Synchronicity & Alchemy

 Synchronicity  sometimes acts as a kind of alchemy that transforms us or a decision we’re making in an essential way. The synchro itself may be as powerful as Gabe Carlson’s teapot story – or it may be something simple. The alchemy occurs because of what the synchronicity says to you, its impact on you. This was certainly the case for Jung during a visit in the 1950s with Henry Fierz, a chemistry professor with whom he had become friends over the years.

 Friez had dropped by at five o’clock one afternoon to talk with Jung about a manuscript by a scientist who had recently died. Friez felt the manuscript should be published, but Jung, who had read the manuscript, thought otherwise.  Their debate about the manuscript apparently became somewhat heated and at one point, Jung glanced at his watch, as if he were about to dismiss Friez.  Then he seemed puzzled by the time and explained that his watch had just been returned after repairs, but it read five o’clock, the time that Friez had arrived. He asked Friez the time; it was 5:35. As Richard Tarnas recounted the incident in Psyche and Cosmos, Jung apparently said, “So you have the right time, and I have the wrong time. Let us discuss the thing again.”

 In the ensuing discussion, Friez convinced Jung the manuscript should be published. “Here, the synchronistic event is of interest not because of its intrinsic coincidental force,” Tarnas wrote,  “but because of the meaning Jung drew from it, essentially using it as a basis for challenging and redirecting his own conscious attitude.”

 Many of us might not draw a correlation between the stopped watch and the discussion. But synchronicity, by definition, is the coming together or inner and outer events in a way that is meaningful to the individual and can’t be explained by cause and effect. This means that the outer world – and all of nature and our surroundings – can carry meaning just as the inner world does. Jung, accustomed to perceiving and thinking symbolically, recognized the synchronicity and changed his thinking accordingly.

 Mike Perry’s synchros about white feathers  as communication from deceased loved ones is the same type of synchronicity – meaning carried by the outer world. In the same vein, while Daz was digging a grave for his cat, Sylvester, who had been killed on a road near his home, Peter Gabriel’s song Digging in the Dirt  came on the radio.   In this instance, the song mirrored what he was doing at that very moment.

 “Jung saw nature and one’s surrounding environment as a living matrix of potential synchronistic meaning that could illuminate the human sphere,” wrote Tarnas. “He attended to sudden or unusual movements or appearances of animals, flocks of birds, the wind, storms, the sudden louder lapping of the lake outside his the widow of his consulting room…as possible symbolic relevance for the parallel unfolding of interior psychological realities.”

For Jung, Tarnas noted, “all events, inner and outer, whether emanating from the human consciousness or from the larger matrix of the world, were recognized as sources of potential and spiritual significance.”

 I thought about that last quote for a while. It seems that once you recognize coincidence as meaningful, once you’re in the flow of it, the inner self and the larger outer matrix whisper constantly to each other. All we need to do is listen.

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15 Responses to Synchronicity & Alchemy

  1. Ray G says:

    I just read in Popular Science online yesterday an article about how scientists have been able to bend time using fiber optics for communication. It is not ready for prime time as it is in the nano second shift, but another group has a way to send partial data in two directions so they arrive at different times and are not that far in the future to make nearly perfect encryption. Not thirty minutes, but hmm…

    The other day I listened to the entire song “Who are You” by the Who. It is used in the beginning of CSI. As many times as I have seen the show I did not connect the question with CSI’s attempt to identify victims. It was just a theme song. I had connected The words “Out in the Field” from “Teenage Heartache,” but “Who are You” went over my head until I heard the song again. As soon as I made the connection I thought of this blog.

  2. Natalie says:

    Great post! A synchro in itself for me. I have been struggling with dizziness and balance issues for three months. It occurred just as I was due to embark a plane to a Mediumship residential in March. I was sick the whole week, but soldiered through and actually did remarkably well, even surprising myself at how I could still connect sick as a dog. No-one else seemed to catch my illness, even though I kissed and hugged everybody, everyday. At that seminar, we were told to observe any thing that caught our eye in the room or outside the window for inspiration while doing the readings. In fact, one exercise we did was outside walking through the gardens and giving the reading through prompts of nature.
    Last night at class, my teacher suggested that I was out of balance energetically (too right brained) which was causing my dizziness. She made me ground myself over and over ,as I was affecting other class members with my dizziness.
    I consider myself a hard case and just can’t quite grasp the principle of the etheric manifesting in the physical. I understand it alright, I just need PROOF. I have not been able to get it in regard to my illness, even though I have tried many, many things. I popped in here, and whammo! a synchro!
    Thanks Guys! Any ideas on what I am missing in regard to my dizziness?
    I am about to go the GP for the 7th time today

  3. Darren B says:

    ” This means that the outer world – and all of nature and our surroundings – can carry meaning just as the inner world does. Jung, accustomed to perceiving and thinking symbolically, recognized the synchronicity and changed his thinking accordingly.”

