The Synchronicity Highway: Exploring Coincidence, the Paranormal, & Alien Contact

 The Synchronicity Highway : Exploring Coincidence, the Paranormal, & Alien Contact has been published! It’s available as an e-book, and will be available before Christmas as a hardcover, trade paperback, and audio.

We knew from the start that we wanted to call this book The Synchronicity Highway. But the subtitle proved to be tricky. At one point, it was Navigating the Signs and Symbols of Life’s Journey. But this didn’t quite capture the essence of what we wanted to write.

Finally, Rob came up with the ideal part headings:  The Highway, the Inner Way, and the Skyway. For the subtitle of the book, this translated as Exploring Coincidence, the Paranormal, & Alien Contact. Once we had the right title and part headings, we  started going through all the material we’d gathered and came up with the chapters.  As we started writing the book, getting into the flow of it, the synchros started happening, new material came our way, and the chapters morphed and changed.

Thanks to some striking synchros, we ended up with three great interviews that we’ve included in the book – with remote viewer Joe McMoneagle, Xperiencer Jim O’Connell (now associated with the John E Mack Institute), and Whitley Strieber. Right now, only the e-book version is available. But a hardcover, trade paperback, and audio book will follow in November.  We’ll be doing radio shows in November, too, after the Mercury retrograde (October 21 – November 11) is over. The first will be on November 14 with Pat and Carol Daniels at KTKK AM630, a talk show out of  Utah. Stay tuned!

Click here for the table of contents.

Available at Amazon, $4.99

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8 Responses to The Synchronicity Highway: Exploring Coincidence, the Paranormal, & Alien Contact

  1. Darren B says:

    I had nearly forgotten about those cards Trish,it was funny seeing one of my very first posts from my blog in you new book.
    I don’t think I’ve looked at those cards since.What an investment that was.
    I’ll have to blow the dust off them and have another go,
    since I haven’t driven a fork lift now for about a year and need some more re-invention in my life.
    I think i will pull the fork lift card out of the deck and leave it aside this time,as I think I’ve done enough fork-lift driving for this life-time.
    The book looks like it is going to be a good read,thanks for the copy and I hope you sell heaps of them.

  2. Aleksandar Malecic says: – I would prefer something like this. Synchronicity (or dreams and hints for that matter) is, even for the believers, usually just anecdotes that perhaps help in choosing between two similar options, but rarely one uses them to leap into the unknown (sounding like Castaneda – perhaps (though it is a tragedy) his female followers really weren’t capable to see any other way (such as legacy not immediately perceivable by a limited individual) than collective “disappearance” or suicide), to become a stone (or whatever are highways made of) in the highway.

  3. Nancy says:

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to read it. Synchronicity is in the spotlight – David Wilcock has one out, too. Everyone seems to be talking about synchronicity right now. The timing is perfect.

  4. natalie says:

    Congratulations guys!

  5. Dale Dassel says:

    YES!!! This is beyond awesome! The cover looks spectacular with the icy blue and white light shielding the alien with an aura of mystery. I like it! 🙂 Guess we’ll have to wait a couple weeks for the print version!

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