Ghost Radar

 Ghost Radar is one of the coolest apps I’ve run across. It supposedly detects energy fluctuations in your immediate environment that may be paranormal phenomena – ghosts, spirits, or other entities.  

From the FAQ that comes with the app: “It has been suggested that paranormal energies manifest themselves through the Quantum Flux or are an aspect Jung’s collective unconscious. Regardless of the medium through which the energies manipulate electric devices the resulting manipulated readings seem to indicate intelligence on occasion… It’s believed that paranormal energies have the ability to influence electrical equipment. This idea comes from the concept that matter, life, soul, and life are fundamentally an electrical phenomena.  The app provides a set of parameters for paranormal energies to manipulate which are then processed as graphical, textual, and audible readouts.”

The app comes with a radar screen that shows the fluctuations in the environment as blips. The red blips are the strongest signals, followed by yellow, green, then blue. Over 2,000 words are programmed into Ghost Radar, so paranormal energies can also use words, the audio part of the app. In the above image, you can see the red blip on the radar screen and the word speech to the left of it. That word was spoken aloud when the red blip appeared.

I walked through the house with the phone – and, later, my iPad – and got a few green blip readings. The first synchronicity happened when I walked into Rob’s office to see if there were any fluctuations. A red blip showed on the radar and the word military came up. Rob and I looked at each other.

“Your cousin John,” I exclaimed.

His cousin, who died several years ago, was career military.

Okay, maybe it was a fluke, I thought, and walked outside with my iPhone, but nothing showed up on the screen. It supposedly has a range of about 50 yards. I got distracted by the dogs, who were running around, playing tug-of-war with a toy, and couldn’t stop smiling at how much fun they were having. Suddenly, the Ghost Radar said, Smile. I began to wonder if there could be a telepathic aspect to this app, too. It was definitely a synchro – a word was spoken that precisely described what I was doing.

I started toward the backyard, which is dense with trees and plants, and headed toward the spot where we buried our beloved cat, Tigerlily,  three months ago. A red blip appeared on the screen. I walked faster, watching the blip instead of where I was stepping, and my right foot sank into something wet. When I looked down to see what it was, the Ghost Radar said, Wet. Another synchro. Fortunately, the wetness was just a depression in the ground that was saturated from rain earlier today.

 Now I’m eager to try Ghost Radar in a cemetery (in daylight!) or at some local spot known to be haunted. For just 99 cents, this little app may prove to be most intriguing.

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15 Responses to Ghost Radar

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    I agree with T and R, ! Wow and double WOW! Impressive little gadgets! Would love to know how they work!! And would love to go with them in one of the structures in our town, which is considered the most haunted city in America.
    Woooo-ooooooooooooo! They’re everywhere. I figure I’m probably sitting in some Invisible’s lap right about now, and no, I’m not joking. They occupy the same space we do, just in a different dimension!

  2. Momwithwings says:

    Frequently shade entirely became. Those ar the words I got as I walked outside to the trees ! Pretty impressive!

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Gosh…hope I didn’t sound “know-it-allish”!! As a medium and real live ghost hunter, I’ve always been fascinated by these various anomalies! I agree with Gypsy…can’t wait til you visit a cemetery with your gadget! EVPs are of particular interest, as are photographs like the ones you posted a day or two ago. Last week I snapped some pics with a WalMart throwaway camera of my pup, and in a couple of them, there are distinctive orbs near her. Will be sending a copy of those to you guys. In 1980, when my Mom was in her final coma at the S. GA hospital where she died, I was in her home, totally alone, no radio or TV and no close neighbors. I can’t play a single note on the piano, but as I’ve mentioned, Mom was a musician. In any event, I sat on her piano stool and with one finger, started picking a few notes….some tune I’d never heard. I must have sat there for an hour or more, playing those same notes. I knew something else should come after them, but didn’t know what. Suddenly I got brainstormed with the idea to put my old tape recoder on top of the piano with a blank tape in it, so I did. I used a brand-new tape that still had the cellophane on it. Then I played the piano notes again, over and over, several times.
    I stopped, re-wound the tape, and a voice VERY CLEARLY on that tape said, “Connie, go higher!” I flipped out. It was astonishingly clear, but sounded “distant”. I love these incidents. I followed the instrutions and went up an octave and played the same notes. Got nothig else on the tape, but it was quite an experience. This will sound crazy, but the voice on the tape SOUNDED like my Mom’s voice, yet she was deeply comatose several miles away! How in the world do we explain these phenomena??? Weird weird weird!!

