The Synchro-body Connection

Have you ever wondered what part of the body is associated with synchronicity? Strange question, right? After all, synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, and the physical body seem like two separate subjects.

Synchronicity is related to non-physical realms—to the inner reality—while our bodies seem part and parcel with physical reality. Yet, the body is also associated with an invisible energy system, known as chakras. Seven chakras span the body from the tailbone to the crown of the head, and they are related to meridian system of energy.

In the meditation course I teach at a yoga studio, several of my meditations focus on chakras, and in one of them I talk about synchronicity in relationship to the sixth chakra or ajna chakra, located on the brow between the eyes. It’s also known as the third eye chakra.

Each chakra is associated with a particular frequency or vibration, color and sound. They are said to appear as spinning vortices of energy. In fact, chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ or spinning wheel. A chakra meditation is about tuning the chakras. It’s like getting the wheels of your car aligned. It brings you more into balance, brings more energy and balance into your life to heal yourself, if necessary.

Regarding the sixth chakra, an attunement can enhance your intuitive powers, and even attract synchronicity. So let’s look more closely at this idea. The third eye chakra is not only related to your higher mental and intuitive abilities, it’s also associated with the pituitary gland, and is responsible for providing an interface between the inner and out worlds. So it could be said that the pituitary gland transmits synchronicity from the inner realms into everyday reality.

It actually might be a bit more complicated. According to Indian scholar H. H. Mahatapaswi Shri Kumarswamiji, the pituitary gland of the sixth chakra and the pineal gland of the seventh chakra must join their essence in order to open the Third Eye. The pituitary gland is called the “seat of the mind” with the frontal lobe regulating emotional thoughts, such as poetry and music, and the anterior lobe regulating concrete thought and intellectual concepts. On the other hand, the pineal gland is known as the “seat of illumination, intuition and cosmic consciousness.” The pineal gland is to the pituitary gland what intuition is to reason.

Furthermore, a healthy sixth chakra can ensure that you’re on the right path in your life and constantly finding support and valuable information through synchronicity and psychic experiences. Blockages of the brow chakra relate to delusions and fantasies. (Skeptical readers might find this post is an example!)

Sure, it’s a far out idea to attribute synchronicity to a pea-sized endocrine gland, but there has always been a veil of mystery around the functioning of the pituitary and pineal glands. But no stranger than synchronicity itself.

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4 Responses to The Synchro-body Connection

  1. I’ve thought of the brow chakra as being where intuition is received, which can lead to illumination – intuition being tuition from within. Interesting what you write about the pituitary gland and it’s synchronicity connection. Could it be that this gives us the awareness or realisation of synchronicity which we would otherwise ignore.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Maybe it depends on how well your pituitary gland is activated. A lot of people, of course, don’t recognize synchronicity, and overlook coincidences, seeing them as a passing blip, nothing unusual–or more likely, not seeing them at all.

  2. lauren raine says:

    I think the connection you make here makes perfect sense……………..synchronicity seems to be, to me, about perceiving the connections, the links, that occur beneath the surfaces of our lives. The underlying creative web. Perhaps the more we open the Third Eye, or it is spontaneously opened, the more we’re able to briefly “see” the web?

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