9 Years Old?!

This little girl – 9 years old, 4th grade in the U.S. – is simply awesome. Is it a past-life talent? Does that even matter?




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11 Responses to 9 Years Old?!

  1. gypsy says:

    i saw this video a while back – on FB i think – and was beside myself – she carries such an ethereal aura about her – it’s just beyond words – and her voice – well, what can be said of that! incredible!

  2. nancy says:

    She brought tears to my eyes – a little angel.

  3. She brings tears. And not only is she amazingly talented she is awesomely beautiful.

  4. Love it! Of course it doesn’t matter if this is a past life talent or not. She’s here, she’s awesome, and because of the WWW, the globe has access to such.

  5. Phew, that actually sent shivers up my spine – amazing. These talent shows seem to get a lot of criticism but they sometimes produce some magical performances like this one.

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