Mercury Retrograde Meets the Aliens

A bunch of synchros unfolded Tuesday morning, not all good, but some very strange. The day started when I read an article on the front page of the South Florida Sun Sentinel about how the police have started using a new tool called ‘SmartWater CSI’ to nab thieves. They left a bait car unlocked with a package visible. When a thief showed up and opened the door, he touched the package and his hand was sprayed with a small amount of the chemical-laced water that leaves a stain visible only under ultra-violet light. The article included photos from a video taken when the thief opened the door.

I didn’t have time to ponder how practical this watery crime-busting tool would be, because I was in a hurry to meet a friend for an off-road bike ride. I went outside and – synchronicity – I found that MY car had been burglarized. I’d forgotten to lock it last night and someone had opened the glove box and the center console, rummaged around, and made off with the garage door opener. I couldn’t help wondering how ‘SmartWater CSI’ would help me find the person who stole the opener. Not at all that I could see.

I left our 111-pound dog Noah to watch the house, and headed out to the trail for an abbreviated ride. Trish and I had a radio show coming up  mid-morning, so one lap through the woods would be all.

I rushed home and arrived half an hour ahead of time. The radio show was scheduled with Martin Willis, host of PodcastUFO and we would talk about our book, Aliens in the Backyard. We’d already had a Mercury retrograde experience with Martin. We’d thought the interview was scheduled for Monday at 1 p.m., but apparently it was a misunderstanding. When Martin didn’t call, we went about our business. I sent him an e-mail, and he apologized for the confusion and set up the interview for the following morning.

So 10 a.m. came around and again no Martin. I checked e-mail and saw a message from him labeled CANCELLATION. Now here is where it gets a bit strange. This was the message he left.

Dear Rob & Trish,

I listened to an interview this morning with you.  I have decided that I do not want to go in the direction that you two go in. I am very sorry to have wasted all your time.  Martin

Of course, we found that puzzling. What direction are we going that he doesn’t like? we wondered. We thought maybe he’s someone who thinks the aliens are here to save us from ourselves, good guys ready to help whenever we recognize they’re here and waiting.  Aliens in the Backyard takes a more cautious approach that suggests  some aliens might be helpful, others neutral, and still others committed to enslaving or eliminating us. A complicated situation, at best.

I wrote Martin back and asked him to explain what he meant. It gets stranger. Here is what he said:

I feel bad, but I am trying to stay away from the alien thing now. I am getting a lot of flack and losing people every time I go there.  Martin

Um, Martin, hello, your podcast is about UFOs. How do you separate aliens from that topic? I wrote back something to that affect and suggested that maybe he should’ve taken note of the title of our book, if not read it. I haven’t heard any more from him.

I noticed that Martin’s website features old stories of UFO sightings from long ago. Sort of a historical tribute to ufology. One about a Maury Island sighting caught my attention, since we’d just written a post about a UFO sighting in Maury county, Tennessee. We also found out that Martin just started his PodcastUFO in May and apparently is still working out the kinks, so to speak. Apparently, he needs to add a sign on his site saying: NO ALIENS ALLOWED.

Ah, Mercury retrograde meets the aliens.

Addendum: Since the interview was cancelled, we got the garage door people out to put in a new code on our opener. Our next door neighbors were also hit and they lost two garage door openers. They called the cops and sent them our way for more Mercury retrograde nonsense…but I won’t go into that.

Mercury turns direct on July 20.

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44 Responses to Mercury Retrograde Meets the Aliens

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    T & R, I agree with you 100%. In my opinion, the entire situation was mis-handled from day one. Also in my opinion, Zimmerman is guilty. Watching this from the very first news report that appeared on our local TV an hour after it occurred, it has been obvious, at least to me as an observer, that Zimmerman took a look at a young black kid in a hoodie, (and EVERONE wears hoodies! I own several!), and decided he was up to no good. IT WAS RAINING. Why would Trayvon NOT have his hood up? And, he was walking to his father’s unit in the gated community. He wasn’t just wandering around looking for trouble. I personally don’t accept the facts as presented by the defense, particularly considering that Zimmerman has been proven to be a “wannebe cop” and even attended schools toward that desire. I guess none of us is safe walking in a neighborhood after dark in the rain with our hoodies over our head to keep from
    being soaked! AND, Trayvon was totally unarmed. Would that be a kid out looking for trouble? It seems to me that it was Trayvon who was defending himself, not the other way around, and he was murdered when Zimmerman approached and attacked HIM. That voice on the call? I’ve never in my life heard a grown man with a high voice like that one screaming for help. The defense swears it’s Zimmerman’s voice, but when Zimmerman speaks, he does not have a voice that sounds anything like the terrified voice on the tape. That voice is extremely high-pitched. Of interest, the jury of six is an all-woman jury, I found that strange when such a jury was selected. OK. I’ll get off my soapbox now.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Speaking of crimes in various places, etc., the authorities in the areas in and around Sanford, FL, are preparing for “riot/violence control” when the Zimmerman murder case verdict comes out. They fear the white folks will go nuts if he is found guilty, and that the African Americans will go nuts if he is found innocent. It’s a volatile situation that seems to be a time-bomb waiting to explode ….or, for someone to flip the switch.

