Carol Bowman, 7 Secrets, and a Synchro


In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, one of the stories we mention involved writer and past-life researcher Carol Bowman.

Carol was visiting her mother in New York’s Hudson Valley, a small town, not much there. She had gone to the grocery store for basics. While waiting in line, she noticed the Asian woman behind her had a toddler in her cart, a cute little girl. Carol asked the woman how old her daughter was.

Asian woman: “She’ll be two next month. She’s an Aries.”

Carol: “My Aries daughter will be thirty next month. Aries kids are a handful, aren’;t they?”

Asian woman, laughing: “That’s for sure. And I’m married to an Aries.”

Carol’s antenna twitched. “Me, too!”

So we can imagine these two women in line at this dinky store, suddenly aware of some sort of connection, both with Aries daughters, both married to Aries men.

Asian woman: “I’m a Libra.”

Carol understood that something odd and fascinating was happening. “I’m a Libra, too. What’s your birthdate?”

Asian woman: “October 14.”

“That’s, uh, my birthdate, too.”

Yes, it sounds like an episode out of the Twilight Zone, weird music and all. But the upshot was that Carol handed the woman her business card and said she would be conducting a past-life workshop in the area in June. The Asian woman said she wold definitely attend.

Now: fast-forward about four years. Today,  July 3, 2013, Carol received a call from a Philadelphia woman whose therapist has recommended that she get a past-life regression. The woman looked for past-life therapists in the area and ran across Carol’s name – and suddenly remembered reading about her in 7 Secrets. A friend had given her the book a few weeks earlier and she remembered the story about Carol’s conversation with the Asian woman.

So Carol had called to thank us for the mention – which had brought her a new client.

This kind of connection is gratifying to writers. It means you’re creating ripples in this huge pond of life that positively impact other people. This woman will now experience a past-life regression with one of the pioneers in reincarnational research because a friend gave her a book with a story in it that she remembered. Technically, it may not be a synchro because there’s a causative factor – the book, 7 Secrets – but in a wider, broader picture – what are the odds?


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7 Responses to Carol Bowman, 7 Secrets, and a Synchro

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    My maternal grandfather was born October 14.

  2. Darren B says:

    I’m a Libra, too.

  3. That was an impressive synchro(s). It’s interesting the ripples that everyone sends out, often we don’t even realise the connections and links we are making. It must be especially pleasing for writers like yourselves, almost a confirmation of worth – though book sales no doubt do this as well!

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