Green Apples


Ever wonder how psychics get their information?

Natalie Thomas, a psychic from Australia, always has intriguing synchros. This one is no exception!

Recently, she attended her second class in mediumship, where each member of the group takes turns “facilitating.” She has reservations about channeling. “Trance mediumship is such a dodgy thing, and being a natural cynic, I was ready for a three -ringed circus. I was not disappointed!The woman next to me appeared to be acting, and acting badly. She had a fake accent, waving her hands wildly and making clicking noises in between ‘entities’. She was hilarious. Despite all that, I started to feel a sense of genuine excitement when it was my turn. I didn’t understand why as I really don’t believe in it. I have yet to be convinced of trance mediumship.”

Natalie goes on to explain what she felt:

“Anyway, I started to feel like there was a presence coming into my space and I felt ‘overcome’ with the most profoundly beautiful loving energy. I struggled to speak and my voice was extremely soft. I asked who was with me and I was shown an angel who was so beautiful, he/she was surrounded by a beautiful pink and gold light. Instantly, I felt safe enough to allow communication. The angel’s head then turned into an eagle and freaked me out a little.

“The message that came through was about the animal die offs. He said that the birds and the fish were first, but land beasts were to follow, and to not be alarmed by this. Everything was as it should be. He showed me a code. The code was somehow programmed into the animals and when it was activated, they knew what had to be done, and that it was their time to go home.

“The code was like electricity and looked like electrical impulses sort of…..To me, it looked almost like a Domino pattern of dots – flashing intermittently. I thanked him for the message and promptly discounted it.”

At the end of the session, during meditation, Natalie asked for some sort of verification. She got an image of a green apple. She didn’t have any idea what it meant, but filed the image away for future reference.

A week later, while talking to a lady connected with the channeling, her Apple ipod died. “My iPod cover is lime green. I couldn’t recharge it because my two chargers have disappeared into the thin air. Another medium present at the group was also shown the green apple in his meditation, and his sunglasses and thongs went missing.”

This one has the trickster’s fingerprints all over it.  The two psychic who received an image of a green apple during their meditating after the class had objects mysteriously disappear. Natalie’s iPod with the lime green (apple green?) cover went dead and the chargers had vanished.  What’s the message?

Well, let’s look at apple in mythology and fairy tales. We all know about the apple in Genesis – how Eve plucked and ate the forbidden fruit from a tree in paradise. God had forbidden Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, but one day Eve plucked an apple and ate it. She probably hadn’t eaten breakfast! But for that, she and Adam were cast out of paradise. That’s probably where the apple first became associated with sin – specifically, the sins committed by a woman.

This archetype, today, is prevalent in the logo for Desperate Housewives. Anyone who has seen even a single episode of the show gets it:  Wow, a bunch of sinning women in suburbia. Let’s tune in.

Then there’s the poison apple in Snow White, fed to her by her wicked (of course) stepmother, who is so vain that she’s jealous Snow White is more beautiful than she is and attempts to kill her. Are we seeing a pattern here? Women as sinners, as temptation, as beings so vain they will kill to eliminate the competition. It makes for interesting fiction, but doesn’t do much for women.

But usually, the archetypal apple is red, not green. This may be important in terms of what Natalie and the other psychic saw. Interestingly, the green apple seems to be an equal opportunity archetype; the other psychic was male.

So I’m not sure what this green apple archetype is about. On the surface, it may be a reflection of Natalie’s skepticism about channeling. But given the missing chargers and the items the male psychic lost, what’s the deeper meaning?


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26 Responses to Green Apples

  1. Natalie says:

    It was all for nought! They were a no show.
    We had a brilliant evening though ,with everyone getting concrete validation of their ‘visions’. 🙂

  2. Natalie says:

    Christian told me that lady did Angel card readings and was known as ‘Angel’ and the hub was a medium. That is why boss and Christian invited them to Wednesday night circle. Neither Boss nor Christian met him, only her. It was later when i spoke to Boss (Sue) on phone, that she told me lady’s name was really Deb, and she hadn’t met Hub yet. I was under the impression that both of them went into the shop.

  3. Natalie says:

    Today is Tuesday (my time) and my work day. I got to work and Boss starts telling me again about the angel lady and her husband. I asked her what his name was and she said she thought Darren. I asked did she have their number because heaps of weird stuff had been happening to me already that day, and I felt I HAD to ring them. Who knows why?
    Not me. It is something I would never do. My boss and daughter just sat there with mouths dropped open.
    Anyway, I ring these two complete strangers from interstate, and just said,
    “HI! I don’t know why I rang, may I please speak to your husband the Medium? ”
    To cut a long story short, I find out that Darren the medium, (partner of Angel/Deb) is the son of a lady who first taught me to read at the start of my career here in Newcastle.
    More later……

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    I agree 150% with Sansego about the animal die-offs, and am knowing that there are, equally and simultaneously, human die-offs occurring as well. We must pay attention, as there is a Plan unfolding with each breath we take, and it is our responsiblity to recognize these events and to put them into spiritual perspective as much as we possibly can.

