Rob’s fractured cuboid bone in his left foot has been healing for almost a month now. Although he’s still using crutches, he’s now able to put weight on the foot. Wednesday morning, feeling pretty good, he went to the gym. We parked and he got his crutches out of the back seat. But as soon as he started to walk, one of the crutches collapsed and he almost landed face-down in the parking lot. A bolt had come out so the lower part of the crutch bent in a 90 degree angle.

He managed with one crutch, and afterward as we drove home, we saw two men on the street standing behind a car. Both men wore orange-striped vests, indicating they were working on the roadside. As we got closer, we saw the word CAUTION on the back of the vehicle. Then, strangely enough, we noticed that the backs of the safety vests included one word–FOOT. Okay, caution about that FOOT. That must be the message.

We laughed as we passed them, and thought about going back and asking why it said FOOT on their backs.
We’ve also added an UPDATE to the Poe story below.

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3 Responses to FOOT FOOT

  1. Here Under the Rainbow says:

    It goes to show the universe has a wicked sense of humor. That wasn't a subtle message at all. Very amusing story, and please take care of yourself. I hope your foot heals soon.

  2. whipwarrior says:

    Sorry to hear about your foot, Rob. Reminds me of Indy wearing the eyepatch in 'Dance of the Giants'. 🙂

  3. gypsywoman says:

    too too funny! the part about the sign and the men's vest, i mean! i laughed out loud – sorry at your expense, rob! but so glad to hear you're doing better – just watch those nuts and bolts!!! 🙂

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