The Hidden Hand – the trailer

The trailer for this documentary, which was released on September 1, is intriguing. The film is about the government coverup of UFOs, abductions, and all the rest of it.

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14 Responses to The Hidden Hand – the trailer

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    No, a thousand times NO…I won’t watch this film. I need no reminders of a lifetime of interactions with “Whatever” these entities may be, including the military, and where the aliens originate. I appreciate this post, guys. But no watching for me. I have finally reached a point where I’ve made peace with the experiences I’ve had and continue to occasionally have, and I feel profoundly that, as insane as it sounds, I have a Protector or Group of Protectors who step in, more or less, and are keeping me safe from “them” in these senior years. I don’t want to go back and review my history. I’m hiding my head in the sand, yes. But….I know enough. Don’t need anymore.

  2. Nancy says:

    Wow, there is so much happening all at once. I feel like we are heading toward some kind of nexus point with this documentary, David Wilcock’s assertion that we will soon see very important people doing perp walks, and the weird stuff going on in Syria. The people of America are yelling at Congess to NOT GO INTO SYRIA! and they just close their ears and pretend we don’t matter. (Maybe we don’t.) John McCain is playing games on his I-Phone while they are discussing bombing human beings, and all the major players are in lock step. Could you write this any better?

    Check out the whistleblower on Ground Zero – September 3rd. “There are no monsters in the oval office.”

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    This is a must-see documentary for believers, and I’m very much looking forward to it. By the way, how goes The Extraterrestrial Highway? Do you have a set release date yet?

  4. gypsy says:

    i don’t think i want to see the film…

  5. lauren raine says:

    I’d like to see that film – and am very glad that, as far as I can tell, no alien has ever found me interesting in any way.

    Thanks for posting – with your permission I’ll share on my own blog.

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