  5. Natalie says:

    Thanks Nancy!!!
    That is very important to remember the question, as you will get a very literal answer from the Universe.
    I do the I- Ching every morning on waking, and it is absolutely spot on.

    In regard to the animal die offs ~ it felt to me that not ALL the animals would die off for ever, but rather there would be occasional die offs as has been happening with the birds and marine life. It is an ‘attention getter’ so to speak. As with humans, the animals have a ‘life plan’ or contract , and they are aware of the role they are to play.
    People can disregard birds and fish (think of the human trying to go vegetarian), but land beasts are more ‘in your face’ so to speak. People will take more notice.

  6. Nancy Pickard says:

    For me, the key lies in the question Natalie asked, which was a simple request for “verification.” I know that in interpreting what the I Ching tells me, I have learned to be sure to pay close attention to the actual question I ask, and not to lose sight of that. (It’s surprisingly easy to overlook the actual question!) Natalie merely asked for verification. That was her question. Although there *could* be other meanings, it’s important to see if or how *that* was answered first.. It’s important not to wander too far afield from that. And I think it clearly was answered for her.

    Natalie asked for verification of whether or not she had received a psychic message and whether or not the message was genuine. The answer she got was “green apple,” which served to say, “When you see a green apple, you will get your answer.” Then she was alert and saw her “green apple.” There was her answer; that was her verification: “Yes, you did get a message; yes, it was real.” That was emphasized by the fact that her “green Apple” lost power (life), just as the animals did, that the thing that lost power was “programmed” by a “code,” and that she had lost the charger that provided the “life-giving” force. The other fellow’s meditation confirmed the same message: green apple, plus loss.

    It was such a clever answer! I’m in awe, really. The universe picked a “programmed” and “coded” device that had lost its life to verify a message about animals who were also programmed with a code and who died. The universe is brilliant, perhaps you’ve noticed, lol. I don’t even think it’s a Trickster answer; I think it’s about as literal and straightforward as an answer can be short of saying, “Hi, Natalie, this is the Universe speaking, and yes, you really got a psychic message from us.”

    Cool beans!

    Or, at any rate, that’s how I would read it if it were me. 🙂 I think it’s really important to pay attention to the exact question, because if we don’t, we won’t continue to get exact answers.

  7. I’m concerned with the information that we are not to be concerned about the animal die-offs. Why not? This affects the food chain, which will ultimately affect us. If there is a massive die-off of cattle, can you imagine the panic that will occur in this country?!? I would want more insight into why we shouldn’t be concerned about a massive animal die-off.

    As for the apple thing, Granny Smiths are the only kind of apples I like eating. If its not sour (apples, pickles, crab apples, candy), I don’t want it!

  8. Natalie says:

    Hellooooooo! I am here -eth!
    Thanks all for the commentary, much appreciated.
    To be honest, I have pondered and pondered it ,and I tend to feel an element of a test involved.
    I definitely agree , both Christian and I are ‘green’ mediums. Even though we are both new to mediumship, we are both dedicated, honest and have great integrity when it comes to our work. Both of us are quite powerful healers as well. I suspected when the things went missing, that it was a ‘set up’ from the Other side to see if would just blindly follow what was given to us in mediumship class without question or verification. The things that went missing were the things we use everyday and depend on for our sense of comfort and familiarity. We both put our items in the same place everyday without fail. My ‘Angel’ perfume also went missing, but I found it behind a large wooden chest in my bedroom? I think the test was to teach us only to listen to ourselves and our own intuition (inner tuition) rather than blindly follow others who may indeed just be acting. We are both naturally sceptical as well.
    Both Christian and I check, and recheck what we are given. We do google searches, read books and talk alot to each other and our very grounded partners.
    Next week, it is my first experience of facilitating the group and we have two new EXPERIENCED mediums joining us from interstate. None of us know them, they have just ‘appeared ‘ at work on Thursday, and Christian invited them. The lady is known as ‘Angel’, but her birth name is Debra. Another synchro seeing as I supposedly channeled an Angel, and my Angel perfume went missing. Her husband is the medium, she is a healer. We don’t know his name.
    I believe that when I teach the class on Wednesday, the Angel will be there both literally and figuratively and I will get an ‘Apple for the teacher’ if I do well.
    Also, in the channeled message, the Angel had an eagles head. I googled it and the Cherubim have four faces, one being an Eagle. The eagle head of the Cherubim represents the gift of prophecy, so that fits as well. The Cherubim stay very close to the throne of God.
    I am also constantly given messages from Eagles appearing in my path, just like Mike and his owls. 🙂
    I think the situation still has to play out a bit further before the ‘truth’ of the message becomes apparent. I will surely let you know what transpires on Wednesday.
    Just as an aside, I was told some years ago that I would lose just about everybody in my life in order to do the work I came here to do. When I did that, some new friends would come into my life that were of the same vibration as Mark and I. I was told that my new friend would be named Deb. Another synchro! Also because D page and I are now friends as well as the ‘Angel’ lady. 🙂

