Category Archives: Jung

Synchronicity & Alchemy

 Synchronicity  sometimes acts as a kind of alchemy that transforms us or a decision we’re making in an essential way. The synchro itself may be as powerful as Gabe Carlson’s teapot story – or it may be something simple. The … Continue reading

Posted in Jung, synchronicity | 15 Comments

Jung and Synchronicity

                                                       from Carl Jung’s Red Book In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we talked about how synchronicity often occurs during periods of transitions – a move, marriage or divorce, birth, death. Tonight, I ran across some good ones involving Jung. I … Continue reading

Posted in death, Jung | 15 Comments

When the Impossible Happens…

An editor once told us that she was wary of books about synchronicity because most manuscripts on the subject that had come her way were dry and academic with many convoluted sentences peppered with academic parlance. Such books tend to … Continue reading

Posted in Joseph Campbell, Jung, Marcus Anthony | 28 Comments

Apophenia anyone?

Recently, I wandered into the skeptic’s dictionary out of curiosity to see what they had to say about synchronicity. Basically, folks, they’re telling those of us who accept and pursue meaningful coincidences in our lives that we’re deluded or crazy. … Continue reading

Posted in Jung, skeptics | 52 Comments

UFOs & Synchronicity

Recently, we posted Mike Clelland’s synchronicity related to an idea about UFOs and cats that was remarkable similar to another blogger’s idea on the same topic written two months earlier. Mike swears that he had no knowledge of the writer … Continue reading

Posted in Jung, UFOs | 18 Comments

End of the Road

Death is the ultimate journey, the ultimate transition, the end of the road. So it’s not surprising that it’s a fertile ground for the occurrence of synchronicity. In The Waking Dream, author Ray Grasse has collected a number of them. … Continue reading

Posted in death, Jung, Ray Grasse | 14 Comments

Jung’s Dream Premonitions

In Jung’s autobiography, he recounts a number of premonitions he had through dreams and visions. One of the most interesting sequences began in the fall of 1913, when he felt that “the atmosphere actually seemed to me darker than it … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, Jung, premonitions | 19 Comments

Jung and the ‘Sympathy of All Things’

In Jung’s autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, he relates a story about an apparently telepathic connection to a patient he had been treating. He had gone out to deliver a lecture, then returned to his hotel around midnight, but had … Continue reading

Posted in c3, death, Jung, suicide, telepathy | 11 Comments

Jung, Pauli, and Peat

Jung Institute, Zurich *** F. David Peat, a theoretical physicist who worked with the legendary physicist David Bohm in the 1970s, wrote Synchronicity: the Bridge Between Science and Matter, one of the seminal books about synchronicity. He now lives in … Continue reading

Posted in Jung, Peat, science | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Golden Scarab

The next story needs a little background. Carl Jung’s investigation of synchronicity was triggered by a patient’s dream, in which she was given a golden scarab. Jung knew the scarab is a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian mythology and believed … Continue reading

Posted in animals, c2, Jung, Peat, scarabs, science | Tagged , | 3 Comments