
 E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality was recommended by Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle, when we were talking about her cluster of fox synchros. For some reason, the author’s name, Pam Grout, seemed familiar to me, although I couldn’t place it.

The full title appeals to that part of me whose life has been shaped by the Seth material channeled through Jane Roberts, and by the Abraham material channeled through Esther Hicks. Both belief systems are fundamentally the same – that we create our realities through our thoughts and beliefs. Or, as Seth put it, You get what you concentrate on…there is no other main rule…”

 Seth was fantastic with the philosophical aspects of this belief system, but he was rather short on practicalities – like, ok, how do I manifest what I need/want?  Abraham-Hicks has built a cottage industry on practicalities, with a plethora of activities in their CDs and books. But they sometimes get bogged down in their own terminology. Pam Grout, in E-Squared, really simplifies the process.

Hay House has priced the e-book at a bargain – less than three bucks. I read the preface for free at amazon kindle, was hooked, and bought the book. Here’s the opening line in the preface, which reveals why Grout started the journey she did:  “Two months before I turned 35, my longtime boyfriend dumped me for a 20-something law student with dark roots.”

You can feel her angst in that revealing sentence. The entire book is written in this tone, funny yet insightful, irreverent yet useful. She has very little terminology – FP is field of probability, what Abraham-Hicks calls the vortex, what Seth called the wave of probability. Whatever term you use, it’s the energy of potential that we accumulate throughout our lives. It may be the energy field that psychics read. And since time in this energy field seems to be quite fluid, psychics – at least in our experience – have rarely been right about timing. But in each of Grout’s nine activities, she advises imposing  a time limit of 48 hours.

One of my favorites so far is Experiment #4: The Abracadabra Principle. It’s the chapter on how to manifest material things. “In this experiment, using nothing but the power of your thoughts, you will magnetize something into your life. You will set an intention to draw a particular event or thing into your life. Be specific down to the make and model. Since you’ve only got 48 hours, it’s probably best…to start with baby steps. Pick something you can get your mind around.”

When Scooter tried this one, she asked that money would arrive from an unexpected source. Within 48 hours, a client who usually pays her three months late, suddenly paid her on time. I decided to ask for the same and my 48 hours is up Friday evening September 13, so I’ll let you know what happens!

 Grout’s  friend Chuck decided to try the experiment and “decided to be a wiseass. He wanted to sleep with two girls at one time. Sure enough, by the end of his 48 hours, he met a new woman (whom he now dates) and ended up in bed with her and her six-year-old daughter, who crawled in for a quick snuggle with her mom. That’s why it’s important to be specific. And to realize that the FP (field of potential) has a great sense of humor.”

 Experiment #8 is  entitled: The 101 Dalmatians Principle: You Are Connected to Everything and Everyone Else in the Universe. It’s about synchronicity and reading through it is like spending time with an old friend.

Experiment #9 is entitled The Fish and Loaves Principle: The Universe is Limitless, Abundant, and Strangely Accommodating. This chapter is really about the limitless abundance available in the universe. Or, as Grout puts it, “This experiment will dispel the myth that life sucks and then you die.” Scarcity and lack, she writes, “is our default setting.” So, in the experiment, she asks that for the next 48 hours, keep a list of all the kindness and beauty you see and experience. This is similar to what Abraham-Hicks calls “rampaging appreciation.”

This book is a treasure. The stories range from the mundane to the miraculous and each one beautifully illustrates her 9 experiments – and the fundamental premise that we create our own realities through our thoughts, desires, and beliefs. But don’t take my word for it. Here’s the amazon link, where you can read some of it for free.


Okay, Trish has been raving about this book for the past week, every so often reading a paragraph or two aloud to me, usually ones that show the author’s sense of humor as well as the lesson involved. She keeps telling me I’ve got to read it, and she’s been telling Megan the same thing. So today she went out and bought a print copy for Megan, who we’ll see next week when her gallery exhibit of watercolors opens in Orlando.

After buying the book, she set it on my desk. It was there for a couple of hours before I looked closely at the cover. I did a double-take on the name of the author, thought a moment, then mentioned that I’d met someone named Pam Grout years ago. In fact, she was a member of a group of freelance writers that I took her to San Andres Island in the Caribbean when Trish and I were leading adventure tours in the late 1980s. Trish skipped that trip to work on finishing a novel.

Trish replied that this Pam Grout has written several travel books. “I bet it’s her.” I don’t recall a lot of details about the people we took on those trips,  but I did remember that Pam was from Kansas. I think the reason I remembered that was because a friend of mine, Rob Lockhart, who was also on the trip serving as the dive master, remained in contact with her for awhile after the trip.

In fact, whenever we recall that trip, he usually mentions two things. It’s where we started calling each other tocayo, which means bretheren in Spanish, something you say when you see someone who shares your name. And the other thing he mentions is that was where he met that beautiful blond, Pam Grout from Kansas.

When I mentioned Kansas to Trish, she said, “It is her! Synchronicity!” Just to make sure, I went to Pam’s website and emailed her. Within a couple of hours, I heard back. She said she was writing from Ankara, Turkey, and yes, that was her.

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16 Responses to E-Squared

  1. I love your comparison of Seth, Abraham and the approach Pam Grout uses in her book; thanks for the referral.

  2. Nancy says:

    Did you see how many positive reviews the book had? Over 500!
    For $2.99? Why not.
    My theory is thought+emotion = creation.

  3. gypsy says:

    oh, gee! just read the excerpt on amazon and what a finding this book seems to be – now to get the book and work on my want list…!

    love the rob/pam link…neat!

    oh, and how did your experiment come out that ended yesterday?

  4. Darren B says:

    So Pam’s not in Kansas anymore ?-)
    I’ve bought the book on Kindle,now I just have to read it.
    I finished Douglas Adams’ book “The Salmon of Doubt” last night
    (that book blew me away…but it was personal things that synced with me,so it probably wouldn’t blow other reader’s away) and picked up Graham Hancock’s “Supernatural”,which I bought a year ago,after seeing him in Brisbane.
    So,I hope I don’t wait that long to read E squared.

  5. Laurence Zankowski says:


    Created a “save to home screen” link of this article. To get some type of hope in my life right now. To break the poverty consciousness of my upbringing that would be a miracle.

    Be well


  6. Dale Dassel says:

    Wish for something crazy, like a UFO sighting! Actually, I’d be afraid to do that! 🙂

  7. Jane Clifford says:

    Wow ! Been meaning to order this book,forgot all about it,but thanks for reminding,definitely getting it now!

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