Fragmented Perspectives

Our daughter, Megan, is in the midst of her first art exhibit, Fragmented Perspectives.  It opened on September 18 and will run until October 11 at Bart’s in downtown Orlando.

Bart’s is a funky bar with a unique slant – each month, they feature the works of a local artist.  We went up a few days earlier to help hang the art, which took more than four hours.  Her watercolor paintings are done on lightweight poster boards and secured in place with straight pins. She paints the larger ones in panels; the above painting is a smaller, one-panel. All the paintings are from underwater photos she took when she interned at Dolphins Plus in Key Largo and when she worked at Epcot.

The opening night was great – more than 50 people showed up and she sold the largest painting, a six-panel piece, and has been commissioned for two smaller paintings.  She’s been working with the activities from Pam Grout’s book, E-Squared: 9 Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality, and the other day asked the universe for an unexpected surprise. Within 24 hours, she received a call from the owner of Bart’s, telling her that the local Fox affiliate was going to be filming a segment at Bart’s and since she was the featured artist, could she attend?

“The universe answered!” she said, so she was at Bart’s the next morning at 7:30.

We’re having trouble getting the video up, but if you have Facebook just put Meg MacGreg in the search box and you can see it on her page.

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16 Responses to Fragmented Perspectives

  1. Momwithwings says:

    I love her paintings. Her love of the dolphins shows through. Congratulations!

  2. Darren B says:

    I love the way Megan paints the water onto the canvas.
    Like I said on your Facebook page I think Megan could really paint great water mandalas,or ripple type paintings and I think they would sell like hotcakes.
    She certainly is talented no matter what she paints,by the looks and has a bright future as an artist for sure.
    I couldn’t find any video on Megan’s FB page either.

  3. sharon catley says:

    Love the painting , love the colors – to me it looks like she is painting the subtle or rainbow body – perhaps she has a gift of seeing this energy within the animal beings. Just my thoughts

    Subtle body – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    The subtle body in Indian mysticism, from a Yoga manuscript in Braj Bhasa language, 1899, now in the British Library.A subtle body is one of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. Each subtle body corresponds to a subtle plane of existence, in a hierarchy or great chain of being that culminates in the physical form.

    It is known in different spiritual traditions; “the most sacred body” (wujud al-aqdas) and “supracelestial body” (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism, “the diamond body” in Taoism and Vajrayana, “the light body” or “rainbow body” in Tibetan Buddhism, “the body of bliss” in Kriya Yoga, and “the immortal body” (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism.[1]

  4. lauren raine says:

    Congratulations! Beautiful paintings, I have no doubt she will continue to have great success!

  5. Nancy says:

    What a wonderful “surprise.” I also have been reading that book on your recommendation. My surprise was a last-minute evening with my grandson while his mother attended his back-to-school night. It was unexpected and made my night. We had a wonderful dinner out and an evening watching why sloths come out of their tree to poop. (One theory is to fertilize the tree.)

    On another note – her art is fantastic. I love the one you have as a header. Talent obviously runs in the family.

  6. Congratulates Megan!
    Maybe you can get the video up on another day.

  7. Love the painting, can’t get the video unfortunately, but wish Megan lots of success with her art work.

  8. gypsy says:

    congratulations to megan on such an accomplishment! her paintings are magnificent! and i’m not at all surprised at her success which i know will only increase!

    [also unable to open video! darn it! ]

  9. Darren B says:

    When I click on the link I just get this message –
    “This content is currently unavailable” .

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