Category Archives: psychics

Psychometry and Cassadaga

You enter a room and hand the person in front of you something that you wear or use, that has touched your skin. The longer the object has been in contact with your body, the stronger the vibe, the frequency, … Continue reading

Posted in Cassadaga, psychics, psychometry, synchronicity | 22 Comments

Green Apples

  Ever wonder how psychics get their information? Natalie Thomas, a psychic from Australia, always has intriguing synchros. This one is no exception! Recently, she attended her second class in mediumship, where each member of the group takes turns “facilitating.” … Continue reading

Posted in natalie, psychics | 26 Comments

The Mysterious Connection with Christy Luna

In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we wrote about an empath and friend, Renie Wiley, who sometimes worked with police on various cases, using her empathic abilities to provide information that the police couldn’t obtain any other way.  One night in … Continue reading

Posted in christie luna, clusters, dennie, psychics, renie, spirit contact | 19 Comments

Millie and the 2 of Clubs

 This image is from a deck called soul cards, found here.  +++ If psychic phenomena falls under the umbrella of synchronicity, as Jung  believed, then every time you get a psychic reading, you’re experiencing synchronicity. We first met heard about … Continue reading

Posted in breast cancer, cards, health care, Millie, psychics | 10 Comments

Visions of Time

I was re-writing a short section on our synchronicity book that deals with psychometry–psychic touch–when I remembered an old acquaintance from years ago who had a talent for reading objects. Noreen had once held my father’s watch, which I’d inherited … Continue reading

Posted in authors, psychics, psychometry | 10 Comments


Back in the 1800s, a medium from Pike,New York was directed by his guide – Seneca – to establish a Spiritualist community in the South. He ended up in central Florida, which was mostly swamps and mangroves, totally uninhabitable in … Continue reading

Posted in Cassadaga, Hazel Burley, mediums, Numbers, psychics, Sydney Omarr, travel | 14 Comments

Reading the bumps

Ammonite fossil…and the Himalayas This story is from Butternut squash, who has left insightful comments on this blog a number times. Her synchronicity involves travel and places to which we feel deep and mysterious connections.*** When I lived in Japan, … Continue reading

Posted in ammonite, Nepal, psychics, travel | 10 Comments

Renie and Adam Walsh

Synchronicities often occur during highly charged emotional periods, when we’re experiencing major transitions in our lives. For a psychic, this kind of emotion is like skimming cream off the surface of milk. This story is from Renie Wiley, a friend … Continue reading

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