Category Archives: spirit communication

Judy and Hank, continued

Spirit communication is probably one of the most mysterious types of synchronicity. Skeptics, of course, would undoubtedly contend that it never happens because, as everyone knows, there’s no such thing as life after death. But for those of us who … Continue reading

Posted in spirit communication, spirit contact, synchronicity | 7 Comments

2:26,2-26: Spirit Contact Through Clusters

This sequence of synchronicities – date and number clusters – comes from Ann. It certainly has the signature of spirit communication – from a beloved dog who passed away recently and from Ann’s mother and husband, who are also on … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, number clusters, spirit communication, synchronicity | 13 Comments

The Precognitive Chimes

In Synchronicity and the Other Side,  we talked about clocks that stop or batteries that die when a loved one passes. This story about an oak pendulum clock came from Connie – aka fortune 500  and the events ultimately proved … Continue reading

Posted in precognition, spirit communication, synchronicity | 22 Comments

Spirit Speaks, part 1

  In times of momentous transitions in our lives, synchronicities tend to occur with greater frequency. A marriage or divorce, the birth of a child, a drastic change in income, career, job, a move, the loss of loved ones: these … Continue reading

Posted in spirit communication, synchronicity | 22 Comments

Spirits Speaking

from deviant art Sometimes, people who comment here leave such compelling synchros that we bring them forward as posts. Here’s one from Jeri Gerald, whose stories we have used in both of our synchroncity books. +++ Here is another fun … Continue reading

Posted in spirit communication, synchronicity | 6 Comments

The Ghost of the Royal Caribbean

This evening I went next door to ask our neighbors – the identical twins – if they could watch Noah and feed our cats for two nights while we’re out of town. I mentioned that we had gotten the cover … Continue reading

Posted in ghosts, spirit communication, travel | 43 Comments

Kim and Bryant

from Jung’s Red Book This story comes from Kim Edmands and illustrates how creativity and synchronicity work in conjunction with spirit contact. The story is multifaceted, both sad and hopeful. +++ On May 6, 2006, Kim Edmands lost her oldest … Continue reading

Posted in spirit communication | 12 Comments

Debra and Nita

Matisse This story comes from D Page, whose blog mythic musings is always a pleasure to read. It’s a wonderful example of spirit communication through dreams, but has a terrific twist!++ When my husband Larry asked me to marry him, … Continue reading

Posted in dreams, spirit communication | 13 Comments

The Morgue, the Doc, the Pics

Paul Klee One of the attributes of writing is how it demands that you become an archeologist of your own life. Excavate, unearth, go deeper into the layers of who you are, were, and may become. In this sense, memory … Continue reading

Posted in spirit communication | 23 Comments