Category Archives: foot

Feet Synchros, Astrology, the Election

Megan’s broken foot in 2011 ** Sometimes, statcounter – a free, invisible counter that yields a wealth of information about visitors to your blog or website -can be a personal synchro indicator. On August 31, our daughter’s 23rd birthday, I … Continue reading

Posted in feet, foot, Megan, synchronicity | 8 Comments


Rob’s fractured cuboid bone in his left foot has been healing for almost a month now. Although he’s still using crutches, he’s now able to put weight on the foot. Wednesday morning, feeling pretty good, he went to the gym. … Continue reading

Posted in caution, foot | 3 Comments

Hexagram 39

Rob, now on crutches and in a cast, asked the I Ching about the meaning of his broken foot. He received Hexagram 57, Proceeding Humbly, with two changing lines that resulted in a second Hexagram – 39, Obstruction. The Wilhelm … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, divination, foot, I Ching | 10 Comments