    • rob and trish says:

      Sounds like you’ve gained quite a bit of insight already! Can’t wait to see what happens on Wednesday. You’ve got a trail of synchros to follow, Natalie!

  9. LoveAbbeyRoad says:

    Anyone else here see the connection between the I-Pod, which generates music, and the green apple, which was The Beatles’ logo for their recording label/studio?

  10. I’ll pass on the meaning, but interesting post and comments.

  11. friend of nica says:

    i, too, always think of the apple as the giving of sustenance – of nurturing – and you know, there’s that old saying of an apple a day keeping the doctor away – so, of prevention and healing, as well – red apple being life filled to me – and the green, as lauren said, not quite ripe yet! never mind my own take, very intriguing story/ies! and great post, as usual!

  12. Nancy says:

    Wow, I have nothing to offer, but I’m impressed with the comments.

  13. terripatrick says:

    When I see a green apple I make the connection to Kathie Snow’s Disability is Natural logo of four red apples and one green. [ ] and her: Revolutionary Common Sense, Life Changing Strategies, Assume the Best, and People First Language that is not about “political correctness,” it’s about good manners and “the golden rule.

    As I read Lauren’s comment I made the connection between her “re-mything” of the goddess as being the same and Kathie’s re-mything of the disabled (“diabolized”). So once again the message through the veil is truly related to the point of view of personal interpretation. 😀

  14. mathaddict3322 says:

    As a pagan, I love your interpretation of the apple, Lauren. And of course the serpent, coiling itself around the staff, (the staff being symbolic of assistance in non-pagan usage and of magickal powers in pagan usage), is our universal symbol for the Healer as opposed to poisoner. Your word-play is also quite lovely!

  15. Lauren Raine says:

    I recently was asked to create a mask for the “Lady of Avalon” for the organizer of the festival in Glastonbury. “Avalon” of Arthurian legend was a paradise, and meant “the Isle of Apples”. In the older pagan lore, apples (which of course were identified with summer and bounty) were emblems of the Goddess grace or abundance, and there were stories in which consuming special apples offered gifts or wisdom. Perhaps this is one of the origins of the “bad apple” Biblical story, whereby the earlier myth becomes “diabolized” to demote women, and goddesses in general.

    I’ve spent many years “re-mything” because the return of the Goddess, and the empowerment of women, has been my life’s quest. So of course I see the offering of apples not as “eve-il”, but good, the offering of sustenance and knowledge of some kind. All the snake wanted to do was make Eve wise, and help her to think for herself. If the emblem occurs on a computer, all the more so – what offers more information, and connection, at one’s fingertips than a computer? The apples of wisdom are nothing if not keeping up with the times.

    But a “green apple” may mean an apple that isn’t quite ripe. It’s got the information, the juice, but it’s not quite ripe for the plucking?

  16. mathaddict3322 says:

    To attempt an interpretation of the potential “messages” in the missing items, I would comsider the symbolism of an IPod (listening to and hearing messages, music, etc.), thongs, (shoes, which are foundations and are “grounding” effects to the earth or planet), and sunglasses, (devices which both aid and protect vision, but contraily, prevent the ‘LIGHT’ from coming in). If I were Natalie and also the fellow, I would meditate on the meaning, for myself, of the symbolism of an IPod, shoes, and sunglasses. That would be my personal jumping-off place to determine the occult (hidden) meaning of these ‘missing’ items, and go from there. For me, the message is quite overt, but my take on the messages is MY take and therefore no need to share it here. They must ascertain their OWN sensing about the symbols! Answers and solutions generally appear to us in the form of symbols, and symbols mean different things to different people although there are universal symbols as well as individual symbols. I would ask Nats: what does your IPod mean to you, and what did losing it mean to you? Same to the fellow with the thongs and sunglasses. I suspect the answers are lurking within whatever those items rrepresent to the owners! 🙂

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