I Feel Great!

This video, sent to us by our Canadian friend Judi Hertling, is very cool. If nothing else, it will put a bounce in your Sunday steps!




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9 Responses to I Feel Great!

  1. Nancy says:

    Great reminder that how we think is directly related to how we FEEL.

  2. Thanks for the Sunday bounce! Positive words, so important. I liked the rejuvenation bit, as I’ve started doing a small exercise every morning in this direction. But behind it all there has to be some belief or at least the beginnings of belief. But, yes, enjoyed the bounce – even though it’s 17.40 pm here.

  3. gypsy says:

    many thanks for this – tomorrow i’ve another round of medical tests all day – so this fabulous reminder, just in time! 😉

  4. Darren B says:

    On closer inspection I don’t think it was a maple tree that I found in Bangalow,but that’s what I thought until I Googled to see what a real maple leaf looked like.
    It looked nice,whatever it was,but now I don’t feel so great after telling you guys that I found a maple tree in Australia 🙁

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I was wondering about maples in australia!

      • Darren B says:

        There is another sync to this video and the town I found the tree in.There is an old abandoned railway line behind the town which I never knew about until today.It runs parallel to the main street that the billy cart race was run on.

        The answer to the math problem is 8,which is funny also because I purchased an eight-ball pool-hall sign in a shop on the main street of this town yesterday,which I will do a post on soon.
        Lots of good syncs happened yesterday on my trip of which I will be posting about throughout the week.
        Stay tuned.-)

  5. Darren B says:

    “…sent to us by our Canadian friend…”.

    Bit of a sync for me,as I saw my first real life maple tree today
    (or at least the first one that I’ve ever noticed…although I must have walked past it on previous visits to the town…just never noticed it until today)
    in the Aussie town of Bangalow.

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