    I couldn’t help but think of Carl Jung when I heard that one of the Storm Chasers killed the other day was named Carl Young.
    ” Three storm chasers were among those killed by tornadoes that rampaged through central Oklahoma at the weekend.
    Tim Samaras, 55, a leading storm chaser and founder of the tornado research company Twistex, was killed in the Oklahoma City suburb of El Reno along with his son, Paul Samaras, 24, and Carl Young, 45, a Twistex meteorologist, according to a statement from his brother, Jim Samaras.
    Tim Samaras was an industry veteran who starred in a TV show called
    Storm Chasers.”

    And Re:
    “For Jung, Tarnas noted, “all events, inner and outer, whether (weather ?) emanating from the human consciousness or from the larger matrix of the world, were recognized as sources of potential and spiritual significance.”

    Young and Co worked for the weather channel chasing storms.

    “In interviews, Mr Samaras said he had been enthralled by tornadoes ever since childhood when he was forced to watch the movie The Wizard of Oz, in which the central character is swept into another world by a tornado.
    “That tornado was the best part of the entire movie,” he told The Weather Channel in an interview in 2009. “From that day, I was hooked for the rest of my life.”!
    “…it read five o’clock, the time that Friez had arrived. He asked Friez the time; it was 5:35. As Richard Tarnas recounted the incident in Psyche and Cosmos, Jung apparently said, “So you have the right time, and I have the wrong time. Let us discuss the thing again.” ”
    That means if it took them 35 mins to reach that point in the conversation and they started over again they would have maybe finished the conversation between
    6-6:45 pm ?
    “The National Weather Service has released data about the deadly, massive tornado that struck El Reno, Oklahoma, on Friday, May 30 — and it’s the widest tornado ever recorded”.
    We’re definitely not in Kansas anymore when it comes to synchronicity and everyday events,good or bad.

  4. lauren raine says:

    Wonderful post, and good for me to read today! I’ve been having a strange series of synchros myself, and what you say could not be more perfect.

    I was planning on leaving for a trip at the end of the month back east, and have been feeling very stale, very much in need of the “flow” being on the road gives me. Last week I was talking to someone about my Spider Woman project, and suddenly noticed that a tiny spider had dropped down on a thread from the ceiling, and was hanging at eye level before me! I was the only one who noticed, and it was so perfect. Then I received an invitation out of the blue to go up north to visit in Sedona, and possibly attend a Hopi ceremony, but I had to leave on Friday next (which is tomorrow now). So I’ve been rushing around like crazy getting ready to leave tomorrow and confirming stops………Sedona, Hopi, then on to New Mexico, and then western New York, Shutesbury, Mass (where my shamanic healer lives and works), and finally to Newburgh, NY.

    The day before last I received an order for a mask, an expensive, full face “Green Man”. I can use the money, but making it at the last minute has been difficult. This morning I checked where it was to be shipped to: Shutesbury, Mass.! There are hundreds of little towns in Massachusetts – what are the odds!

    So, I leave feeling encouraged by the universe. My friend’s center in Shutesbury is called “The Source”, and all she does is about Earth spirituality. There is a lot of symbolism for me to ponder in this………..guess, since I’m driving, I’ll have plenty of time to think about it.

    Best of wishes to you both!

  5. “All we need to do is listen” – that seems to be a Christian concept as well. Just read something on the Internet about how we should ‘Be still and listen’ – and that message was important for me as I went to see my consultant today after various tests – I listened to him and he said that I’m okay and there’s no need to see him again for another year – phew! Made me also think of Rob …

    And thanks for the mention.

  6. Darren B says:

    Here are some more pictures of Sylvester that I scanned recently –
    just to give you an idea of his personality.

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