White Owl As Messenger

Regardless of culture or belief, owls are often seen as messengers of some sort – between man and the spirit world, as in shamanic traditions, between humans and aliens, as in encounter experiences, and between the living and the dead. They can also portend death, as in the following story that Gypsy sent us.


Yesterday morning, I woke with a start – didn’t know why – just woke as if someone had shaken my shoulder or something. I sat up in bed and looked around trying to figure out what was going on. I was alone in the house – my daughter and grandson had already left for school. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and something out the window of my sun room door caught my eye.

The property is covered in trees, but there’s one tree at the end of the driveway that is, for all intents and purposes, dead. The limbs are always bare. I saw something in this tree and whatever it was seemed really large. At first, I thought it was a helium balloon stuck on a limb, but it was probably as large as two or three of those balloons.

 I walked over to the window and saw that it was an owl – a very large white owl. I wwent up to the living room window and too a picture with my cell phone, but it didn’t turn out well enough to see the birds. Anyway, it stayed there some time before flying off. So, all day, I’ve been puzzling about its message. I felt the message was ominous and mentioned it to my daughter, Lisa, at dinner. I wondered who it was about, who it concerned.

Fast-forward to this morning, October 4. I woke with a start and sat up in bed, just as I had done yesterday. Before I’m fully upright, my phone rang. It was my son, Stephen, calling to tell me he’d just gotten word that his ex-wife, Michelle, died this morning. She’s the mother of my granddaughter Grace, who has three little ones, and is the same age as Stephen. She had been diagnosed with cancer some months ago but seemed to be doing as well as one would think after having had chemo etc –

 Even though they’ve been divorced for a number of years, she and Stephen continued to stay in touch and she stayed in touch with me, too, always updating me on things w/Grace and her little ones.

In all the years I’ve been here, I’ve never seen a white owl before.  The only other major experience with an owl was when my brother died -and that owl came to a spot right outside my apartment.


According to Wikipedia, white owls – Snowy Owls – “nest in the Arctic tundra of the northernmost stretches of Alaska, Canada, and Eurasia. They winter south through Canada and northern Eurasia, with irruptions occurring further south in some years. Snowy Owls are attracted to open areas like coastal dunes and prairies that appear somewhat similar to tundra. They have been reported as far south as the American states of Texas, Georgia, the American Gulf states, southernmost Russia, and northern China. Gypsy lives in Delaware.

Mike Clelland, who is writing a book on owls, encounters, and synchronicity, may want to take notice of this one!


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7 Responses to White Owl As Messenger

  1. Darren B says:

    My mother told me of an owl that sat on her clothes line for most the day after my grandmother passed away,but I have only ever seen a pair of owl eyes once at night when I went to investigate a noise outside with my flashlight.
    Apart from that I have not seen one in the wild,but like Mike said I often hear them at night hooting in a distant tree somewhere.
    What I find interesting though is the name Grace,as I just wrote a post called ‘Rainbow Dreaming’ about a book I just finished reading,and I pasted a few pictures with links to stories on the book’s website.
    The last picture I posted was a a group of nude women arranged in a NO WAR configuration.It was organized by a singer by the name of Grace Knight.
    I was going to end the post with a couple of her music clips,but was too tired last night,so I finished the post off this morning by adding two of her songs she was known for singing,one is “Stormy Weather” and the other is probably her biggest hit called “Heaven”.
    I was thinking that I don’t hear that name (Grace) much anymore,and I came over here to read your new post and there is the name again to prove me wrong.

  2. Heather says:

    Seems like u actually fully understand quite a lot related to this specific issue and
    that demonstrates by means of this blog, termed “White Owl As Messenger | synchrosecrets”.

    Many thanks -George

  3. I’ve never seen a white owl though most nights (for many years) we hear an owl at night, usually when we are getting ready for bed – so not a bad omen!

    Interesting story from Gypsy. Maybe, whatever we see in nature, which is unusual, we should take heed of.

  4. gypsy says:

    the image here is certainly the bird that was in my tree – now, the other thing i find really interesting is that had the owl perched in any other tree, or even on a different branch on the tree he was in, i would not have been able to see him from my bed or from my desk windows which overlook our very large wooded lot – one branch up or down or to the side and he would not have been visible to me –

    also, the only other owl experience i’ve had was when my brother died a number of years ago – and one came to my apartment the night that i received the news of his death – it stayed for a while, even coming around to the place i moved to later – and eventually, disappeared and didn’t return –

  5. DJan says:

    We had an influx of snowy owls last year and I even went out looking for them to photograph, but I didn’t see any. Now I’m thinking that was a good thing. I didn’t know that about owls and now I will watch out for them with other thoughts in mind.

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