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Hey Guys. A favor….could you do some extensive research into the subject and then write a post on the blog that explains the difference between a “ghost” and a “spirit”?
    They are not the same type of entity, and this is confusing for many folks. According to the most authoritative and reliable researchers and sources, spirits are the souls of previously material-corporeal beings who have permanently left their physical vehicles……whether human or animal or whatever. Sometimes a spirit will not move on into the realms of spirit and will remain in a place to which it is accustomed, although it has the freedom to go wherever it wishes to go, and while in that in-between dimension, can create what we call “haunting”. However, that kind of haunting can be remedied; the spirit can be coerced into moving on into its proper
    After-Life space and the haunting no longer occurs. Spirit entities actually have the freedom to travel anywhere. A genuine ghost, according to authorities, is nothing more than the memory of a person or event impressed in Time and Space, and it repeats constantly. That memory cannot be erased, and that haunting will be there forever. Even in a building that is demolished, for example, a ghost haunting a space will continue to remain in that space and “haunt” it….the activity of the memory will not cease. A genuine ghost is limited in its parameters. It cannot and does not move
    beyond its specific location. My Mother-in-law and my brother-in-law, both deceased, remain in their 120-year-old home on the side of the mountain. They aren’t ghosts. They are spirits who are refusing to move into whatever realm of the After-Life where they should go. They have the ability to leave the house, and they do. My MIL came all the way to FL with us following her funeral.
    But their presence in the house isn’t a “haunting”. They aren’t ghosts. They are spirits of two dead people who don’t want to depart, and they are occupying a space on the astral plane. The distinction between a ghost and a spirit is important when discussing things that go bump in the night! 🙂 Either way, it’s a fascinating subject and your little device sounds intriguing.

  5. gypsy says:

    well, in the least, a fun little thing – and more than interesting – do keep us posted when you make that cemetery run!

  6. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I feel a bit dubious about ghost radar since the sensors built into the iPhone have, how should i say this, limited range of sensitivity, but this one

    This could be a bit of a kick to use …

    All in good fun.

    Did a ghost greet in Boulder a few years back, some one had a EVP app on their iPhone. If they are as sensitive as they claim, you would have to put the iPhone down on a acoustically , electrically , and magnetically neutral surface to avoid human generated interference( would be hard to neutralize wireless/ cell/ solar and earth generated static). Plus you would need to physically shut off all electricity at the meter to guarantee no unshielded wiring was emmitting static.( if this was at a structure site) This is why the faraday cage was built for Robert Monroe. He needed absolutely neutral chec units to do his work.

    Now if you could get an ultrasonic microphone unit and attached it to the iphone, i would think a bit differently.

    There is a preamp device that can go to 192 khz, with the nyquist limits, you could then “hear” at 96 khz, which would then have to be conformed down to human hearing levels. Now that gets me thinking….

    Be well


    p.s. Citations: I legally cannot/ will not link to Apple Developer docs as proof. Join the Apple Developer program and get all the references you could possibly need for hardware specifications.

  7. Sharon Catley says:

    Wow what an interesting app and what great results you got. I don”t have an iphone or ipad but was able to get a version for my Blackberry. Nothing shows up at first in my office at work but when I started walking around I got origin, farm (where there were some rubber boots and lots of plants) , try, follow (with a red ball indicator on the screen) European (outside an office that Ronald from Rotterdam was in yesterday) then struck, title ,tightly, sun which I am not sure about?? Have to put it away for now but cannot wait to try it in the hallway of my apartment which I think is haunted by a tiny older Asian lady. Will let you know what happens. Thanks for sharing

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Glad you found an app for your phone! I’m still impressed with this little thing. Can’t wait to try it somewhere haunted. Keep us posted on what you find!

      • sharon catley says:

        Hmm nothing in the supposedly haunted hallway – no blips no words. Good news sort of.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          I get that in some spots, too. I guess ghosts move around just like the living do! 🙂

          • Sharon Catley says:

            Tried the hallway again this time I got hello as the first word, later Spanish and Mexico so perhaps my little Asian lady is really from a Latin background. Yesterday I was bored sitting at a Greyhound bus depot (very old and in a sad part of town) in Victoria B.C. The bus terminal was teaming with entities showing up on the app screen (although there were not many people around) and the word trip and police came up. Just thought it was interesting .

            • Rob and Trish says:

              Synchronicity! This evening, I was waiting in the car outside the gym for Rob. I’d been reading a great book – E-Squared and felt really uplifted by it. So I turn on ghost radar and what word does it say? LIFT!

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