The Trickster and the Universal Belt

Before you look at the video, read this trickster story!

We received an interesting email from Randall Acord, who heard us on George Noory’s Coast to Coast last February, on the day that Aliens in the Backyard was released. Randall asked if he could share some of his synchronicity stories, so here’s a good one that has the trickster’s fingerprints all over it:


 I had borrowed my mother’s car and was calling her to let her know I was coming over to return it. She asked if I would take it by a garage and have a new universal belt put on it.

I told her that I’d be glad to, but I really didn’t think that a car that new should be needing a new belt this early and in fact, the garage was probably just trying to invent some business. I went on to tell her that my car had twice the mileage and never had a new belt. And what was their reasoning that it even needed replaced,  anyway?

She reluctantly agreed to put it off and I proceeded to return her car. My wife was to drive her car and I would follow her and bring her back in our car. But  as she was pulling out I discovered that my car, even though it started and as in gear, would not move. I got out, motioned my wife back and proceeded inside to call my mother to inform her of the delay.

As I got out of my car, I nearly tripped over… guessed it- MY universal belt, lying on the ground. I’m still not sure whether this was synchronicity or the power of a mother, thinking I just didn’t want to take the time to change hers!


Now take look at the video!

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10 Responses to The Trickster and the Universal Belt

  1. Jane says:

    Oh well that explains all the cosmic jokes trickster stuff been going on with me lately,I have raven as one of my totems! I like the program breaking aspect Cambell mentions & I do think the retrograde planets recently are also trickster producing,it reminds us we are not in control & sometimes you just gotta roll with it !

  2. lauren raine says:

    Great story and video — and I agree with Adele, those were the days when you could hear Joseph Campbell and Robert Bly in person! I like what Campbell said about the Trickster destroying programs – in that sense, the Trickster is both destroyer and creator, making a kind of “new ground” for new thought, new form.


  3. I wonder what the mother’s reasoning was that her car needed a new belt – the writer doesn’t tell us this. So could have been a precognition, a feeling or dream etc – it would be interesting to know.

  4. blah blah says:

    R.A. might like to tell of a P.A. (park avenue,, 150 miles on it,, brand new ) rental whose alternator light went on,,, as the car was dieing (how else you gonna spell the F’in word) in a very specific spot at a very specific time (but that would redundant NO?) and he might input as to the simplicity of the achievement by, “to whom it may concern” but you guys got to good a handle on the subject already…..

  5. I enjoyed the story about the the car belt not working and who doesn’t love Joseph Campbell but I am missing why the car belt story is one of the trickster. Didn’t the mother simply have precognition?

    I was fortunate to be in two different weekend seminars with Joseph Campbell. The first one in NYC. In the second one held in San Francisco, Campbell shared the seminar with James Hillman and Robert Bly. Three very different personalities – all with wonderful stuff to share. Those were the days. Sigh. . . .

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