An Odd Little Cluster

 For Mother’s Day, Rob, Megan and I went to the Norton Museum in downtown West Palm Beach to see an Annie Leibowitz exhibit.  Before we left, I slipped on my moldavite ring and told Rob and Megan the ring would attract a synchro,

On the way, we got stuck behind the SUV in the photo above.  With a canoe on the roof rack and three bikes on a rear carrier, it’s not an easy car to miss. 

Rob finally pulled around the car, we headed south on Olive, the street where the museum is located, and realized we’d gone too far. We circled back and turned into the museum lot – and saw the SUV with the canoe and bikes on it. The people were just getting out. to head into the museum.

“Them again?” Megan laughed. “This is starting to feel like a synchro.”

We went through the exhibit, which was fantastic.  The selection of 39 photos includes portraits of both celebrities and ordinary people.

We wandered around for about an hour, then decided to head for a Cuban bakery.

We were admiring the homes in a particular neighborhood  and weren’t paying any attention to where we were going. We ended up at another Cuban bakery  and while I went up to the sidewalk window to buy a couple of cortaditos, Rob and Megan filled the car with gas at the station across the street.  In other words, time passed, probably half an hour.

When we left the bakery, we missed our turn and ended up on the interstate. Rob decided to get off at the next exit and who’s in front of us? The SUV.

What?” Rob exclaimed.

“A cluster,” I laughed.

“Impressive,” Megan remarked.

They apparently had gotten lost as well, because as soon as I snapped the photo, they made a U-turn and headed back onto the interstate.  

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