    There may be a “hung jury” on this one, in which scenario a mistrial would be declared, and then BOTH sides would go to war. For those who don’t know, Sanford is very near Orlando and is densely populated, and this criminal case is about as high-profile as was the OJ Simpson case in terms of racial tensions. By making public preparations for violence to occur, in my opinion they are “creating” such an outcome. Either way, it doesn’t look as if peace will prevail. Glad I don’t live there!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      There are many questions about the Zimmerman case, starting with: why wasn’t he immediately arrested after the shooting? It took protests and demonstrations for an arrest to even happen. I see sanford as a good ole boy town…

  3. Logan says:

    Hi Rob and Trish,
    Sorry to hear of your very disturbing theft. Never fun when someone takes our stuff just because they have the opportunity.
    SmartWater may very well have, if applied and if you had a small window sticker visible to the Bad Guys, been a factor in deterring your vehicle burglary. It absolutely would help you positively identify your property, if later found by law enforcement. The biggest factor is that SmartWater has been proven to deter criminals from burgling your vehicle, home, or business because they know that it dramatically increases their odds of being marked, caught, and jailed. That’s a fact proven over 17 years in the UK and revealing to be true here in the US, as well, in early crime stats.
    Let us know and we’ll see about getting you protected and you can see for yourselves.
    In any case, I like your site and the comments of a lot of very creative people!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hey Logan, you’re part of the synchronicity!

      Thanks for the info… And the offer!

      • Darren B says:

        Here’s a sync.
        I live in Logan City which is just outside Brisbane .

        • Rob and Trish says:

          This is getting truly weird. Do you have this product in Logan City? :)! If not, then Logan…you’ve got your work cut out for you. The great continent of Australia!

          • Darren B says:

            I have never heard of it,but if any area around Brisbane needed it,it would be Logan city.
            Logan (and Ipswich) is the butt of jokes for comedians in Brisbane.
            It has a reputation as a crime area in the Brisbane press,whether justified or not.
            I did have a car stolen about 25 years ago,but apart from that,no problems personally…touch wood.-)

            • Darren B says:

              Here is a recent national TV story on Logan to give you an idea.
              Apparently it’s the murder capital of the State.
              You learn something every day on the TV.

              • Rob and Trish says:

                And here I thought Brisbane was a cultural paradise, what with this great writers’ festival you have there every year!

                • Darren B says:

                  There is a Writer’s Festival in Brisbane,but the Byron Bay Writer’s Festival is over 100 miles away and in another state.
                  Jeff Lindsay’s been to Brisbane,so he could tell you it’s pretty safe…I think.-)
                  Maybe he would get some inspiration for Dexter though,living in Logan.-)
                  That bearded guy in the clip is the drug dealer I was telling Connie about.

            • Rob and Trish says:

              This reminds me of how Miami, back in the late 80s, I think it was, became the crime city in the U.S. There was so much crime that a little ditty used to crop up everywhere: Will the last one out of Miami please turn off the lights?

              • Darren B says:

                I’ve seen that documentary called ‘Cocaine Cowboys’ about the Miami Drug scene in the 80’s,that was scarey stuff.
                I see stories on the news about gun crime in the States and I always think that I’m glad I live in Australia.
                But then I see stories about Logan and think thank heavens I live in Logan,because the Logan I see on the news seems a different place to the Logan I know.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    One of my hubby’s close friends is a sargeant of detectives on the beach police force here. He came by Sunday (I’ll just use the initial “G” to identify him) and G was the one who told us about the several robberies that have happened on our street in recent weeks. Ordinarily, this is a very safe, quiet beach neighborhood. There aren’t even many really young children living here, which is unusual. But G asked hubby if he could “tour” our hoouse and make some notes about the layout.

