UFO Hunters redux

Site of the supposed Dulce underground base.

Part 3 of  The Synchronicity Highway, a work in progress, deals with UFO encounters and synchronicity. So it’s fitting that, as we’re working on the book, we experience synchronicity related to UFOs. This is sort of a couch potato synchro, but still relevant.

We took a break from writing on a recent evening and clicked on our list of recorded TV programs. Ancient Aliens popped up…or so I thought. I clicked it and selected an episode that we had seen years ago related the supposed Dulce, New Mexico underground base and its relationship to aliens. It turns out this was actually UFO Hunters, the History Channel’s earlier UFO program, which we hadn’t watched since it went off the air (or off the cable) about five years ago.

We found the speculative episode interesting, though a bit far out with speculation of genetic engineering taking place, such as creating a man-cow creature, supposedly with the help of aliens. Whew! Okay. But we figure there’s usually some truth to these stories, though the presentation can be way over the top.

Meanwhile, back at the computer, I received a lengthy e-mail from documentary TV producer Katy Walker, who is working on a synchro documentary, as we’ve mentioned. Much of it was about ongoing synchros she has experienced related to owls, but she also touched on her UFO film clip that we put up earlier and, surprisingly, mentioned the Dulce Underground base. Here’s what she said:

“The day we discovered the UFO recording I also came across the UFO Hunters episode (which got the show cancelled) about the Dulce Underground base near an Apache Indian reservation where a worker allegedly saw beings experimenting  with human/alien hybrids. And we fall further down the rabbit hole…”

Oh, yes we do, Katy, because Trish and I had just watched that same episode. How strange. I had never heard that the episode was the reason the UFO Hunters was cancelled, so I looked it up. Indeed, Bill Birnes, the leader of the pack, claims that very thing in a radio/podcast interview with Jim Harold.

Not sure what all that means, except that we’re on the right path with the new book.


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11 Responses to UFO Hunters redux

  1. Momwithwings says:

    I wonder if all of this underground “stuff” is affecting earthquakes etc.
    I am also wondering if Fracking is all it is supposed to be?

    I remember this episode and reading that Birnes had been warned about what would happen to his show should they air it.

    There is so much going on above and below us that we know nothing about. Any one who can get out even a speck of truth, is welcome!

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:

    I remember watching this show! Really tired of all the jump edit push zooms, do not linger on any image, do not let the audience process what they just saw. Keep moving and do not allow any context, lest we see something that doesn’t fit with the UFO Hunters narrative.
    Any how:

    Greg Bishop just interviewed Gabe Valdez’s som. Here is the link


    I remember talking to Don Ecker about the whole uncanny valley, he asked me what i thought was doing the mutilations. I said high end ( above and beyond military)human researchers.

    Has to do with radiation fallout.

    You want to see eerie, just go to Capital Reef Park in Utah, walk a few of the trails and see the vents in the ground. Well camouflaged. Had to do with Uranium mining. Are you getting the picture now?

    Be well


  3. gypsy says:

    well…while i would like to comment more fully about the contents here, i just got home from an oral surgeon where i spent several hours in a chair with the constant implementation of torture techniques used against me that would make the stoutest Special Ops’ knees buckle…i’m still bleeding profusely – my face is swollen – i’m in pain…but be that as it may…what first struck me the most, just visually, is the image…day before yesterday i began a sketch for a painting i’m doing – yesterday i spent several hours doing revisions to the sketch – the sketch includes in the background two hills with a small cross on each – i open your post just now – and there are two “hills” and what appears to me to be a “cross” at the top of the larger one – maybe not a huge synchro but for me even a little one today is enough…

  4. The synchronicity of being on the right Highway – thanks for video link.

  5. Nancy says:

    I remember that episode, although I didn’t particularly care for the program. Interesting about the synchronicity. We live in times of revelation, maybe the next one is Dulce – and you are being prompted…

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    I have a maybe-synchro here. Before waking up this morning, I dreamed about a UFO. Am assuming it was just a dream, not an encounter although I awakened with my entire body aching all over. When I pulled up the blog just now and saw that photo, I was stunned. In the context of my dream, I was standing with a small group of people…don’t know who…and we watched a UFO flying low in the sky from our left to our right, in front of us, toward a hill that looked very much like the one in the photo. It disappeared behind the hill, and then as we watched, several people, (humans, I think), came walking over and then down the hill toward us. The UFO was dark like a Stealth bomber, but totally silent, and as it began descending to the backside of the hill, it slowed significantly and lights blinked off and on all around it. It wasn’t disc-shaped. It was triangular. This dream may have been “programmed” into my subconscious mind by recent discussions of UFOs, etc. But perhaps not….

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