The Ralph Waldo Emerson Synchro


  The other day, I got a call from our friend Jeri Young, whose good year blimp synchro we posted here She had just experienced another synchro and was eager to tell me about it.

 Her husband, Steve, had called her and suggested they meet at Panera Bread for lunch. Panera is a fast-food chain that serves terrific fresh soups, salads and sandwiches, for a reasonable price.  So they put in their order, and grabbed a table. While they were eating, Jeri noticed a saying on the wall behind Steve. It was a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that read: Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

 At about the same moment, Steve was reading the same quote on a wall behind Jeri and called her attention to it. She glanced around, laughed, and told him to look around. “I was just reading that!”

 After they got home, Jeri picked up the mail. There was a graduation announcement from Steve’s half-sister, who is just graduating from high school. When she opened it, she found a photo of the graduating class and behind them, on the wall, was the class motto. Yes, you guessed it: the same quote by Emerson.


 We’ve been running across these types of synchronicities more frequently – where a photo is involved, almost like evidence, the giant exclamation point at the end of the cluster! Rob has affectionately called them, photo-synchros.  They sort of make you feel like what our friend Cassie Hague captured in this photo. Like, OMG!

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18 Responses to The Ralph Waldo Emerson Synchro

  1. Peggy DaValt says:

    Good morning, Trish and Rob –

    I am a huge fan of Panera Bread in Madison, WI and when the Ralph Waldo Emerson poster appeared as signage earlier this summer, I asked Adam, the manager, if I could have the sign when the campaign was done. He was going to give it to me, but when the new ad campaign came up, he was on vacation and the manager who put up the new stuff, tossed the old…..WAAAAHHHH… I wrote to Panera Corporate and was told that it is intellectual property and not given to the public. WAAAAHHH again. So I thought I’ll just Google Panera/Emerson and voila…here I am. I am a huge fan of your work having read your first book, The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. I was thrilled to find the book Synchronicity and the Other Side. I loved reading snippets of it on Amazon.

    Gotta love these synchronicities. I’d still like the poster….maybe if I think about it long enough, someone may help me to get one. *grin*

    Thank you for the new book…..I’m going to have to get it soon as I love your work.

  2. Nancy Orfield says:

    Just listened to your interview with Whitley (many synchros for me), so thought I’d checkout your site. Oh my. Ever since my adult son Kevin was born I’ve called him Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ralph Waldo for short. Some of my interview synchros were my grandmother’s maiden name was Saunders. She was Eastern Star, my grandfather a 33degree Mason. My mother(deceased) and I have had many UFO experiences. And lastly, 3 months before my terminally ill husband passed, we moved back to AZ to a home adjacent to a cemetery.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Looking closely at that beautiful picture, there appears to be a translucent fragile “fairy image” in it. Inspiring! Great post.

  4. Darren B says:

    “All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen ”
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    “But who is the creator ? That’s the question”
    Darren B (.-)

  5. Darren B says:

    “Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect”
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  6. gypsy says:

    yes, neat synchro – and one of my favorite quotes, too – perhaps she will let you all know if there are any subsequent ramifications of the synchro…

  7. DJan says:

    I love this quote, and the synchro would have been enough to make me examine my current life path. After all, we only get to go around once in this life (but who knows about the others?) 🙂

  8. An impressive synchro – wonder the significance of the quote for Jeri or Steve.

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