Terry Pratchett & Alzheimer’s

One of the great fantasy and science fiction writers, Terry Pratchett, talks about what it’s like to live with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Except, the discussion is about much more than that. Worth your time. I found this on artist’s Lauren Raines’s site, where the big questions are always asked.


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5 Responses to Terry Pratchett & Alzheimer’s

  1. 2Bornot2B72? says:

    To know we have a choice…..to stay or go…..brings Peace.

  2. lauren raine says:

    Hey, thanks for posting this important video. Although I don’t know that my site always asks “big” questions……….lately I’ve been feeling decidedly confused!

  3. Unfortunately the video is blocked in the UK on copyright grounds. However, I have been following Terry Pratchett’s Alzheimer’s story and how, in time, he wishes to commit ‘assisted suicide’ (though not allowed in the UK) – that is certainly a big issue.

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