

Indiegogo.com allows anyone, anywhere, to raise money for a project – video, art, movie, TV show, book, any venue. This evening, Daz sent me a couple of links to one particular project by Rae Dawn Chong who is attempting to raise money for a TV show called Celebrant.  That clip above is about death and dying, love and life and synchronicity.

I’d love to see a show like this on TV.

And here’s Rae talking about the show:


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4 Responses to Celebrant

  1. Darren B says:

    Well,apparently the show will get made because it was on a ‘flexible funding’ platform
    (something that I didn’t understand…I thought it was like Kickstarter,where you reach the goal ,or lose the money)
    And Rae Dawn left this comment –

    Rae Dawn Chong posted an announcement 4 hours ago

    ” Last few hours and I am so filled with gratitude and wonder…what an excellent experience I want to thank you for the love and support and massive generosity. We are not at our goal but close enough that I can do the show…sure it would be nice to make the goal and I am hopeful but I just need to say THANK YOU!!! It has been an excellent adventure and It is hard to fathom but it is just the beginning. Whoot Whoot!”.

    So hopefully we’ll be seeing this show on the tube soon.
    Thanks for your support Trish with posting this article,it all makes a difference.

  2. Powerful video, poses so many questions and feelings.

  3. Darren B says:

    It’s a shame that with 26 hours left and just under 10 Gs to go,that the show probably won’t get funded,but stranger things have happened,so fingers crossed.
    I think a show like this would make people think a little more about celebrating the things is life which make life worth living.
    Thanks for putting the word out Trish.

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