In later years when she entered college she became obsessed with the need to help others and as she said “save others” . It was becoming disabling for her so one day I did a reading for her. I finally was actually able to read her. She had been a medic in we believe the Civil War and died on the battlefield. Without going into details I think that you can see how this fits. We saw that she was about 20 when she died, bled to death on the field.
    It helped her immensely. She now has changed her major and school and is much calmer and happier!
    I have other stories but that is enough for now!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Great story, Vicki. Makes so much sense, too. What was her major before she changed it?

      • Momwithwings says:

        Sociology and Psychology and she had been dating an EMS/Firefighter!
        She now is majoring in Media/ communications with a minor in Sociology, perfect for advertising!
        She has a blog too.
        She has always been very artistic and a fantastic writer and beautiful photographer, so she is now in her true element!
        She is now very serious with a fellow photographer!

  2. Fascinating post; I haven’t read her work and now will. I have a friend who is training in her approach, so I had heard of her. Love your example of the dream that served as a portal into a past life.

  3. Interesting about the firecrackers. My mother was petrified of thunder for no logical reason. When I was little dad got cross with her as he thought she might make me frightened too – thoughI wasn’t. I often wondered if her fear was carried over from a previous life.

  4. Darren B says:

    Also I’m listening to Barry Eaton’s ‘Radio Out-there’ show for this week which is –
    ‘Judith Richards – The Many Healing Aspects of Hypnotherapy’
    She is a hypnotist from Brisbane,not that I’ve heard of her before,but I find the show interesting so far.
    It deals with past life themes,too.

  5. Darren B says:

    I read a great post called “Sync Saints: When The Neighbours Drop By Unannounced”
    not so much on past lives,but on UFO/interdenominational contact and the the future.
    Also featured is a deck of cards the oracolo di Fatima, by an anonymous artist, dedicated to a UFO phenomenon pretending to be a Catholic miracle.
    I thought some readers of this site might be interested in reading the post.
    I found it intriguing.

  6. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I am a strong believer in the Monroe soul retrieval, past life issues of folks. The mystical term of magnetism and heart consciousness seems to be a major part of all of these stories. This is my theory with no proof to back it up. Oh well

    Be well


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