    It seems that directly next door to us, in a house whose layout is almost identical to ours, the folks are operating a drug business! This scares the beejeebies out of me! If such a thing can occur on a quiet middle-class neighborhood like ours, it makes me wonder what our world is really becoming. I know this is off-subject of the post, more or less, but IS connected to criminal activities, etc. It’s scary.

    There are two college-age young women living there who have two toddlers, which makes it even more scary. I’m home pretty much all the time, and am able to see the comings and goings around us, (not out of nosiness; can’t help but see, the way our living room is situated), and have noticed a great deal of “in and out” visitors there, but drugs never entered my mind. It’s too close for comfort to have that element so nearby. Apparently a “sting” is in the works, and I’d hate to see our neighborhood on the TV news in such a negative way. Just plain scary.

    • Darren B says:

      These drug dealers are everywhere Connie,even in Australia in my own neighbourhood,which is a nice quite area we had a guy selling drugs in the backstreet just up the road from where I live.He was shot to death at his own front door by someone who is still on the run.He had his teenage daughter living with him as well.It was all over the news when it happened,too.
      You never really know what criminals are living around you I guess.

  5. Darren B says:

    On the subject of aliens,I was watching this clip this morning –
    an interview with Hank Wesselman who co-authored
    ‘Awakening to the Spirit World’ with Sandra Ingerman.
    In it (at the 52 min mark) he is asked if he had ever had a UFO abduction experience and he more or less said he did !?
    I’ve never heard of Hank Wesselman until I picked up this book.
    Interesting man,reminds me of PKD in a way.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hank wrote a couple of shamanic books about a life in some ancient (or future?) version of Hawaii. Great writer.

      • Darren B says:

        He talks in the video clip about looking for the lost continent of America 5000 years into the future.
        Which is where he reminds me of a PKD type.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Darren, I’m reading Awakening to the Spirit World right now. But if you found his comments about America 5,000 years in the future, you definitely should take a look at his three channeled books on the subject – SPIRITWALKER, – Messages from the Future, MEDICINEMAKER – Mystic Encounters on the Shamanic Path, and VISIONSEEKER – Shared Wisdom from the Place of Refuge. He’s a very good writer and the books read like novels. Well, some people think they are. Like Castaneda, it’s probably a mix of non-fiction and fiction. Very well done.

          • Darren B says:

            I think he also mentioned that at first he wrote his experiences as fiction novels,so his scientific friends didn’t think he was ready for the looney bin,but a psychic he went to said that he should write them as non-fiction books.They are definitely on my list to buy and read.
            He is an interesting guy by the looks of the few interviews I have seen and heard of him and seems quite sincere.I mentioned Hank and his possible UFO encounter over at Mike Clelland’s site,but I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall whenever I leave a comment over there,as my comments are rarely acknowledged by Mike,which I find rather rude on his part.
            But so be it,maybe he thinks I’m a Reptilian,or something .-)

    • Nancy says:

      He worked with a great Kahuna in Hawaii. Very interesting guy. I hadn’t heard he was an abductee.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Not only Darren’s astute observation…that when one door opens another door closes….but what do we put in our garages? This may be another way to look at what
    Martin “closed the door” on when he shut you out. He refused to allow you to share the knowledge you two have “stored” in your experiences. Most of us use our garages not only for our vehicles, but most folks also store items there, including some that are inportant and expensive (valuable) such as good tools. His loss, I’d say, but a loss for others who read his site. A convoluted synchro.

  7. Darren B says:

    Stolen garage door openers ???
    Maybe the message here is that when one door closes,another door opens .
    I suspect with all these garage door openers stolen around the neighbourhood that this thief may be planning a garage sale on garage door openers.-)
    And Martin closed your opening on his radio show ? I wonder who stole your spot there ?
    Strange days indeed .

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow, you’re absolutely right, Daz. That’s what it meant. Here’s a case of something being right in front of us and we missed it completely.

      • Darren B says:

        It may also mean don’t let anyone try to take control of your life,because the control should be your own and not somebody else’s ?-)

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Good point! We’ll have to mull that one over. I think your first interp is the one, but by later tonight, I’ll probably decide this one is correct, too!

