Kim and Bryant

from Jung’s Red Book

This story comes from Kim Edmands and illustrates how creativity and synchronicity work in conjunction with spirit contact. The story is multifaceted, both sad and hopeful.


On May 6, 2006, Kim Edmands lost her oldest son, Bryant, to suicide.  For two years afterward, she had inexplicable experiences regarding electronics. “My son’s cell phone battery remained charged for 2 YEARS after his death. I would turn it on occasionally just to see his photos and to hear a voice recording. Then I would turn it off after listening. I have never heard of a phone staying charged for 2 years without recharging it. Around the 2 year anniversary of his death the phone battery finally died. But I would like to think that he had a little something to do with it staying charged for so long. I never charged it again as I thought that maybe it was a sign. The first two years after a child dies is said to be the most difficult and is considered “new grief” and the phone stayed charged for the most difficult years.”

On Friday, April 1, 2011, Kim got a surprise visit from her other two sons. “They are rarely home at the same time and I was very happy about it. So I posted this on Facebook as my status: All my guys are home tonight! What a pleasant surprise 🙂 What occurred next left me speechless.

Out of nowhere,  a Word document popped up on my computer screen, covering over my Facebook page. I was shocked when I saw the title. “If Only in My Dreams”.  It was the poem I wrote about a dream I had several years ago. In the dream,  I was walking hand-in-hand with Bryant. It is one of my most prized visitation dreams I have ever experienced. Bryant’s angelversary date is quickly approaching (May 6) and I have been thinking of him constantly. This synchronicity left me with the feeling that Bryant wanted me to know that he was here with me too!”

Kim attached the poem to her email:

If Only in Our Dreams

I see you in my dreams at night

when I hold you in my arms and tell you everything will be all right.

Sometimes in my dreams you are  little again, playing happily with your toys.

Other times you are a young man, no longer our little boy.

Last night I had a dream that you and I were walking down the street


and I could see the silhouettes of your friends in the far distance watching us.

As we walked down the street holding hands we spoke only a few words, but the smile on your face let me know that you are happy again.

It was at that moment

I felt a sense of peace within and between us.

Kim says: “The true meaning of this synchronicity did not hit me until three days later when I attended a Healing Circle event. The Reiki practitioner was saying that this was the time for synchronicities, encouraging us to to be open and aware of them. When I got home I started to connect it all together. Wow, is all I could say. “


Our loved ones who have passed on use anything they can to communicate with us – cell phones, feathers and other objects, number clusters, and even two-year-old Word documents.


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12 Responses to Kim and Bryant

  1. Nancy says:

    I love this story. I do think the veil is very thin at times – especially when we need it.

  2. Natalie says:

    Go check out my conquering the deep blog – I took some touristy shots of Sydney for you. ♥

  3. Natalie says:

    Spirit will move mountains if they have something to say. Children, and also pets to the elderly, try especially hard to connect and comfort those who are left behind.♥

  4. "whoot" says:

    I know how whoot sounds so insensitive towards Kim’s story,, kind (definitely) of wish her name had been different,, when something like that happened in my life,, the phone “NEVER” rang…

  5. "whoot" says:

    ex-sister law’s name same as Bryant’s mom,,, day after brother climbs the Everest of stupidity,, local newspaper has article,,, not about brother the “tempural” idiot,, but about some one with his wife’s name,,, won’t go into the story,, weigh bit to synchronized,,, 1 0f 3 in the local pape… that day all sad… said eye..

    • "whoot" says:

      as to the post about flying over the middle of Florida,,, back a few year ago was driving off to an Alligator farm,,, at a cross roads a couple of miles from the farm came across a place that sold Key Limes Pies “Kim and Robert’s (the nephews name) Key Lime Pies”.. wondering if still there,, think I’ll google it.. I remember how a couple of hours later an alligator was readin my mind,, NO chit!!

  6. friend of nica says:

    beautiful story and how wonderful that she continues to hear from bryant, to know he is near – difficult to respond to for many of us for many reasons – but such an uplifting account of communication –

  7. D Page says:

    I am glad she was able to see that the contact is on going. As an experience of contact with my own angel-ized daughter, I find that the relationship doesn’t end at death. It’s so hard to explain this to people. These kinds of stories help heal the heart of those who have live through the death of a child. I have also had contact with other people’s children who have passed on, and have given them the messages I was asked to relay. It’s always a beautiful, bittersweet experience that brings healing. Other people, who have never met my daughter, or have never seen a photo of her, have had vivid dreams of her that are authentic. These angel beings are still part of our lives in amazing ways.

  8. Gosh that was powerful. I can’t comment further, reminds me of my daughter.

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