UFOs in Northern Florida

Sometimes I’ll read about or see a you tube account of a UFO sighting that strikes me as bogus. The following account does NOT have that same vibe. In reading through this story on the examiner, I’m impressed with the details, the length of time that passed, and how the witness  saw a whole Star Wars like scenario play out. Here’s the link for the report. The above photo is not one of the pics the man sent to the examiner. I didn’t find his photos that impressive. Then again, his pics were, I believe, taken with a cell phone.


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6 Responses to UFOs in Northern Florida

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Maybe the “observers” were wrong? Maybe those “laser shots” were actually laser beams coming from air to ground, completely soundless, totally silent, as was the red one seen by my son a few weeks ago that was coming from the UFO and shining down on a gravemarker in a cemetery. Sometimes, with lightning, it’s almost impossible to discern if the lightning is ground to air or air to ground. Maybe this was the case with this “laser” stuff! If, that is, it even happened at all.

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:

    Where does one start.

    Missles being fired? Lets see, most missiles have the capability to travel several if not dozens of miles. Then in an airspace in or around civilian installations, houses, buildings, parks. No evidence of missiles or military recovery of un exploded missles because every one hit, and all that shrapnel, well it just vaporized. Were after burners used? If so, who else heard sonic booms as sound barriers are broken. Wait, there’s more! If a missle is fired it too breaks the sound barrier. Hitting mach 3 or faster in tenths of a second…

    The sound of jets roaring around an USAF air space firing missiles would have had dozens of phone call seeking who gave authorization of such manuevers. DHS would be involved, DOD, FBI, DIA, National Security Advisors to the President, massive scrambling of air and ground support.

    Citations folks, we need citations of others, witnesses.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Interesting scenario, but the part about the jets firing at the UFO craft seems recklessly dangerous. What happens when the rockets miss their targets? They would hit and destroy whatever’s on the ground, albeit miles away, endangering civilian lives and property. I don’t believe the Air Force is that irresponsible considering its primary duty is to defend our country. Plus, a rain of deadly missile fire over U.S. airspace would be international news the day it happened, and we’d have videos all over the Internet, so I’m calling shenanigans on this guy’s story. Maybe he did see a few jets pursuing some UFOs, but it certainly didn’t escalate into a prolonged aerial battle which conveniently received absolutely zero media attention.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Lasers. Hhhmmmmm. Reminiscent of my son’s recent sighting encounter in TN. But the laser in HIS encounter came out of the UFO…it wasn’t shots being fired from the ground. This opens up a new area of thought, though. Laser wars?

    In one way, using a cellphone camera is good because it can’t be photoshopped or altered, similar to a Polaroid. The bad thing is that the pics often aren’t very clear.

  5. Interesting account. You would think there must have been other sightings of this as well – though I haven’t checked. Wonder why there would have been ‘laser blast’ ‘ground shots’ at the UFOs? Surely there can’t be a policy to shoot anything we may not understand – a bit primitive.

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