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    My guess would be this: a possibility that the man had a terrifying experience after contacting the MacGregors, and it frightened him to the point that he withdrew. I’ve witnessed that situation occur on several occasions with various folks. Or, he may have discovered, as have many of us, that our electronic communication systems are bugged. I told T & R ages ago, long before Edward Snowden brought out his info, that my landline has been tapped for more than a year….confirmed by authorities but they can’t access the source of the tap. And, my computer has been being monitored for several years by different agencies of the gov’t, mostly military agencies. And I can guarantee this dual monotoring of my landline phone and my computer has NOTHING to do with terrorism. It’s relative to the UFO encounters, etc. So, maybe this guy got some type of real terror instilled in him and he withdrew as a result, Just an idea.

  9. Momwithwings says:

    Strange happenings for you!
    What a strange man. As I read this and the responses I felt a lot of fear, as if he found out that he was being monitored or as if someone said something to him about you.

    One of the greatest weapons to stop people is fear, add intimidation to that and a lot of people just wash their hands. You all are very strong and are able to fight that.

    There is something strange going on here, I feel it completely!

    Glad that you are taking no chances with that robbery.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Yes, maybe something strange going on. The police called this a.m. and were asking more questions. This was the third officer I’ve talked to about the theft of a garage door opener. Then about an hour ago, I noticed a cop car parked in front of our house. What I found annoying yesterday–the reference I made at the end of the post–was that it seemed they were investigating me, maybe because I didn’t call them. The neighbor, who was also hit, did. They wanted to see my registration, proof of insurance and driver’s license. Maybe it’s just routine, but it seemed sort of odd.

  10. How odd about the podcast. I see that on his website it says:

    “Martin feels certain that we are not alone and thinks it is possible that some small part of our government knows that and keeps it from us … Martin’s mission is to provide a place where anyone could interact and be heard who had a UFO experience or insight on the subject.”

    And yet doesn’t want to hear about Aliens In the Backyard – almost like a conspiracy 🙂

    Sorry to hear about the burglary.

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    As usual I agree with Gypesy, and wonder why this guy has a website dealing with UFOs and not Aliens. That’s rather paradoxical, to put it nicely. Does he think the craft are remotely controlled or something? And he obviously hasn’t done his homework on the subjects. This is just too weird. Am sorry you guys got robbed. That’s frightening. Our beach neighborhood is being routinely robbed as well. The beach police are urging folks to please lock their vehicles, not leave anything of value in them, and keep the garage doors locked. Of course, unfortunately an experienced thief can get past all these precautions. I’m glad my young black Lab has the bark of a massive Rottweiler. And she LOOKS aggressive as she’s barking, so even though she’s not nearly at her full-grown size, she is intimidating. Labs are gentle and loving, but she pretends to be a really Bad Dog! Our son gave us security signs for the yard and the doors, et, and that tends to keep criminal elements away, plus our vehicles have alarms on them and they are LOUD. Still, it’s disturbing when several folks in a neighborhood are being invaded. I fear it will get worse and the economy continues to tank and folks are homeless and hungry. It used to be just druggies. Now it’s ordinary people needing the essentials for life. Tragic. Glad you have Noah!!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      It was just a garage door opener – but… These people weren’t too bright about it. If you’re going to rummage around in a glove box, at least close the lid so the owner doesn’t realize something is amiss!

      • Nancy says:

        I would be especially careful when you leave your house. Our friends had their car keys lifted from a valet board at a local casino. By the time they finished dinner and went to pick up their car the thieves had already stolen their car and buglarized their home, entering with the garage door opener.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Thanks for the warning, nancy. Noah’s bark is booming, intimidating, If I were a thief, I would run. Fast. Never mind that he wouldn’t hurt a flea.A tick. Not even a squirrel!

  12. gypsy says:

    what a weird response from someone with a website such as his – i mean, it really makes no sense whatsoever – also, you were so right rob…apparently his reading skills are more than lacking [if, in fact, he even read the title of your backyard book] geeezzeee…. not very good PR for him just starting out of the gate, either – the manner in which the whole thing was handled – but the real issue is wtf…

    neat synchro of the smart water tool and your car having been burglarized – but scary to think of someone running around w/access to your home at any time –

    oh, and if martin is losing people every time he goes into the alien issue, who in the world do his followers on ufos think is DRIVING THE UFO…again…geeeee…

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