Remote Viewing Mars

 While doing some research for our new book, The Synchronicity Highway: Exploring Coincidence, the Paranormal, & Alien Contact,  I ran across the transcript of a remote viewing session that Joe McMoneagle did in 1984.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Joe McMoneagle was a psychic spy. He was known as Remote Viewer 001 in the U.S. Army’s Stargate program, which used soldiers with psychic talents to peer across borders and spy on enemies. They also explored diverse topics, including life on Mars 1 million years ago.

Joe has been featured in Newsweek, Time, Reader’s Digest, and on ABC’s Nightline and CBS’s 48 Hours, and on prime-time British and Japanese television. He’s the author of a number of books on remote viewing. He now teaches remote viewing at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, which was started by his father-in-law, author and consciousness researcher Robert Monroe.

I was riveted by what Joe had described in this transcript and asked if we could interview him for the book. One of my questions was about this particular RV session:

We ran across a transcript of an RV session you did in 1984 that was fascinating. You were handed a sealed envelope with a 3X5 index card inside with 3 sentences on it – the target you were supposed to view. You didn’t look at the card and the envelope wasn’t opened until the RV session was finished.  Written on the card was: the planet Mars, time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C.  Your monitor then gave you a set of geographical coordinates. Can you tell us about that viewing? Do you recall how  you felt at the time about what you were seeing? How did your monitor choose those coordinates? And why were there so many of them?

Here’s Joe’s response:

At the time, I was working with Bob Monroe in his lab over extended weekends. This had been set up by the Army in the hopes that it would shorten my cool down periods and extend my abilities to remote view. I was becoming very stressed by the demands within the Stargate Project.

From approximately mid-1982 until September 1st of 1984 I was the only remote viewer left within the unit, so I was carrying the full load. This was beginning to wear thin. So, Bob was working with me in his lab to try and reduce the stress and increase my ability to respond. During this period of working with Bob, they would occasionally bring down a test target to see how I was doing. It could be a target of importance or simply one utilized to test my abilities.

On this one occasion, I was taking a nap during lunch hour inside the controlled isolation chamber in the lab, when Bob woke me up by announcing that he had a target for me. Lieutenant Atwater had brought him a card with seven sets of coordinates on it, and an envelope which was sealed. Bob told me he had the target envelope in his shirt pocket and that he would read off the coordinates to me one at a time, and I was to describe what I saw at each set. I agreed.

What I remember is that the first coordinate was a huge pyramid, like none I’d ever seen before. I asked him if this was a new discovery, because it seemed this was larger than the one at Giza, Egypt. He said he didn’t know, all he had was the sealed envelope and the coordinates. So, I described it to him. He gave me another coordinate and this one appeared to be some kind of a ruin. And on it went.

I remember at one point looking up at the location and getting a very strange impression of the sun. I told Bob, “The sun, it looks very weird.”

He said; “I’m not interested in the sun, I’m interested in what’s at the coordinate.”

So, onward we went. At the end of the session neither he nor I could figure out what this target was – it was mostly ruins, a few pyramid shapes, and feelings like the whole thing had to do with the preservation of life, the need to pass along a great deal of information.

I began seeing a race of people who were very much like us, but much larger – like, huge larger – over ten feet in height. And these people were fighting to stay alive, were building hibernation chambers inside pyramids, and trying to put aside information for those who might come later, informing them of what went wrong.

In any event, when we finished the remote viewing effort, Skip Atwater asked Bob to open the envelope and tell us what was inside. The card within the envelope said; “MARS ONE MILLION BC.” The coordinates were for specific locations on a certain area of Mars, which included what appeared to be ruins, lots of pyramids of different shapes and designs. I asked Skip where the coordinates had come  from. He said they originated with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA).

When I was doing the viewing, I kept getting a really sad feeling – these people were losing their home, and a handful had volunteered to stay behind to try and set up messages for those who might come after them. I got the distinct feeling that the pyramids were being set up to be used as hibernation chambers, and some point at some time in the near future they had some expectation that someone would eventually find them and understand what they did to save their people. It was very moving. I don’t think I expected such a powerful response to the remote viewing.

In any event, when we were finished with the viewing and the discussion of the results, Bob was asked to open the envelope. Inside we discovered the “Mars, one million BC” targeting instruction. It really surprised us both.



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11 Responses to Remote Viewing Mars

  1. gypsy says:

    as mike says…fascinating…all the way around…ever since my earliest childhood i’ve had an affinity for mars – i mean, before the whole space age thing began i was thinking of going to mars – my dream was to be part of a colonization of that planet – anyway, great post –

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    For anyone who may be interested, MARS resonates within the frequency of 15/6, just as does everything in the UFO/Encounter/Sighting/Alien genre. No surprise here, just one more relevant fact to add to this RV.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    There’s a possibility, though, that deep within the Great Pyramid at Giza, a portal or vortex exists that allows those entities to move inter-dimensionally, and perhaps even have an “extra-dimensional home” that may be indigenous to planet Earth yet is their own. A specific experience I’ve had leads me to have this conviction. My conviction may be in error, but for me, it’s Reality. And, there are Egyptian hieroglyphics on the walls in ancient Egyptian caves and monoliths that depict extremely tall Beings. Not seven or eight feet tall, but much taller than that. I suspect these may be images of the Mars entities…..possibly. I like to think so, because it means they made it to Earth.

  4. Momwithwings says:

    Sounds like these people may have come to Earth and built Pyramids here.

  5. Trish
    I have the cd that came with Skip Atwater’s book that has the session on it as it was recorded.

    Who knows what is being kept from us. But this story led me to a bit about star maps and the Aborigines Dreamtime lore. So much stuff down under that truly upsets the western mind / dogma / parochial teachings. Would love to know if Joe ever got to work with the Aborigines and their Dreamtime stuff.

    I need to go to the land of OZ! Then to Scotland and take it all in. I probably would never come back to the USA.

    Be Well,


  6. What Joe writes is fascinating. Many mock such things as Rainbow City at the (now) north pole, supposedly created by people from Mars – but, why not. As for the likes of RV, probably more of us could do this, and similar things if we actually tried – but time, commitments etc. etc. – so many excuses …

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