Critter or UFO?

This very strange video – caught on a condo surveillance camera – shows an unidentified object dipping into a condominium swimming pool. As NBC news put it: A skinny dipping UFO?

Today we’ll be live with Kate Valentine to talk about Aliens in the Backyard.

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12 Responses to Critter or UFO?

  1. Another mystery but, like has been said, surprised the security person didn’t take a closer look or even take pics with her own camera/phone. Why have a guard if they don’t investigate something unusual that’s happening.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Like the elderly folks in COCOON, I probably would have had the beejeebies scared out of me, but I still would have had to run and get a close-up look! I wonder if the pool water might have been “contaminated” by something, perhaps slight radiation? We’ll never know, but it’s intriguing.

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Fascinating. We get birds who dip their wings ans bats who grab a quick drink but nothing, as far as I know, like this!
    These security cameras are catching so much now a days, even UFO’s aren’t safe from being seen!
    I agree with Gypsy, I thought it was strange when they said the pool is having maintenance. Hmmm!

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Why in the world didn’t the security guard who was watching this thing appear on her surveillance screen rush over to look at it while it was happening? Thirty minutes? I’ve have been over by that pool in a nano-second! We seem to be utterly surrounded now by all kinds of totally weird and anomalous objects performing really odd activities….like the one my son witnessed a few weeks ago that shot a red laser beam down onto a specific gravestone. It seems they’re talking to us in some strange language that we aren’t getting. I read somewhere, many years ago, that there were sightings of UFOs hovering over ponds in fields drawing water up into the crafts. Does anyone else remember that?

  5. Darren B says:

    Well,I don’t think that I will be reading by the pool tomorrow.-)

    Although,oddly enough I did snap a pink orb in my pool a few days ago,while reading a book by a local psychic who refers to spirit as a pink orb.
    The only reason I snapped the photo of the orb,which I didn’t see until I uploaded the photo to my computer ,was because the bookmark I was using had the name of her website as ‘Pure reflections’ and I looked into the pool to see a reflection of the sun in the sky and thought the sun in the pool would be like an as above,so below photo I could use as a keepsake of the sync,but I got a pink orb,as well.

  6. gypsy says:

    how neat! shades of “cacoon”…

    oh, and the pool is closed for “maintenance”…right…

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