Scooter’s 5 Fox Synchro Clusters

 Cluster synchronicities can occur with just about anything – names, objects, words, symbols, music, animals – and are invariably intriguing. Then tend to cover a period of several hours or days and often repeat until we get the message. Our friend Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle sent us a cluster she experienced that involved foxes and unfolded over a period of two days. Scooter is an ace astrologer and is married to remote viewer Joe McMoneagle and her mother was married to consciousness researcher and author Robert Monroe, her stepfather.


My mother’s totem was fox and on September 6, which would have been her 89th birthday, I saw a fox run across our yard and onto the country road below us.  Our dogs were barking intensely at him/her and the fox barked back, making an odd-sounding, rather scratchy bark –  the first time I’d ever heard a fox make a sound.

The dogs, held back by an invisible fence, couldn’t get to the fox, who simply sat down in the road, looking up at them.  Shortly afterward, a friend sent me a link to a music video called The Fox (at end of post).

Then on September 7, we visited a friend in Charlottesville who lives across from a street called Fox Path.  On our way back home, a fox ran across the road and into the woods.  Clearly, I’m supposed to pay attention to this fox energy!


So, over the course of two days, Scooter experienced a cluster of five fox synchros.  The fact that fox was her mother’s totem animals makes the cluster all the more significant and perhaps suggests spirit communication.

Enjoy the fox video – it’s terrific! (I tried to get it to show here, but it refused.)

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14 Responses to Scooter’s 5 Fox Synchro Clusters

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Gypsy, I tend to look at these intersection “crossings” as ‘ships that pass in the night’……giving your consciousness and your soul an opportunity to take another chance??? Perhaps it isn’t truly finished for this current lifetime, and Destiny continues to offer you the choice repeatedly……Such a difficult choice, to simply sit there and watch the fox as it moves past. Such a difficult choice, to not turn around and follow . So familiar…that Path Not taken…..Synchronicities abound.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Carey’s fox family comes to eat dinner at the same time each evening, and once in a while Carey will go out on their patio and sit in a chair to wait for them. They come through their fence hole, take note of Carey being outside, a few feet away from their food space, then they continue with their routine. They aren’t at all shy around him. I think they understand he’s their human care-giver. And who knows? Maybe the fox family is a group of Other-Worldly entities from the AfterLife coming to visit!

  3. lauren raine says:

    What a lovely story! I’ve heard many stories of butterflies bringing a sense of the spirit of a loved one, and this story seems to me in the same flow.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    What a sweet picture of a little fox! And a great story! Our youngest son and his wife and little boys enjoy a family of foxes that come into their backyard to eat. The family of foxes started with one who crept into the yard from the adjacent woods; it came alone for about three weeks, then his family began to accompany him. (Mama and Daddy fox and three babies) When Carey had a tall privacy fence installed around their property, he left a small “hole” for the foxes, and they’ve been coming now for about five years. Our grandsons really get a thrill every afternoon, watching them from a safe place inside the house. The foxes aren’t tame, but they are no longer frightened away by the family …..they put special food out for them. Since they don’t own a cat or dog, there’s not a fear of rabies, and they don’t go outside when the foxes are feeding, although occasionally Carey will stand at the open door to take a snapshot of them. The foxes just look at him, then go back to eating. Carey has some gorgous pics of them! Anyway, LOVE this synchro and story!

  5. gypsy says:

    what neat synchros – reminds me of the ones i had with the deer and the highway several years ago –

  6. Beautiful picture of that fox. I watched the video – loved it. Typical that you couldn’t get the foxy video to post here. I dreamed that a fox was in my back yard the night before the Winston man I wrote you about appeared in my life. I then read that you not ever tame a fox.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      There does seem to be a trickster element with fox! I didn’t realize that you had a fox sighting before the winston man. We should re-post that story, it’s a good one.

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