Disclosure Hearings

This week, Washington has been the site of disclosure hearings related to UFO phenomena. A panel of six former members of Congress is hearing testimony from more than 40 UFO witnesses, involving some of the most interesting cases. Wednesday morning the testimony was dedicated to the  eerie matter of mysterious animal mutilations that allegedly are related to the activity of UFO occupants. The intent of the hearings is to urge Congress to come aboard and set up their own hearings and call for government disclosure of secret UFO documents.

As might be expected, the mainstream media is dissing this event with some news outlets ridiculing both the hearing and panel members. I heard one report at the outset of the hearings that mainly involved belittling the former congress members by exposing their personal and financial frailties. It reminded me of virulent campaign attacks as election day approaches, and made me wonder what the point of the nastiness is about. It shows that the subject of UFOs and also the paranormal remain open game for such attacks. The harbingers of political correctness, who would never attack someone for being gay or a minority have no problem ridiculing UFO witnesses or believers in the paranormal.

To their credit, one semi-mainstream online news outlet, the Huffington Post, owned by AOL, has not only covered the hearings as a real event, but maintained a balanced approach, avoiding the disparaging comments found in other accounts.

Here is a  partial report on Huffington Post, written by Lee Spiegal, who knows this subject well. This report focuses on a case involving an ace Peruvian pilot, Col. Oscar Santa-Maria (pictured above.)

“Possibly the most intriguing testimony offered today (Wednesday) so far came from a former 25-year Peruvian air force fighter pilot. Col. Oscar Santa-Maria. In 1980, he was ordered to takeoff and shoot down a sphere-shaped UFO that was in restricted airspace near an air base. The encounter lasted more than 20 minutes.

“‘These were 22 minutes where we went up and down, it went around, and it was trying to avoid me while I was pursuing it and I was trying to fire. When I first fired, these were bursts of 30 millimeter shells — a single one can destroy a truck. And I shot 64, a barrage of fire, and nothing happened at all, and that’s what was so surprising.

“‘The possibility of NOT hitting my target was practically impossible. I’ve won awards for marksmanship, and that’s why they sent me up there to chase this thing. The possibility of my missing it was zero.’

“The object Santa-Maria was chasing was about 30 feet in diameter with a dome on top, no visible engine, wings or windows. He told the committee he tried to figure out how to better attack the unknown craft.

“‘I tried different positions. When it went up, it had supersonic speed. When I moved to the side of the UFO at 1.3 Mach, it stopped, and then, in a matter of seconds, it achieved 1.2 Mach without any engines! This is something that nobody, no craft can do, to just go from zero to 1.2 Mach, vertically, to reach my same position — it was able to anticipate my moves and then follow me.

“‘Once I landed, I met with intelligence officers, and we looked at all catalogues to see what possible spy object this might have been, but there was nothing similar to what I had observed, and we were unaware of any type of technology [like this] on Earth that existed.”


You probably won’t read about that case or any others in most newspapers, or even on cable TV. If someone has seen any other media reports that actually over the hearings without the element of ridicule, please let us know.


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8 Responses to Disclosure Hearings

  1. The Peruvian air force fighter pilot’s story appears convincing.

  2. Natalie says:

    Won’t be long now.

  3. lauren raine says:

    What truly important news it would be, to admit the existence of beings from another planet. And the fact that it is being discussed in Washington by former members of the U.S. Congress adds weight to that. What is really weird is that it would be ridiculed and dismissed by the media, if you think of it.

  4. Renee says:

    The mainstream media’s silence on this event is telling. I suspect disclosure will eventually come about from the aliens, visitors, whatever they are, than from the government.

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