Death and Dreams

Some of my most vivid dreams have come at the time of death–or shortly after– of friends and family members. In these dreams, the deceased seem surprisingly alive in the afterlife.

Our friend, Marcus Anthony, an Australian futurist, has also had dreams related to deaths recently. However, Marcus’s dreams have come a week or two before the deaths. The dreams weren’t of anyone close to him, but to a couple of men that he had admired for years. I’ll let Marcus tell the story. – Rob


Recently on their blog, Rob and Trish Macgregor wrote a post which featured a quote on synchronicity by David R Hawkins, the mystic and author of the influential book Power vs Force. I have written about Hawkins quite a bit over the years, as I feel that much of what he writes has a very high level of truth. That post by the Macgregors inspired me to go to YouTube and watch some of Hawkin’s videoed lectures. Unfortunately I was saddened to see one entitled “David R Hawkins’ last lecture”. I then found out that he had died in September 2012.

I then recalled that I had had a vivid dream of Hawkins’ dying some time ago. I still recall the dream. In it I saw Hawkin’s face, and it was clear that he had passed away. The other thing was that his overall consciousness field appeared to be “empty”. This is hard to explain, but it was as if he was hollow. My sense is that this was because he was in a kind of non-dual state which he had often described himself as feeling like nothingness (BTW, this is not the highest state of consciousness, according to Hawkins).

I have a lot of precognitive dreams, but I only write down my dreams every now and again these days – when I feel they are profound or perhaps precognitive. When I heard that Hawkins had died, I recalled the dream and that I’d written it down somewhere. So I went looking for it. I was particularly interested to find the exact date.

Annoyingly, I couldn’t find it anywhere in my journals or on my computer. Then I recalled that I occasionally write down dreams on the notepad on my mobile phone. I try not to have my phone anywhere near my bed when I am sleeping these days, but I have sometimes kept it there deliberately for this very purpose.

Alas, it was to no avail. The Hawkins’ dream was nowhere to be found on my mobile either (I know I put it somewhere!!!). But what I did find on my mobile notepad was a whole heap of dreams that I had recorded and mostly forgotten about. Some of them were quite fascinating.

But one really caught my attention. Indeed it was even more prophetic than the Hawkins’ dream.

Perhaps the most amazing thing about this dream is that it occurred only six weeks ago. It is dated April 22, 2013. And I had absolutely forgotten about it!

This is not that unusual (though it’s true I do remember a lot of dreams, even when I don’t record them).

When I awake and write a dream down, I am often barely conscious, and in a very, very drowsy state. I fall back to sleep immediately, as soon as I record the dream. I am a very heavy sleeper.

So what was so special about this dream? Well, take a look at it. This is the dream as I recorded it in its entirety. I emailed this to myself directly from my mobile note pad, and I have cut and pasted it here.

I am looking in from a railway station at a pub across the road. It says “Stuart Wilde pub” on the sign. Then I look closer and see that it says: “Stu dead”. I feel great sadness.        

Then I hear someone say: “Is it true?”            

A little boy’s voice returns: “Yes. He had a heart attack.”      

I keep hearing the song “She’s out of my life.” (Michael Jackson) It’s very sad.     

Then I hear another voice. It is Stuart Wilde saying: “I’d like to thank her.”           

Next I am hearing words from the Cold Chisel song “Flame Trees”:           

 ”There’s no change. There’s no pace. Everything within its place. Just makes it harder to believe that she won’t be around”.   

There is a sense of sadness and emptiness, like just after someone dies or leaves.

As many of you will know, Stuart Wilde died of a heart attack on May 1st, just over a week after I had that dream, while traveling through Ireland. I found out about Stuart’s death two weeks after that. I was very sad to hear about it. He had been very influential in my own spiritual journey.  I was moved to write this blog post about his life and its significance.

Incredibly, when I came to write that post I had forgotten all about the dream which I’d recorded just a week or so before he died. I did have a vague recollection of dreaming about it, but it was very hazy, and I didn’t want to mention it on the article.

Everything in the dream is very easy to understand, with perhaps the one vague part being Stuart’s cryptic words: “I’d like to thank her.” It felt as if he was literally grateful to a female who was close to him. My sense is that he was thanking his mother.


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13 Responses to Death and Dreams

  1. Renee says:

    This is a powerful precognitive dream. Darren’s links add to the substance of it all. Perhaps Marcus picked up on Wilde’s pending death because he was influential in his spiritual journey?

    • That’s right, Renee. I often dream of the deaths of people who I feel connected to. I dreamed of Stuart Wilde quite a few times. In some dreams I connected with his energy, and even had conversations with him. I knew he was going off the tracks because of some of what I saw in those interactions.

