Our interview with Rick Scouler on You Tube

This interview for Aliens in the Backyard is the first we’ve done through Skype that was also videotaped. That means you can’t be wearing your pajamas, you can’t look at your notes, you can’t be sipping from your bottle of water. Oddly, Rob has a triangle (light reflection) of light against his forehead. Ah, those trickster aliens!


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24 Responses to Our interview with Rick Scouler on You Tube

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    P.S. Our TVs are not connected to each other. One is a quite large home theater and has a converter box; the other is a much smaller 42″ in the master bedroom with a separate converter box. BOTH sets are changing channels by themselves. This is NUTS. In the middle of the night last night, the bedroom TV turned on by itself while we were sleeping. I had definitely turned it off. We have a nightlight in the master bath because I get up often, and it was OUT. (Was on when we went to sleep) But the TV came on spontaneously. I was able to turn it off with the remote.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Jane, I continue to have unprecedented and really strange “stuff” happening on both our televisions and on my computer, which is a desktop, but a great one. Comcast denies it’s on their end, and I believe them. There are “presences” in the house that even my husband, who is generally oblivious to such things, is noticing, especially the crazy TV changing channels all by itself. My computer is going from one site and/or screen to another without me doing it. I’ve unpolugged, rebooted, reset. Still going on. My Lab pup is extremely psychic, and she’s behaving out of character and making whining and growly noises while looking into the mid-air and following fomething with her eyes. As a medium, I am usually aware of who the Invisibles are, but not now. This electrical stuff is new. It isn’t frightening. It’s frustrating. We expect anomalies during Merc Retro, but not now.

  3. Jane Clifford says:

    Woah! Strange stuff going on.When I switched my lap top on to check mail,some strange loud bleeps came from it as it was loading icons at the same time as large white squares flashed randomly on and off all over the screen, never heard these random bleeps of different tones! I did immediatly think of Et! Not knowing the first mail I opened was a link to this!
    Its all very weird indeed.There seemed to be heinghtened electrical activity too!
    Great Interview! But what is going on ?

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    MomWithWings, you and I and DPage have a LOT of identical issues with stuff! Crazy! And I think our locations for a triangle, if I remember correctly? haven’t a clue if this is relevant. Just thought I’d mention it, as more high weirdness!

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Yep. Finally did that. Unplugged. Rebooted. The interesting thing is that last night the UPSTAIRS television spontaneously jumped from the channel hubby and I were watching to a different channel. Neither of us had the remote. It was on the bedside table, not touching anything. TV went from the “western” channel to a different channel; we couldn’t get the remote to change it back; just had to wait a few minutes, and it flipped back to his western on its own. The big TV in the lR did that when I was here by myself with my pup. It simply switrched channels on me. Remote woudn’t work; Then it switched back on its own. I actually do think an Invisible is doing this, and I’m beginning to wonder if there is a message embedded in the channel that the TV is being switched to. Will pay more attention to the channel itself if it happens again. I know the first time, it switched to the weather channel. I wasn’t paying much attention last night to the channel it went to….just had to listen to hubby cuss because his western was interrupted!

  6. Great interview.

    I was looking at the reflections on Rob’s head. As you say, the top one is a triangle. Maybe it’s my imagination but the one beneath this is like a (white) dove and the bottom one a silhouette of a cat. I enlarged the picture to see this.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    I added the video feed necessary to watch and listen, which I did…and the interview was great! BUT….my *************computer has been a total mess since then, and I don’t have a clue how to fix it! It was working just fine, all systems GO, until then. Now, it’s bouncing all over the place. GGggrrrrrrrrrrr. 🙁

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Always resort first to: turn off, unplug, reboot.

    • Momwithwings says:

      Math I too have had this problem!
      Often I cannot post here on this blog when it is about Aliens.
      A few times I have tried over and over and even come back hours later but it keeps saying I didn’t answer the question , or it just won’t post.
      I now know if it happens once that it won’t happen at all.
      Very strange.

  8. Dale Dassel says:

    Let me add my congrats to both of you on another great interview! And I agree that it’s nice to actually see you, rather than just hearing your voices on a podcast! 🙂

    Keep up the great work!

  9. gypsy says:

    great interview – loved it –
    now the weird things is, that about half-way through the interview, i was deep in thought about whatever was being said at that moment and something popped into my mind – a question – and about that time, one of you all said something almost identical to what i was thinking – and then, all of a sudden, totally out of the blue, when i moved my mouse to adjust the sound, nothing happened – and my computer froze – i literally had to not just re-boot but unplug etc to get things going again – and just as weirdly, i cannot remember the question/subject being discussed or what my thoughts/question were – cannot remember – i have even replayed part of the video to try to recapture it but it seems to have just totally left my memory –

    again, you all did a great interview! thanks for sharing!

    • Nancy says:

      I was listening to an interview on Coast to Coast the other day and could not stay awake. I had to rewind that interview at least five times. I started to wonder what was going on…are we programmed to not hear certain pieces of information?? (The interview had a lot to do with aliens, programming, etc.)

  10. Hey kids! Nice SEEING you. What is that light on Rob? AN alien? I suggest for future Skype sessions that you sit closer together so we can see all of you . But that’s not why I am posting.

    I have been moaning and groaning about how behind I am on posting anything on my own site because of the big interruption by moving. However, since it was both Carl Jung’s and Mick Jagger’s birthday yesterday I decided to stop what boring tasks I am doing and post something on my blog about these two Leo Luminaries. Stuff happened and I didn’t get to it until this morning. But first I checked out what was happening HERE. And Lo, synchros rule. There is Trish telling who Carl Jung is and what synchronicity is. Perfect. Glad I didn’t post last night.

    The video I posted on Jung is when he was very old and I enjoyed so much seeing him talk. He was a good looking dude for an old guy. I also love seeing Mick Jagger as almost a baby doing his fabulous, Can’t get no satisfaction song. That song ALWAYS makes me want to dance. And I’m OLD!

    I seem to have a lot of shychros with you guys – I don’t even time get to tell them all.

  11. Melissa says:

    I have to finish watching later, but so far so good! By the way, PJ bottoms could have totally worked! Tee hee

  12. Darren B says:

    Great interview guys.
    I’ve re-posted the You Tube on my blog and a link to your book.

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