      Last night I dreamed I was searching for Catherine Zeta-Jones’ grave, after she’d committed suicide. I also had a brief vision of another very famous new age author of Indian decent having passed away – just a few nights ago. I won’t mention his name, as there’s a small chance someone who knows him might read this.

      Having said this, death dreams are often symbolic of letting go of something. And the mind often represents people symbolically. In the latter case, the dream may represents real energies or events, but the person involved is not the one you see literally. I was actually told this very clearly via spiritual guidance: “Most precognitive dreams are symbolic”. The future in such dreams and visions is represented in symbols, or there is a mixture of the literal and symbolic.

      For example – the vision I had of the Indian New Age guru being dead. I suspect it is not literal, but symbolises my letting go of the “new age” way of looking at the world. However I admit being unsure of the Catherine Zeta-Jones one. In that dream I did find a grave, but it had a different woman’s name on it. I think the first name was Catherine, but I can’t recall the rest. So the dream possibly represents the suicide of someone who reminds me of Zeta-Jones in some way – either physically or in terms or her personality.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Fascinating explanation here, marcus. I wonder about the zeta jones dream. Didn’t she just get out of rehab for something?

        • Darren B says:

          ” I also had a brief vision of another very famous new age author of Indian decent having passed away”

          Not Deepak Chopra !?!
          I was only just reminiscing tonight about seeing Deepak with my father-in-law when he came out to Brisbane years ago with Wayne Dyer and Doreen Virtue.
          I had won two tickets in the local paper worth $350 each and since my father-in-law was into Deepak
          (I wasn’t by the way) I asked him if he wanted to go and he did.So we both got to see Deepak through the sheer “luck” of me winning tickets that neither of us would have been prepared to pay for.
          I only thought about this when my mother-in-law saw Dan Brown on the TV tonight and she said John would have liked to have seen him when he comes out to Australia.Then I told her about the Deepak tickets and how he got to see him at least.She just said,”Who’s he ?”
          Something felt odd about this recollection like the Deepak thing was some kind of a hint from beyond somehow.
          And now I read about this dream of yours and I get the feeling you may be right.Let’s hope not…that’s if this is the Indian guru your telling us about ?

          • Rob and Trish says:

            Trish and I saw Deepak at a book signing years ago in Boca Raton. He talked non-stop without notes for about 40 minutes. It was like he was reading an invisible book somewhere out in front of him. Interesting stuff, but a bit mechanical, it seemed.

            • Darren B says:

              My father-in-law was really into Deepak’s books and used to read just about every book he could get his hands on of his from the local library.Which was strange to me as my father-in-law never seemed to be interested in metaphysical things.He jumped at the opportunity to go and see Deepak with me when I offered the tickets.
              I was more into Wayne Dyer,but not all that much that I would pay to see him.
              I think paying $350 a ticket to hear a person talk is crazy…and yet the venue was nearly full.
              Neither of us were into Doreen Virtue’s material,and yet when my mother-in-law went to a psychic to have a reading she told my mother-in-law that she was trained in Doreen Virtue’s methods and was inspired to do the work after reading Doreen’s material.
              I remember telling my mother-in-law how weird that was as John and I had seen Doreen in person,even though we had no intention to do so at the time.

        • Yeah, I just did a quick Google. Manic Depression/ bipolar.

          I do recall hearing something about that at the time.

  2. Darren B says:

    “I keep hearing the song “She’s out of my life.” (Michael Jackson) It’s very sad”

    He had a twin sister,Dee Dee who danced for Pan’s People.
    They used to dance to a lot of Michael Jackson songs.!
    That last clip was creepy seeing that kiddie fiddler Jimmy Savile introducing the dance number.

    “Then I hear another voice. It is Stuart Wilde saying: “I’d like to thank her.” ”
    “Next I am hearing words from the Cold Chisel song “Flame Trees” ”
    Dee Dee looked a bit like the girl out of the flame tree video at one stage in her life.

    Wilde also made a video called “The love of Trees”

    His last book was ‘Plum Red – Taoist Tales of Old China’
    Flame Trees (aka Illawarra Flame Tree) are Brachychiton acerflius and are bright red.

    ” “I’m excited about Plum-Red. I first started it ten years ago. Our connection to the spirit of the Tao is vital, for it speaks of our nostalgia for eternity. Through nature and the Tao, we purify our soul, allowing us to climb gradually to new and safer levels of awareness.” ”

    “Purity allows for a higher perception.” —Stuart Wilde

    Interesting dream Marcus.

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